? Driving the search spacecraft, Qin Hao left the flagship and began to leap towards the distant Cruise galaxy.

Regarding the departure of a small spaceship from the Holy Promenade Fleet, although human beings are aware of it, they dare not act rashly. After all, the strength of the enemy is there. It is enough to deter the high-level human beings on the earth.

If this alien fleet is coming from a distant border, then these dignitaries may let the fleet fight with them. Whether they can fight or not is another matter, but at least they have to reach out, right?

But now people have blocked their door. If you want to start a war rashly at this time, it's okay to agree. If you lose, these dignitaries will be on the earth, and they won't even have a place to run!

Ever since Qin Hao led the fleet of Holy Angels to the Earth's gravity well, he has ordered the Earth's port to be sealed off. Although the fleet of Holy Angels did not launch any attacks, they activated the phase inhibitor.

Since the technological level between the two civilizations is still very different, especially in terms of phase technology, the disparity is even greater. Under the interference of the Holy Messenger, the phase engine of the human spacecraft is basically useless. If they If it is necessary to leave with a conventional engine, it may last until the death of the crew and the spacecraft has not yet left the solar system.

So Qin Hao basically didn't have to worry about those dignitaries running away during his absence.


After more than a day of interstellar travel, Qin Hao's exploration spacecraft finally arrived at Cruise Week after experiencing twelve phase jumps.

"Locate Saint Ana Star!" Under Qin Hao's order, the spacecraft quickly found the location of Saint Ana Star through the star map.

The size of this planet is not very large, only about a quarter of that of the earth, but the distance between it and the star is only as far as Mercury to the sun.

Because it is very close to the stars, when Saint Anna star faces the stars, its earth is like a melting pot, not to mention life, even steel will be melted!

And because Saint Ana has no atmosphere, with the autobiography of the planet, when the scorching land enters the dark side, it will cool down rapidly, and after a few hours, it will reach minus one hundred degrees Celsius.

Fortunately, the autobiography of St. Ana is not very fast. It takes about 40 hours to complete a week of autobiography, so there is still plenty of time for the spacecraft to land here. The high temperature is much easier to solve.

After entering the gravity well of Saint Ana, Qin Hao drove the spacecraft to the side facing away from the star, using Saint Ana to block the radiation from the star.

Then Qin Hao didn't let the spaceship land on the surface of Saint Ana, but opened the previously obtained information in the spaceship.

This information records the structure diagram of the prison in detail, but there is no record of what prison area Hu Ke was detained in, but this is not a problem for Qin Hao.

After setting the spacecraft to autopilot mode, Qin Hao kept it in its own position so as not to be directly exposed to the heat radiation of the stars. After all, in that case, the energy shield must be fully activated, which would cause a very serious loss of energy for the ship of.

After setting everything up, Qin Hao put his right index finger and middle finger together, and then pointed to the center of his eyebrows!

"Shua!" With a flash of white light, Qin Hao disappeared from the cockpit of the spaceship.

Almost at the moment when Qin Hao disappeared from the spaceship, his figure gradually emerged from a corner of St. Anna's Prison.

This is the upper level of the prison, and it is also the area where the prison guards are located. People here are relatively free to move. Although they cannot leave Saint Ana, at least they have family leave every year. Food and various resources in this area It is also relatively rich.

As for the underground prison area, the conditions there are much more difficult. Although the tragedy of cannibalism will not happen like the Guantanamo star where Qin Hao was before, the people here can at most fill their stomachs. That's all, as for what to eat, there is nothing to choose, after all, it is good to be able to survive being locked up here.

After teleporting to the upper area of ​​the prison, Qin Hao didn't hide his figure, he just walked towards the office area of ​​the prison in a swaggering way.

"Who is that guy?"

"I do not know……"

"You don't look like a prisoner in your clothes. Could it be a mercenary escorting a prisoner?"

"No, no new prisoner has been sent over for two weeks. Even if it is a mercenary who was left behind, it is impossible to be discovered now!"

"Could it be that the prisoner from below came up?"

"How is it possible?! Even if he can fly, he can't climb up from the bottom!"

"That's hell!"

Not long after Qin Hao landed in the prison, the prison guards found him through surveillance. Everyone was talking about it, and no one knew how this person appeared on the upper floor of their prison out of thin air.

"He seems to be coming towards us!"

"Okay, forget about his purpose, everyone, take out your weapons and get ready to fight!" The prison guard in charge immediately said loudly.

"Yes!" The other prison guards took up their weapons one after another, and a stranger suddenly appeared here. Even if he was not a prisoner who escaped from prison, he was probably here to rob the prison, so no matter what, the chance of being an enemy is relatively high.

"Block other passages and activate the defense system!" Seeing that Qin Hao was about to arrive at the office area, the warden was still not at ease. He directly ordered to activate the prison's defense system. Once Qin Hao showed any hostility, the prison His defense system will judge him as an enemy, and these automatic weapons will definitely be able to destroy him by then.

"Yes!" A prison guard immediately carried out the warden's order.

"Pa-ta..." At this time, Qin Hao also opened the door to the office area.

The office area of ​​this prison is actually not particularly large, it is a round hall of about 100 square meters, where everyone's desks are located, including the warden's.

As soon as Qin Hao entered the door, he saw these prison guards with live ammunition. At this time, the prison guards were pointing their guns at him vigilantly. Although these people did not open fire, Qin Hao believed that as long as he showed the slightest bit of the same, they would definitely not hesitate. pull the trigger.

"Who are you?" asked the warden.

"Everyone, don't be nervous, I have no hostility towards you." Qin Hao waved his hands with a smile, and then lifted his disguise, revealing his true colors.

Although Qin Hao can easily kill everyone present, including those automatic weapons that cannot pose a threat to him, Qin Hao still has a human heart after all. These prison guards are ordinary government officials who earn their wages. To save people, but there is no need to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

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