My lord, the battle stars of the Interstellar Federation are dispatched! "After the 100,000 warships were destroyed, the adjutant immediately reported the battle damage to Baturuka.

"Well! Let our battle stars also dispatch!" Baturuka nodded. It is because of the battle stars that he knows how powerful the battle stars are. This thing is definitely not something that ordinary battleships can stop. Stars, then you can only use battle stars!

Under the order of Baturuka, the battle stars of the Borg were also dispatched. For a long time, the battle stars of the Borg were used as strategic deterrent weapons. Although they have always acted as battle stars and followed the fleet, but They have never used it. Even when the battle with the Interstellar Federation was very difficult, they only used Titans, and the Battle Star was always placed at the back of the battlefield.

The reason why the Borg are so cautious about using the battle star is mainly because their battle star has a fatal flaw-the weapon must be activated with the blood of the Yagota people!

Although the three ancient capital ships on the Interstellar Federation also have the same disadvantages, the problem is that Qin Hao has almost all the descendants of the Yageta people under his command, and the most important thing is that because of the queen, Qin Hao is Master the correct way to activate blood drive.

This means that Qin Hao's Yageta battleship only needs to be activated once, and it can be used continuously. They will not need to reactivate the battleship with the blood of the Yageta people until the battleship is overhauled and the system is shut down and restarted again.

But the Borg were not so lucky. Although they managed to find the warship of the Yagota people, and deciphered part of the ancient texts, they mastered the method of using the Yagota battle star.

But the problem is, they don't know how to correctly use the blood of the Yagota people to activate the battleship, so they can only use the most primitive way, every time the weapon is activated, blood must be used to activate it!

And the Borg people are not like Qin Hao, who have a large number of descendants of Yage Tower. The Borg people only have a few scattered singers in their hands. Even if all the blood of these singers is drained Now, the Borg are unlikely to use the battle star for a long time to fight, so they are very cautious when using one.

Baturuka has also kept the battle star firmly in his hands. This is his last trump card. He can only use it when the Star Federation's battle star is dispatched, and it is based on the foundation of the final battle. superior.

Otherwise, Baturuka would rather sacrifice hundreds of thousands of warships, and he would not easily waste the opportunity to use the battle stars!

In fact, when they found those ever-changing singers, the Borg also tried to clone them, but unfortunately, the Borg failed. The blood of the Yageta people is very strange, especially the female Yageta people. Only when the Yagothians combine, can they give birth to the Yagothians, who are married to men of other races,

They will give birth to pure-blood boys of different races, which is the main reason why the Variety Diva is especially favored by those strong men with low fertility.

But this also shattered the Borg's idea of ​​cloning. The unique blood of the Yagotas cannot be replicated by ordinary cloning technology. It must be the most cutting-edge biotechnology. It can be done, and although the technology of the Borg is very advanced, their technology tree is inclined to the mechanical direction, and they have hardly dabbled in biotechnology, so their mastery of cloning technology is actually very simple.

This has led to the inability of the Borg to produce more Yageta people with these ever-changing singers on hand. In addition, the time for them to obtain the ever-changing singers is too short to hoard more Yageta The blood of the tower people, the combination of these factors has caused the use of the Borg battle stars to be greatly restricted.

But now, the battle stars of the Interstellar Federation are dispatched, and Baturuka can no longer hide his clumsiness. If he does not let the battle stars be dispatched, it will only take a few hours, and the battle stars of the Interstellar Federation will be able to kill the Borgs. All fleets destroyed!


In the sight of Baturuka, the battle stars of the Borg also rushed to the front line of the battlefield, and then launched a confrontation with the battle stars of the Star Federation!

Because the battle stars of both sides are inherited from the heritage of the three major civilizations of the ancient times, the combat power is actually almost the same. Battle Star is indistinguishable.

The battle stars between the two sides are tied together, and the aftermath of the battle between the two forces the other warships to move to the battlefield, otherwise they will all be buried in the aftermath of the battle between the two battle stars.

For a time, the battle between the Borg and the Star Federation fell into a stalemate. On the right-wing battlefield, the ghost Leviathan and more than a hundred adult Leviathans were completely suppressed by the Borg Titans and tens of thousands of warships, but they also Firmly pinned the Borg Titan and the fleet there.

On the central battlefield, a fierce battle broke out between the battle stars of the two sides, and the bright energy light even illuminated the entire starry sky.

On the left-wing battlefield, the number of Borg fleets has an absolute advantage. Whether it is the number of conventional warships or the number of capital ships, they far exceed the fleet of the Star Federation, but three of the fleet of the Star Federation are from ancient times. The era's Yagota battleship, the energy field provided by these three spaceships is simply against the sky.

Under the influence of the energy field, the shield strength of the Interstellar Federation Fleet has been greatly increased, while the power of the energy weapons of the Borg fleet has been greatly weakened. After the superposition of two pairs, the advantage of the Borg fleet's huge fleet has been offset!

For a time, the battle between the two sides was hard to tell!

This battle around Saturn lasted about seven days, and both sides were exhausted. The Borg fleet tried several times to destroy the interstellar federation's interstellar base, and defeated the fighting will of the interstellar federation by killing Qin Hao. All of them were blocked by the Star Federation's fleet desperately.

The war has progressed to this point, and the two sides are almost fighting by will. Whoever can't hold his breath first will be the loser!

However, as the battle continued, the filling of victory began to tilt towards the side of the Star Federation, and the reason is very simple. The Star Federation is a local operation. No matter how fierce the battle is, no matter how bad the transportation environment of the transport ship is, there are still spaceships Constantly arriving at the front line, all kinds of supplies, energy and ammunition were brought in.

Although the Borg obtained a large amount of supplies at the beginning with the help of the cloaked man, the problem is that their supplies did not follow up. After such an intense and prolonged battle, the logistics of the Borg were overwhelmed. What's more, the Borg's ever-changing singers are also dying due to excessive blood loss. If it continues, once their ever-changing singers die, the Borg will no longer have the ability to stop the Star Federation's attack. Battle Star!

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