Almost three months later, Qin Hao's spacecraft finally arrived at the Temple of Death after a long interstellar journey.

When the spaceship came to a complete stop, Qin Hao walked down.

"Brother, come!" The messenger of death who was in charge of the tarmac greeted Qin Hao enthusiastically.

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I came to see my mentor." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Recently, the king has been talking about you all the time, you should go there earlier." The messenger of death nodded.

"Okay, I also brought some attendants, please help me arrange them to where I live." Qin Hao said to the messenger of death.

"No problem, leave it to me." The messenger of death nodded. As Qin Hao's apprentice of King Marshall, others would usually give him some face.

Then Qin Hao asked Qian Feng and others to follow the messenger of death to rest first, and then he went straight to King Marshall's hall.

Because it was not the first time he had come to the Temple of Death, Qin Hao was familiar with the road, and he soon arrived outside King Marshall's hall.

"Brother Qin Hao, you are here!" Outside the hall, Qin Hao met Lucas, who was King Marshall's personal bodyguard, so when King Marshall was in the hall, he usually waited outside the hall.

"Well, come and see the mentor." Qin Hao nodded.

"Be careful today, the king seems a little unhappy." Lucas came to Qin Hao's side, and then said in a low voice.

"What's wrong?" Qin Hao asked.

"It's not because of the Borg. They have been too arrogant recently. In just two or three years, they have annexed two galaxies!" Lucas said.

"Hmm." Qin Hao nodded, he was no stranger to the movements of the Borgs, after all, whenever the Borgs just launched an attack, Cynthia sent the latest information to Qin Hao through Nilu.

So despite the fact that the Interstellar Federation is located in the most remote corner of the universe, Qin Hao's news is not blocked at all.

"The king once sent someone to persuade them to restrain themselves, but they turned a deaf ear to the king's warning, which made the king very unhappy." Lucas said.

Although the Messenger of Death strengthens himself by absorbing the breath of fear,

Logically speaking, war and killing should be their favorite things, but in fact, the messengers of death are the maintainers of the balance of the universe. They often take actions to stop the killing. As for the reason, Qin Hao is not very clear. It is said that It comes from an ancient creed.

But Qin Hao is skeptical about this statement. After all, people are greedy and selfish. If the messengers of death don't take the initiative to kill to make themselves stronger, they are considered good people. They don't hesitate to sacrifice their own. Interest, to stop the killing, there must be a reason for it, but Qin Hao's level is still low now, so he doesn't know it.

"Then what is the teacher going to do?" Qin Hao asked curiously. The messenger of death has a very high status in the entire universe, but because they are restricted by the commandments and rarely participate in worldly affairs, some people will not buy it. Their accounts are like the Borg.

"I don't know, the king doesn't seem to have made up his mind yet," Lucas said.

"Okay, I'll go see the mentor first." Qin Hao nodded, and then walked into the hall.

"Are you here?" As soon as Qin Hao entered the hall, King Marshall's voice came down. Ever since Qin Hao arrived at the Temple of Death, King Marshall had sensed his aura.

"Yes, mentor." Qin Hao saluted King Marshall.

"Sit down!" King Marshall pointed to a seat next to him. It could be seen that he was indeed worrying about some things, and even the arrival of his daughter, he was no longer as excited as before.

"Mentor, is there anything that bothers you recently?" Qin Hao asked after sitting down.

"Hey!" Asked by Qin Hao, King Marshall sighed, he was indeed very irritable recently.

King Marshall's irritability was actually not only because the Borg annexed other civilizations, nor was it because they caused too many killings, but because the Borg killings made him think of another thing!


According to the prophecy handed down by the elemental population, the Chosen One exists to seal the Destroyer!

Although King Marshall kept saying that the prophecy was nonsense, but he had known Cynthia for so many years, how could he not understand the elemental man's prophecy at all?

The prophecies of the elemental people do not only include the chosen ones, they also prophesied many things, all of which were finally confirmed without exception.

So in his heart, King Marshall actually believed in that prophecy, but he didn't want to admit it with his mouth, nor did he want to admit it in his heart.

After all, acknowledging the existence of the Chosen One means that the Temple of Death is no longer the most sacred existence in the universe, and the messengers of death are no longer the key to maintaining the balance of the universe, because everything in the future will be dominated by the Chosen One. The Messenger of Death and even King Marshall himself will withdraw from the stage of history, and they are no longer the protagonists.

It is for this reason that King Marshall is so resistant to that prophecy, because he does not want to retire, and he does not want to be forgotten.

But a prophecy is a prophecy, and it has begun to gradually lift the veil. Now that the Chosen One has appeared, the Destroyer will naturally not lag behind.

Judging from the current form, this Destroyer is undoubtedly the Borg. They are cruel and cold-blooded. These half-human, half-mechanical creatures are crazily plundering all the resources they see. They are so powerful that the surrounding civilizations can unite. Even when he stood up, he was powerless to resist.

The balance of the universe has been broken, and now the Borg are expanding outwards crazily. No one can stop their footsteps, not even the messenger of death!

Because the death messengers do not interfere with secular affairs, and the main reason why they will not intervene in wars is not that they are restricted by any commandments, but that the eyes of the universe in their bodies are restricting them!

The messengers of death do increase their strength quickly by absorbing the breath of fear, but while gaining strength quickly, they do not come without a price, and this price is life!

Why does the Messenger of Death not allow other creatures to live past 200 million years? Because that is the limit of their lives, the eyes of the universe will backfire when the messenger of death is 200 million years old, and after absorbing the messenger of death, the eyes of the universe will feed back this energy to the entire universe, so that the universe can reach a balance, The messengers of death call this the limit.

But this limit is not fixed, the more fear energy a death messenger takes in, the earlier his limit will come, the more he ingests, the sooner his limit will come!

.. m.

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