Interplanetary Planting Master

Chapter 52: parasitic

Shen Jin appeared in everyone's expectation, and unexpectedly.

After hearing Lu Li say that Shen Jin was also in Feixuexing in the morning, the other three had guessed that Shen Jin would definitely find a chance to meet them, but they didn't expect it to be so soon. Among them, Su He didn't know who Shen Jin was, Lu Li and Wei Na looked calm, Shen Shen's habitual dangling, Liao Kai turned his head and refused to pay attention to Shen Jin.

Shen Jin looked around, swept his gaze over Su He, and finally looked at Shen Shen, "How are you doing recently?"

"Okay!" Shen Shen smiled owingly, "I slept well with food and drink, surrounded by brothers, don't worry about when I will be sold out to claim credit, elder brother, OK?"

These remarks were extremely provocative, and Su He looked at Shen Shen in surprise. The big brother made him realize something, but the other people looked as usual, and even Shen Jin didn't seem to be surprised. "Hello." Shen Jin said as if he hadn't heard anything, "The divine grace that has disappeared for a few years has recently begun to resurrect, especially the northwestern border area is the hardest hit area. The inspection department has found Feixuexing all the way. , Don’t get involved in the inside story.”

No one answered Shen Shen and Lu Li took the conversation, "What did Lieutenant Colonel Shen just say? They weren't the same people?"

Shen Jin paused and seemed to be considering the words, "This is just my personal guess. The Supervisory Department has compromised a few informants here, I..."

He didn't finish a word. There was a sudden uproar before him. The crowd became chaotic. Several people expanded their perception. The **** child on the high platform was half kneeling on the ground and covering his face, as if he was attacked. People in white robes with tree-shaped logos embroidered on their chests appeared one after another, looking for something in the crowd. Lu Li raised his eyebrows and cast his gaze to one side. He made a gesture towards Shen Shen, and the three of Shen Shen immediately surrounded Su He in a protective form. Lu Li's figure escaped into the crowd, Su He's gaze chased his back, and after a short while, Lu Li squeezed out of the crowd, carrying the little boy they had seen several times in his hand.

"Let go of me!" The little boy struggled, before the slingshot in his hand could be put away.

Suddenly, everyone guessed the weapon that the **** son was attacked.

Seeing Su He, the little boy looked very wary. Su He couldn't laugh or cry. He stretched out his hand and poked at him, and proactively said, "I'm not a bad person."

The little boy raised his head, "Ullen was not a bad person at first, and he will become a bad person after being like you."

Among the few people, Shen Jin had the most information, and he looked at Su He thoughtfully. Lu Li noticed his gaze frowned slightly, threw the little boy into Liao Kai's arms, turned and said to Shen Jin: "Different ways are not conspiring, Lieutenant Colonel Shen, let's take a step first." After he finished speaking, he took Su He and left, Shen Shen calmly stood in front of Shen Jin.

Shen Jin retracted his gaze from Lu Li and his party, and said to Shen Shen in silence for a while: "What do you think I am going to do?"

Shen Shen curled his lips, "We have different positions, and I hope Brother will understand."

Shen Jin stared at Shen Shen suddenly, looking like a cold light, "Different positions? A Shen, you are my brother, you know what I want."

Shen Shen put both hands in his pockets, and said casually: "Of course, we chose the same path once and thought we chose the right path. But the reality has already been slapped once, brother, you won't think I am After suffering from the left cheek, will you move the right cheek together?"

Shen Jin said coldly: "What do you think is different about staying in the 7th Legion now? It's not the same as a knife in the hands of the ruler. You are poor and can't even support a starship, and Iris is looting everywhere. Even I have heard about the star thief. Is this the life you and Lu Li want?"

"Life can't be perfect, we have already used our actions to tell Big Brother the answer."

Shen Jin stared at Shen Shen coldly and sternly for a long while, and then said in a slow tone: "The exploration team belonging to Aoke Group discovered a habitable planet not far away from the domain, and they plan to name it Iris."

Shen Shen remained unmoved, and said lightly: "Congratulations, brother, but we already have our own home."

His perception came out, and he noticed that Lu Li and his party were no longer visible in the crowd. Shen Shen rushed away and nodded, his figure quickly blending into the crowd. Shen Jin looked at the direction where he disappeared blankly, and the guide Su Qin came over. "Lieutenant Colonel? Did you find anything?"

Shen Jin paused and said, "Nothing."

Su Qin sighed in frustration and whispered: "I just received the news that other action groups have made progress. They have entered the local family and said that they will soon be able to find out the true face of the gods."

A trace of mockery flashed in Shen Jin's eyes, his eyes staying in the direction where Lu Li had disappeared. What the little boy said was very interesting. What makes two people become the same?

Su He is also exploring this issue. People on the street are all concerned about the son of God, and they can only go back to the rented house and make their own food. The little boy was subdued all the way by Liao Kai, and after returning to the house to stay with Su He, he immediately turned his eyes around with the idea of ​​running away. He couldn't provoke several other people in the room, and Su He seemed to be the one with the lowest force value.

