"Can I think about it?" Qin Hao said to the boss.

"Of course! It doesn't matter if you don't want to do it." The boss said with a big smile.

"The junior is resigning!" Although Qin Hao still had a lot of questions to ask, judging from the behavior of the boss just now, if he didn't agree to help him, he obviously didn't want to continue answering.

"I've always been here, if you think about it, you can come to me." The boss was still smiling.

"Yes! Junior remember it!" Qin Hao nodded, then bowed and exited the hall.

After withdrawing from the main hall, Qin Hao suddenly felt lighter. Although the boss gave the impression of being an ordinary rural uncle, he spoke very kindly and never threatened Qin Hao from the beginning to the end, but in his But his heart seemed to be crushed by a mountain.

"Who is this guy? What does he want me to find?" Not only did Qin Hao not solve his previous doubts, but he had more questions.

"Forget it, let's go back first, anyway, the threat of the Borg is still far away, so let's do this first..." Qin Hao made a decision after taking a deep breath.

Although the boss's request is very simple, as long as he finds three things on the earth, then he will help Qin Hao destroy the Borg people. No matter how you look at it, such a deal will not pay, but the more attractive it is On the contrary, Qin Hao didn't dare to agree easily, he was afraid that there might be some trap in it, after all, every decision he made now was not only related to himself, but also the fate of the entire human race.

Someone picked him up when he came, but no one picked him up when Qin Hao went back. It took him almost a month to return to the front line, and saw the queen and Lucia again.

"Master!" Qin Hao first stepped forward and saluted.

"En!" The worm queen nodded. She knew more than Qin Hao, so she wasn't worried about his safety.

"See them?" the Queen asked.

"They?!" Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I only saw a guy who claimed to be the boss, and I didn't see anyone else."

"That's it..." The worm queen nodded, but didn't say much.

"Master, who injured you? How did the boss say that you were injured during the sparring?" Qin Hao asked.

"Hehe..." The worm queen couldn't help laughing bitterly after hearing this,

Then he said to Qin Hao: "Since he has already said it, then I will not hide it anymore. I was indeed injured during the sparring, but I dare not not be injured..."

"Don't dare not get hurt? What do you mean? Why can't I understand?" Lucia interrupted.

"I have fought against that person before, but it was many years ago. At that time, I was young and acted recklessly. I injured her... Later she called the adults at home, but behind my back Nothing, I ran away because I was afraid, until..." The queen suddenly shut up at this point, and then she paused for a while before continuing: "This time, we met again, she is much stronger, It's almost a tie with me, but... hey! I'm hurt..."

Although the Queen's words were vague, Qin Hao understood. Hundreds of millions or billions of years ago, when the Queen was still young, she once fought against that person. At that time, the Queen had an absolute advantage, so put The man was injured, and then the man went home to ask his parents for help. No one in the Queen's family had to run away early.

This time the two met again, and the person asked to compete with the queen again, but this time the queen's strength was still superior, but she dared not not get hurt, because this time there was a stronger existence behind that person. Beside her, look at her unyielding appearance, if Queen Chong hurts her, then the people behind her will definitely kill Queen Chong.

Although the worm queen could control the battle and let the two end in a draw, but with that person's character, she had suffered a loss before, and it would be endless if she didn't fight back now.

The queen was not afraid of her opponent, but she was afraid of the people behind her, so she had to put water in the battle and be injured by her on purpose. This would be considered as revenge for her many years ago, and that would be fine.

"Tch, it's so disrespectful to call you a parent if you can't beat it!" Lucia said dissatisfiedly from the side.

"Hey, there's no such thing as good or bad in this universe. Having a background and a background is also a kind of capital!" The queen sighed. She had lived for so many years, and she had no such thing as fair or unfair in her heart. All she was looking at was the result. Although she was injured now, her life was saved, and those people would not bother her anymore.

"Okay, I don't have anything to say about my business, let's talk about what you have seen and heard this time." The queen changed the subject. Although Lucia did not apprentice, the two of them have been together for such a long time. She also saw her as a half-disciple, so the two in front of her were juniors, and it was a bit embarrassing to tell them about her being beaten.

"Well...the boss and I didn't actually talk about anything. I wanted to explore the doubts in my heart, but he didn't explain much at all, so he started talking about it." Qin Hao frowned, and then put him I briefly talked about the process of meeting the boss, and finally talked about the boss asking him to help find three things.

"Did you agree?" asked the Queen of Worms.

"No..." Qin Hao shook his head, and then said to the queen: "I said I would go back and think about it, but he didn't seem to be in a hurry, so he let me come back..."

"Yeah, they have been waiting for so many years, so why would they care about this little time..." The Queen of Worms nodded.

"Master, just tell me about them..." Qin Hao complained.

"There are some things I can't say, and it's not good for you to know some things too early... so don't inquire about it..." The queen sighed.

"Then are they a threat to us?" Qin Hao asked.

"At least not yet. Before you help him find something, he will only help you and not harm you," said the Queen of Worms.

"Then, once I help him find something, he will turn around and deal with me?" Qin Hao asked immediately.

"Not necessarily...he may still help you, but it's hard to say, I don't know their behavior style very well...so I can only guarantee that he wants something from you now, so he will never hurt you, but you After completing his mission, even if he still doesn't turn his back, you have to be careful, because once you offend him at that time, he will have nothing to worry about, and he will not have any patience with you." The queen said.

"Yeah! I've written it all down! Master!" Qin Hao nodded. If things are really as the queen said, then he can't easily help the boss find things.


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