After a distant light-year, Lu Li didn't know that his general had ruined Zhuang Wei in order to save his family and was working hard to return to the Federation.

After a whole morning, the sentries' exploration of the unknown starship has ended, and they have harvested an unfamiliar star map. The star map shows that it can't match the explored area of ​​the Federation, and it is probably a foolish dream to go home through this star map. Although this result is disappointing, it is not without good news. Liao Kai found some gadgets in the starship. He thought about using the Iris to speed up the repair of the starship.

"Not bad, it's not nothing." Lu Li said.

Shen Shen spread his hands: "Now I can only put the hope of returning to the Federation on Renault."

Wei Na looked at Su He in the distance intimately, and said, "According to the current speed, it will take a while to repair the starship. It is not too rush to leave here."

Lu Li agreed with Wei Na's words, "Now this planet is not dangerous anymore. Everyone can use this as a holiday place and take a good rest." The first team is stationed on the planet Kahn on weekdays, and is busy earning credits in their spare time, like this An opportunity for rest and recuperation without stress is very rare.

"What about the people in the bottom deck? Keep it closed?" Shen Shen asked.

Lu Li pondered, "Give them two choices, either stay on this planet and be pioneers, or we return to the Federation and send them to Starbreaker and the Dark Beast to be company."

Before this morning, no one would have thought that this planet would have a sea of ​​energy on such a scale. Although Iris strictly restricted the activities of the residents in the lower cabin in the past, it did not completely conceal the news of the energy stone. Now that time can't go back, Lu Li and the others are not that executioners can't kill people. The best way to keep the secret of this planet is to keep all the people in the bottom cabin on this planet.

The choice he gave was reasonable and Shen Shen smiled politely: "No problem, I'm best at this kind of alternative."

Lu Li chuckled and reminded: "Don't overdo it, just a little scare."

"Roger that."

After talking about these things, Lu Li went to find Su He. There was no sign of Renault's awakening yet, and Su He was sitting aside and teasing the life body happily. He found some energy stones to mark them and threw them into the distance. The surrounding lifeforms immediately waved their tentacles like a juggling, trying to receive these energy stones in mid-air. Su He had a good time, and the lifeforms around him looked very happy.

Lu Li chuckled helplessly, "It's fun?"

Su He smiled and nodded, and asked: "Are you finished?"

"Yeah." Lu Li pulled Su He up, "There is nothing wrong here, we are going back to the beach. The food and water are there, and no amount of energy stones can be eaten here."

When he talked about eating, Su He felt hungry. He patronized him all morning to experience the feeling of getting rich. Suhora landed and moved Renault to the damaged starship. The Iris is now full of energy stones, and there is almost no place to land. The injured lifeform followed Su He step by step, waving his tentacles and gently pulling at the corners of his clothes. Su He felt soft and acquiesced to its following.

After setting up Renault, Su He commanded the life form to hold up two starships and gallop towards the sea. The dry wind of the desert gradually turned into a salty and wet sea breeze, and the sea shining with gems appeared far in front of them. The corpses piled up by the sea have disappeared, blood stains have penetrated into the sand bottom, and the ocean has restored its original light and transparent beauty.

The two starships were parked on the beach, life forms were scattered in twos and threes in the desert, and the green tentacles swayed in the air, looking weak and harmless.

The corners of Dong Ming's mouth twitched, "I was deceived by the harmless appearance of the living body at the beginning."

When everyone thought about Dong Ming's eyes, they all laughed.

To celebrate the discovery of the Energy Sea, Iris' lunch is very rich. Chen Hongliang not only stewed meat, but also grilled a dozen big fish. Su He was content to eat. After eating, Chen Hongliang brought out two more pots of apples, both of which were planted in the formation. The formation that Su He arranged last time has long since been moved to the restaurant, and Chen Hongliang is responsible for watering, planting and picking every day. All the seeds in Su He's hand were given to Chen Hongliang, plus the ones that Chen Hongliang kept specially, so far it can be said to be quite fruitful.

Lu Li picked up a big apple and handed it to Su He, and talked to Su He about leaving the inhabitants of the bottom compartment on this planet to open up wasteland.

Su He was surprised, "That's all right?"

"Yeah." Lu Li said: "Strictly speaking, the residents of Broken Star are not federal citizens, nor are they protected by federal laws." The implication is that the people in the bottom cabin belong to the federal black households, and no one will care if they disappear.

Su He realized that he was also a federal black household, and asked Lu Li, "What are the requirements for joining the Federation?"

Lu Li had gentle eyebrows, smiled and stroked his hair, and said, "You don't need to worry about this. Just go back to the Federation and let Shen Shen register for you."

Su He nodded and thought of another question, "Does the Federation have any regulations on energy stars found by private individuals? Is it a reward for nationalization? Or spend a sum of money to buy it back?"

"Federal law stipulates that whoever discovers belongs to whom." Lu Li explained: "That means that the planets such as energy stars and residential stars discovered by federal citizens in interstellar exploration are privately owned by federal citizens, but the federal government has the priority to cooperate in the development of planets. ."

"Really?" Su He was shocked.