Su He guessed his intentions, reached out his mental tentacles, and Oscar, who had been quietly lying in the corner, quickly crawled over. Su He touched Oscar, patted the metal chair next to him and said, "I'll eat it for you." Oscar obediently split half of his mouth and bit off half of the chair. Although only half of its body remained, it did not affect his powerful digestion at all.

"…"little boy. In the sound of clicking, the little boy's face became more and more ugly. He threw himself into Su He's arms very obediently, holding Su He's arm softly and said, "Mom, I was wrong."

"Don't call this, brother." Su He corrected.

"Brother." The little boy was able to bend and stretch, changed his name graciously, and presented Su He with a big smiling face.

Su He nodded in satisfaction and asked him: "Do you know who I am?"

The little boy shook his head. Su He snorted, "When I dominated and harmed the small town, the federation had not yet been established. Playing tricks in front of me, brother, you are still very tender."

Several sentinels in the kitchen looked at Lu Li with a weird expression and endured a smile. Lu Li smiled and shook his head, not intending to stop Su He's behavior.

The little boy blinked and looked at Su He admiringly: "Brother, you are amazing!"

Su He touched his head, "It's late, flattering doesn't work anymore." He squeezed the little boy's face easily, "What's your name?"

"Bai Xiaoxi."

"Bai Xiaoxi? My name is Su He, who did you just say that Uerlun is? What makes him become the same as me?" While questioning, Su He reached out his mental tentacles and gently touched Bai Xiaoxi's spiritual world. Unlike the strong sensory barrier erected by the adult sentinel, the sensory barrier of the infant sentinel is still very weak. It can only provide the most basic protection and isolate all the stimuli from outside food, clothes, light and shadow, but it is absolutely impossible to prevent the intrusion of a guide.

Su He didn't want to obtain information in this way, he just intended to pass on to Bai Xiaoxi the notion that he was not a bad person in this way. His spiritual tentacles penetrated into Bai Xiaoxi's spiritual world, and a powerful suction suddenly struck, grabbing Su He's spiritual tentacles. A strong sense of oppression spread, and Su He's spiritual world trembled.

"Su He!"

Everything happened in an instant, and Lu Li immediately sensed the mental shock. He rushed over with a bunch of afterimages. At the same time, Bai Xiaoxi seemed to have seen something shocking, pushed Su He away and turned around and ran.

"Mosca." Su He yelled. Mosca ran fast, waving his tentacles and grabbing Bai Xiaoxi. Lu Li hugged Su He in his arms, clutching Su He tightly, his eyes darkened as if a storm was gathering. Su He had to reassure Lu Li that he was okay, and he had to warn Mosca, "Don't eat him."

"Boss." Shen Shen took a step slowly.

"Get out!" Lu Li whispered, his voice faintly shouting angrily.

Wei Na immediately realized something. Lu Li was now an angry lion, eager to tear everything that could threaten the guide. She cautiously took Shen Shen and Liao Kai back, until she kept a distance acceptable to Lu Li.

"I'm fine." Su He hugged Lu Li and kissed, patiently calming down, trying to calm Lu Li down. The instincts in Lu Li's body that originated from the sentry were rising like a flood. Su He was shocked, this thought kept roaring in Lu Li's mind, encouraging him to kill the person who dared to act on the guide.

"Lu Li." It was the first time that Su He saw Lu Li angry, worried that Lu Li would really pinch Bai Xiaoxi to death under his impulse. His mental tentacles gently wrapped Lu Li, touched him, and said, "I am fine, I am not injured, and it has nothing to do with Bai Xiaoxi."

Lu Li kissed Su He back, his tone returned to calm, "It has nothing to do with him?"

"Yeah." Su He tried to find a suitable word. "His spiritual world has another consciousness, not consciousness, but a life form similar to a spiritual existence. It was originally sleeping, but I awakened it."

Su He wanted to see Bai Xiaoxi, but when he was caught by Mosca, he passed out into a coma. Lu Li hugged Su He and refused to let go. Su He smiled helplessly, but once again warned Mosca not to eat Bai Xiaoxi.

The two embraced and sat on the metal floor. Lu Li repeated Su He's words and said, "It's a parasite."

The word parasitic was like a switch, and all of Lu Li's doubts were strung together in an instant. Regarding "She is not her", there are also those things Shen Jin said. Perhaps cloning technology can imitate exactly the same appearance, but the spiritual world cannot imitate it. But what if it is an extraterrestrial life body parasitic similar to a spiritual body? They gently invade your consciousness, will not change your memory, and will not change anything. It just quietly occupy your spiritual world, assimilate your existence, and guide your ideas, until you become an alien creature with the appearance of human beings. Lu Li's expression became grim when he thought of this.

On the floor not far away, Bai Xiaoxi, who was grasped by Oscar, slowly opened her eyes, turned her head and looked at Su He questioningly, "Brother?"

Lu Li was on the verge of an enemy. He needs to know, is Bai Xiaoxi still that Bai Xiaoxi?

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