A Genius Remembers in One Second · 86Chinese.com ()

Everyone was eagerly waiting for Ye Cheng's science popularization.

Ye Cheng naturally didn't hide it, this was an opportunity to guide the archaeological team, and the system's rewards were all beckoning to him.

Ye Cheng said: "I have also heard about the fish in the stone, and I don't know the specific reason for its formation, but I have read about Miluotuo in the book."

"This kind of creature can devour rocks, and their secretions can also form rocks. Moreover, their food is not rocks, but various animals!"

"What, they also eat meat?" Bingbing's small mouth opened wide, her big eyes were full of shock. ,

The same goes for everyone else.

Li Duoduo frowned, "But, don't they live inside the stone? How do they hunt for food? It's hard, they will also run out?"

Wang Yan said: "If they are going to come out to hunt, then it is impossible that no one has seen their existence for so many years, right?"

Ye Cheng nodded, "Professor Wang is right, if these miluotuo came out to look for food like ferocious beasts, they would have been discovered by people for thousands of years. The reason why they were not discovered is because of Miluotuo's The method of predation is very unique!"

"Unique? What kind of unique method, oops, Mr. Ye, don't be a fool!" Bingbing was so curious.

It feels like a big girl with yellow flowers is married and wearing a hijab waiting for the groom in the house, but the groom falls asleep when he comes back, ignoring her.

m.soduso, cc first release

The others were also speechless.

Ye Cheng hurriedly said: "Ahem, generally, Miluotuo will use his own speciality to create a cave inside the mountain to attract other prey to enter. After the prey enters, Miluotuo will use his own secretions to suck The hole is sealed."

"In this way, the prey that comes in will not be able to escape. When the oxygen in the cave is exhausted, the prey will die by itself. At this time, Miluo Tuo will come out to eat again, without wasting any effort!"

Everyone is stupid.

This thing is too evil for him.

"My God, there is still this method of predation. No wonder no one has discovered it for so many years. They hunt directly inside the mountain and don't need to come out at all!" Bingbing's eyes were strange!

Li Duoduo also said: "Once someone really finds out, it will be after being trapped, and there is no way to escape!"

Everyone is horrified.

I thought to myself, fortunately, I didn't just find a cave and drill into it, otherwise, I might really not even know how I died.

"Damn, I often go mountain climbing, and sometimes I often take shelter from the rain in caves. Now that I hear this, how can I fucking look at caves in the future."

"This thing is very smart, and it doesn't worry about being injured by hunting. It's against the sky."

"Hahaha, this story tells us a truth, don't just drill into a hole when you see it, there is a price to pay."

"I suspect that the upstairs is driving at a speed of at least 180!"

"I still doubt a hammer, and the wheels of the cart will hit your face."

"Hahaha, I can't catch this car."

"I just like to bring them here. They are all talented and can talk. I like it so much!"


Ye Cheng was also looking at the screen.

Not to mention, he couldn't be caught off guard by the wave of netizens driving, but it really makes fucking sense after thinking about it.

Hey, no wonder netizens like to watch barrage, there are so many talents here.

"Ding, guide the archaeological team, and reward the hair seal!"

There are so many rewards in the system, and they come so fast.

The day is not over, and the reward is coming again!

"Faqiu Zhibao, Faqiu Seal!"

Ye Cheng's eyes lit up immediately.

This is the treasure of the Faqiu lineage, but it was destroyed when the Guanshan Taibao cooperated with the court to strangle the tomb robbers, and the Faqiu lineage broke the inheritance.

Now, how can I not be pleasantly surprised that I have obtained a Faqiu seal.

"Blessed by the heavenly official, there are no taboos. This thing should be much more useful than the black donkey's hoof!"

With this Faqiu seal,

In the future, if you encounter zongzi and some dirty things, you can solve them directly with Faqiu seal!

Ye Cheng was quite satisfied with this reward.

Wang Yan sighed, "Unbelievable, unbelievable, the world is so big, there are really no surprises!"

Wang Yan thought about his past, how ridiculous it was to be so old-fashioned, so unchanging, and to accept death.

The world is so big, some things really don't exist if you haven't seen or heard of them.

Tietou listened there for a long time, he was in a hurry.

"I said, now, can we save people first?"

If we continue our chat, our captain doesn't know what's going to happen.

Only then did everyone come to their senses, feeling a little embarrassed.

No way, who made this topic so attractive, and this chat has passed for almost an hour.

"Yes yes yes, hurry up, arrange rescue, Xiaoye, tell me, how should we arrange it?" Wang Yan asked Ye Cheng.

Although Ye Cheng was not here, but he got used to it a few times before, and subconsciously regarded Ye Cheng as the team leader and backbone.

Ye Cheng didn't refuse either.

"Generally, Miluotuo's speed is limited when moving in rocks, but the jade stele here is very strange, it seems that it can prevent Miluotuo's actions from being affected, so you should be careful!"

"Strong alkali has a strong restraining effect on Miluotuo, so it is best to bring a strong alkaline liquid!"

Ye Cheng warned.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Where can I find strong alkali in the deep mountains and old forests?

Just go out to buy, and it takes two days to go back and forth. Can Team Zhang and the others last for two days?

At this time, Li Duoduo said with some embarrassment: "Ahem, that, I, I brought it!"

"Huh?" Everyone looked at her with weird eyes.

Wang Yan was also stunned, "You, what are you doing with strong alkali?"

Bingbing and others also looked at Li Duoduo with weird eyes, as if thinking of the first time.

At that time, Bingbing carried black donkey's hoof, black dog's blood, ink fountain and other items with him.

Li Duoduo was a little embarrassed, "Well, the sewer in my house was blocked a few days ago, and I wanted to buy something to connect the sewer, but I forgot to take it, so I put it in my backpack!"

Everyone was suspicious.

Is it such a coincidence?

How it feels is intentional.

"Hahaha, Wife Dodo is really a treasure girl."

"Coincidence? Do you believe it?"

"If you don't believe me, what's the matter? It's so difficult, or is it specially brought? It is specially aimed at these Miluo Tuo, how is it possible?"

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, Mrs. Duoduo seems to be able to make accurate bets every time."

"Love it, love it!"


Netizens were dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.


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