Wang Zhiguo waited for Chen Han's reply after speaking.

He was afraid that Chen Han would not be able to pull his son now, after all, Chen Han was also a well-known genius in school before.

Now let him do these things of running errands in the nursing home, the gap is a bit big.

But there is no way, the reality is like this, Chen Han has no combat talent, it is good to find such a thing, as soon as he enters the captain, he may be able to go to the company's management in the future.

This is still because Wang Zhiguo understands Chen Han's strength, otherwise he would not dare to recommend it.

Chen Han pondered for a while, and said truthfully: "Teacher, in fact, I have awakened my S-level talent and plan to participate in the martial arts examination. "

When Wang Zhiguo heard this, he said angrily: "Chen Han, I know that you have a high spirit, but you can't use such a perfunctory reason to prevaricate the teacher!" "

"Still S-level talent, why don't you say that you are actually a nine-star martial saint?!"

"People have to look forward, so many people have not become martial artists, don't they have to live?! It's not the same good life! "

"A warrior has the wonderfulness of a warrior, and ordinary people can also have their own life!"

"Chen Han, you disappointed me so much!"

Wang Zhiguo said a lot like a cannon, he couldn't figure out how the student he was so optimistic about before became so pompous now.

"Think about it yourself, I can still drag you out for two days for that job, call me when you figure it out!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone angrily.

Chen Han was very speechless and smiled bitterly.

"Let's go to school tomorrow and test your current strength by the way!"

Chen Han thought about his plans for tomorrow, and he was not in the mood to watch TV, plus today was tired for a day, lying in bed and quickly falling asleep.


Early the next morning, Chen Han got up early.

After getting up, according to the usual habit, he played another set of shape-meaning punches in the room.

The habit that has been adhered to for more than ten years is not so easy to change.

Then I made a breakfast myself, and after more than ten years, the craftsmanship is still very good.

Chen Han's parents were both soldiers and died when he was very young.

So he has been alone all these years, and he has also exercised well with his cooking skills.

After eating breakfast, Chen Han went straight out to school.


"The martial arts exam is about to be taken, I wonder how many of our schools can be admitted to the top ten martial arts this year?"

"That's all you need to say! It must be Zhang Kaiyuan, Han Tianyu, and Ye Bingxin! "

"I heard that some of them have already broken through to one star and five folds! It's a monster! "

"I don't know how they practice, the gap between people is greater than the gap between people and dogs!"

"You guys say which of the three of them is the strongest now? I bet it's Han Tianyu, his talent 'Spirit Eyes' can see through other people's movements, you can't even touch him!" "

"Not necessarily. I am more optimistic about Ye Bingxin, once his talent 'Frost Field' is activated, the surrounding instantly becomes her domain, she has the blessing of the power of ice and snow, but the other party has to be limited, this kind of large-scale move is handsome! "

"If only I could awaken this talent!"

He said with a longing look on his face.

When Chen Han walked into the school, all he heard was the chatter of the surrounding students.

These three people he also knew that they were all famous figures with him when they were in school, and they were often compared to each other.

However, with the failure of Chen Han's awakening, he was also left far behind by those three people, and became a joke that set off those three people.

Sure enough, the students talked about Chen Han as they chatted.

"Don't think about fart, the Frost Realm is a B-grade talent! You can not awaken a garbage life talent like Chen Han and burn incense! "

"That's the same thing, then I still pray that it would be nice to awaken a combat talent!"

"However, I wonder how Chen Han is now?"

"What else, it would be nice to get a good job!"

They were chatting when suddenly a loud shout sounded

"Chen Han!"

Turning his head to look, he found that Chen Han was standing not far from them.

And it was Rovenko who drank heavily!

Immediately, they understood that there was a good show to watch, and they all silently retreated, leaving the venue to the two, and other students were also watching and waiting to watch the play.

Luo Wenke walked over imposingly, staring at Chen Han with both eyes.

After being knocked unconscious by Chen Han that day, he has been angry, and before he can activate his talent, he was knocked unconscious by Chen Han, and his neck was twisted.

Then he wanted to find Chen Han to find the field, but he encountered beast chaos, and today he finally encountered it at school.

Luo Wenke glared at Chen Han and said, "Chen Han, I won last time when you sneaked attack, don't sneak attack if you have the ability, after I launch my talent, the two of us will fight fairly!" "

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding students refreshed their cognition of Luo Wenke's shamelessness.

You are obviously a martial artist, even if you beat Chen Han, an ordinary person, you have to bully people with your talent, this is simply true.

But listening to what he meant, it seemed that Chen Han was not victorious before?

This surprised many students, but it was not simple for ordinary people to defeat warriors.

Nor can this be an excuse for Rovenko's shamelessness.

Chen Han was too lazy to correct him, that was called the enemy plane first.

However, he is also bothered by Luo Wenko's entanglement these days to the limit, and today must teach him a hard lesson!

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