Lu Li smiled slightly, and said: "Legal regulations are one thing, actual manipulation is another. In reality, few discoverers are so stupid as to monopolize a planet. Most discoverers sell the coordinates of the planet to the federal government. Or each legion, in exchange for a huge wealth that can be squandered for a lifetime and the asylum promised by the other party. As for the remaining small part, either has the support of the Federation or the legion behind it, or has encountered the misfortune and disappeared somewhere in the universe ."

Su He had an expression of "understanding" and said, "Just say there is no such cheap thing. What about us?"

Lu Li raised his eyebrows, "You are the discoverer, Iris belongs to the 7th Legion, isn't the cooperation between the two parties enough?" Su He opened his eyes in surprise, Lu Li laughed, and said seriously: "The coordinates of this planet will not be reported. The Federation will only be our private property." He has Li Zhengdao behind him, and he has always acted wanton. Besides, the situation of this planet is special, and it does not apply to the treatment of ordinary planets.

Su He was dazzled by the word private property, and immediately nodded, expressing his approval of Lu Li's decision. His thoughts diverged, and his expression yearning: "If it can be used as a private property, we can also find a few planets occupied by dark beasts to send these life forms over, and a few more energy stars will be available in a few years." Ma Yun, what? They are simply the rhythm of the richest man in the universe.

Lu Li laughed, "The expansion of wealth should be proportional to the strength of people. Iris is not strong enough now. This approach you said is too eye-catching, and I am afraid it will be very troublesome by then."

Su He: "...I mean, I'm not stupid."

His eyes were angry and his expression was extremely agile. With a move, Lu Chengzhang stretched out his hand and took his hand. The skin contact seemed to build a mysterious link for them, and Su He seemed to be able to hear Lu Li's heartbeat, and he could produce an intimate echo with each other.

This is a tacit understanding between the sentinel and the guide. If Su He knew more about the guide, he would know that this is a signal, a signal sent by the body, reminding each other that the other party is ready to combine.

The temperature on Su He's face began to rise, and he looked at Lu Li blankly. Lu Li's eyes were gentle, he raised his hand and rubbed Su He's hair, and said, "Are you sleepy? If you are sleepy, go back to sleep?"

"Not sleepy." Su He felt more excitement. He shook his head strangely and said: "By the way, you said last time that you want to set up a formation on the beach. It's okay this afternoon. I want to try it."

In the morning, he had some experience after setting up the formation for Renault, and he urgently needed to verify it through practical operations. In the past, there was a shortage of spirit stones on the earth, and Su He learned to deploy more on paper. The only few spiritual stones in the division were treasured by the old man, and he couldn't bear to let Su He ruin them. Now Su He doesn't have much else, but there are many spirit stones, even if it is ruined, don't feel distressed.

He agreed with Lu Li and directed Lu Li to find some energy stones and try to pick small ones, otherwise the energy would be too large for him to control. After Lu Li found a pile of thumb-sized energy stones, Su He calculated the position and buried one to the bottom of the sand after a few steps. At about a hundred yuan, Su He stopped his movements, this was already his limit.

Lu Li couldn't help with this kind of thing, so he could only accompany Su He by the side. "Do you want to take a break?" he asked.

Su He shook his head and pinched his hands in a more serious manner than when he was setting up the formation in the morning. A soft energy emerged from his fingertips, wrapping the energy stone at his feet in a peculiar rhythm like flowing water. Pure energy overflows from the energy stone, spinning in the air and then wrapping the second energy stone. As if it was an energy relay, the energy stones buried by Su He lit up one by one, and nearly a hundred energies collided and gathered in the air, suddenly exploding into the barren sandy soil. The yellow sand seemed to have life, and the energy moved from the sand to a miracle. The fertile soil spread from Su He's feet, covering the entire area surrounded by the energy stone.

"Okay." Su He breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Li squatted down and stretched out his hands to sink into the soil, sensing it, and the energy cycle went deep to one meter of the sandy bottom.

Su He explained: “These sands don’t have any energy, and the energy excited by the energy stone is only one meter deep. However, this formation can absorb the free energy in the air and continue to replenish it. As long as the formation is not destroyed, it will A stable energy field is formed, and the sandy bottom will be warmed by energy over time."

Lu Li admired, "Very delicate energy cycle. The current federal top ecological cabin can also achieve this effect, but it requires a lot of scientific and technological support."

Su He smiled and said, "Maybe I have a civilization power that is higher and deeper than federal technology."

Lu Li smiled and nodded thinking of the house they had demolished.

Su He was encouraged and used all his time in the afternoon to set up an array, converting dozens of acres of sand into normal land in one go. The sentinels of the Iris looked at all this in surprise, unable to believe their eyes. Chen Hongliang excitedly rushed out of the Iris, and followed Su He sowing seeds. The tender green seedlings quickly emerged from the soil, showing a vigorous and exuberant beauty.

If the energy kelp discovered in the morning had given the sentries excitement, what they have now brought is shocking. It is impossible to compare which is more exciting, but life is always more awe-inspiring than wealth.

Invisible energy surrounds the sea, and dozens of formations echo each other. In the other starship, Renault shook the leaf above his head and slowly regained consciousness.

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