alarm! A super power reaction is found ahead! Dodge now! "

"Alert! A super power reaction is found ahead! Dodge immediately!"


Suddenly, the sirens in the Interstellar Federation Fleet sounded loudly, and the red warning lights kept flashing, indicating that danger was imminent!

"Forty-five degrees to the front left! The distance is 100,000 kilometers! Ultra-short-distance jump!" Han Yihang ordered immediately. The super-power reaction means that the opponent will use a super weapon. The strike range of this weapon cannot be avoided by conventional engines. .

And if they resisted hard, except for capital ships, other conventional warships would suffer great losses, so they could only avoid this kind of attack through ultra-short-distance phase transitions.

"Yes!" The adjutant immediately conveyed the order, and all the ships of the Interstellar Federation immediately started the emergency transition procedure. Because the distance is short enough, the preparation time is correspondingly much shorter. With the assistance of the phase stabilization system, after only fifteen seconds, the Star Federation fleet disappeared from the original place and appeared at a position of 100,000 kilometers in front of the left!

"Boom!" A bright light beam swept over the position where the Interstellar Federation fleet was just now. This beam lasted for almost five seconds, and everything in its path was destroyed, including the shipboard drone group of the Interstellar Federation. !

Just a few tens of seconds ago, the Star Federation's carrier-based drone group won a brilliant victory. They wiped out the Borg carrier-based aircraft formation at a small cost, but before they continued to attack the Borg Borg fleets, or returning to their motherships for supplies, were completely annihilated by the Borg superweapons.

Although the carrier-based drones of the Interstellar Federation can dodge through an ultra-short-distance phase transition, their transition distance is too short, and a distance of tens of kilometers cannot escape the damage range of the Borg super weapon. Moreover, the short distance means that the time for the carrier-based drones to enter the phase space is also short. When they escaped from the phase space, the Borg's super weapon attack continued...

So although the fleet of the Interstellar Federation avoided this devastating blow through a short-distance jump, their drones couldn't be so lucky...

Although the super weapon attack of the Borg failed to destroy more Star Federation warships, they also made up for the losses in the previous battle between the drones. The drones of the Star Federation Fleet have already All gone.

Because of the existence of the binary star system, the strong radiation here can allow capital ship-class ships to quickly recharge their antimatter reserves, so this has led to the Borg people being able to use super weapons unscrupulously. Although the Interstellar Federation Fleet also enjoys this benefit, but The Borg are positioned closer to the star, so their antimatter recharges faster.

"Come and don't reciprocate! The Yansk is ready to launch Hell Annihilator!" After evading the enemy's super weapon attack, Han Yihang's anger also rose.

"Yes!" The adjutant immediately gave the order to the Yansk Vanox Destroyer-class capital ship, which is another new type of capital ship developed by the Interstellar Federation. It is not so much a capital ship as a A dedicated superweapon platform.

This capital ship is only equipped with two first-class main guns and some close-in defense guns. The firepower is not even much stronger than that of a heavy cruiser, but it is equipped with a Hellscream-class super-heavy missile launcher, which can launch A super missile called the Obliterator of Hell.

This super missile with a diameter of more than 100 meters and a length of five kilometers can perform six short-distance phase transitions. The warhead uses antimatter as the energy source, and can form a continuously spreading annihilation position within three minutes. The maximum damage radius reaches A terrifying 10,000 kilometers!

Under the order of Han Yihang, the Hell Annihilator missile was quickly loaded.

"Launch!" Following Han Yihang's order, a burst of plasma flames burst out from the bow of the Yansk, and then a Hell Annihilator-class super-heavy missile was launched.

Just two seconds after the missile was detached from the launcher, it directly entered the phase jump state, without any pause in the whole process, not only smooth but also fast!

"Shua!" Two seconds later, the Hell Annihilator missile appeared directly more than 10,000 kilometers away from the Borg fleet.

"Stop it!"

"Carrier aircraft! Air defense ship! Quick! Stop him!"

At this moment, Baturuka was not calm anymore. Although he didn't know what weapon the enemy was launching, but just charging at this guy that surpassed the size of the scout ship, this kind of missile was definitely not a joke!

Under the order of Baturuka, the Borg fleet moved, and a large number of anti-aircraft ships rushed forward, and they were ready to intercept the super-heavy missile in advance.

In addition, the Borg fleet also began to adjust its own structure. The heavy defense ships were in front, and those precious auxiliary ships retreated one after another. Under the suppression of the double star force field, the movement of the ships The speed is slow, but fortunately, the missile is no better than a directed energy weapon. It also needs flight time, and it is also suppressed by the double star force field.

"Shua!" Just as the Borg's air defense ship was pressing forward, ready to intercept the Hell Annihilator-class super-heavy missile, the missile entered a second transition state.

"Buzz!" With a flash of light, the Hell Annihilator missile that made the second jump was blocked by the force field shield, and its jump failed this time!

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." At the same time, the Borg's air defense ships opened fire one after another. They frantically attacked the Hell Annihilator, trying to destroy it in advance!

But at this moment, the Hell Annihilator missile, which had just been forced out of the phase space by the force field shield, made an ultra-short-distance transition again. It chose a new direction in an attempt to break through the blockade of the force field shield.

"Buzz!" The Annihilator missile was once again blocked by the shield, and the Borg air defense ships quickly followed.

In desperation, the Annihilator of Hell entered the third leap, this time! It successfully broke through the blockade of the force field shield and directly penetrated the shield!

Although the current energy shield has a certain blocking effect on the phase jump, after all, it cannot be prevented every time. The Hell Annihilator has a jump ability of up to six stages, so if it can't do it once, it can continue to penetrate the defense!

After penetrating the shield, the Annihilator missile launched a fourth phase jump, this time it came directly to the Borg fleet.

"Boom!" The Destroyer of Hell exploded!

This super-heavy missile does not need to hit the enemy, it will detonate itself as soon as it gets close to the enemy, a large amount of antimatter is released in an instant, annihilation reaction occurs in the matter in the space, and a huge amount of energy is released in an instant!

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