In Donaville's cruiser, Qin Hao and the others enjoyed a sumptuous celebration banquet, and then resumed normal interstellar travel.

No matter whether it was Qin Hao and other earth masters, or the Navian fleet following behind, none of them realized that they were quietly advancing towards the encirclement of the Yagota people.

Time passed quickly, and several days passed in a blink of an eye. Qin Hao and the others were unable to practice in the spaceship because they lacked spiritual energy. Apart from eating and drinking, there was only chatting, so the days seemed a bit boring.

In fact, it's not just that these masters from the earth are not used to it, even the crew of the Navia star is the same. Too many entertainment options.

Days passed, and under the leadership of this Navian cruiser, including the Navian main fleet, they had completely entered the core star field of the Yagotas. They didn't invade the almost undefended planets of Yageta, and the fleet in the rear was traveling in secret, so they didn't attack these planets rashly.

Although the Navian fleet has been very careful, they have checked a lot of the interstellar monitoring equipment of the Yagota people, but the technology of the Yagota people is much more advanced than them, and they only exclude those monitors that are obvious , but those hidden monitors took pictures of the fleet's size and movements, and sent them back to Yagota in real time.


"It's almost there, it's time to close the net!" Marshal Timitrov, who was far away on the Yagota planet, issued an order.

"Yes! Generalissimo!" The adjutant next to him immediately conveyed Timitrov's order.

Soon, a large number of abnormal signals appeared on the radar of the cruiser that Qin Hao and the others were on board!

"Alarm! Alert! The whereabouts of the enemy fleet are found ahead!" The siren in the ship was loud, and the red alarm light stimulated everyone's nerves.

"Damn it! Why is it so close!"

"Does the opponent's warship have stealth capabilities?"

"That's impossible! We have activated the multi-scan radar. Even if their stealth system can shield electromagnetic and optical signals, they still can't shield gravity signals and energy force field signals, right?"


Doneville's staff officers were in a mess, everything in front of them was completely beyond their imagination,

According to the signal displayed by the radar, at this time the Yagota battleship and their spaceship have brought each other into the effective range of their weapons.

It's just that Doneville's battleship broke in by accident, so their weapon system hadn't had time to activate, and the fire control radar hadn't locked the target.

But the warships of the Yagota are different. They do their calculations mentally and unintentionally. fire!




Almost at this moment, although Qin Hao and other earth masters were not in the bridge, their sixth sense accurately predicted the danger.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." One after another twilight lights lit up, followed by Qin Hao and others, they abandoned the cruiser, and then teleported to a long distance.

"Boom boom boom..." The Navian cruiser was instantly overwhelmed by the Yageta's artillery fire. Under the fierce bombardment of the enemy more than 30 times its own, Donaville's battleship could only support In a few seconds, it was blown up into a mass of garbage in space.

In this instant encounter, powerful masters like Qin Hao and Yandi retreated relatively far away, so they were not affected by any impact, but those less powerful guys were not so lucky. Fatal injuries, but more or less injured.

Donaville's ship was destroyed in an instant, and all the Navians, including himself, had no time to escape into the rescue cabin, and they were all buried with the cruiser.

"The goal has been achieved! Evacuate!"

After destroying Donaville's spaceship, the commander of the Yageta fleet immediately gave the order to retreat.

You must know that these Yagota battleships were originally attacking Donaville's warships tens of thousands of kilometers away. Qin Hao and the others couldn't run that far even if they teleported.

So when the attack was successful, the Yageta people immediately began to evacuate, and at this distance, except for a few masters such as Qin Hao and Yandi, other earth masters could not catch up at all.

In this attack, the Yagota people had a very clear purpose, and they chose a good ambush location. This is a barren area. Although it is located in the waterway, under normal circumstances, commercial spaceships will choose to use the jump to go directly to the next goal. land, so there are almost no ships coming here.

In the eyes of the Yagota people, although Qin Hao and other earth masters are extraordinary in strength, they do not understand technology after all. There are still more than 30 light-years away to go to the next populated planet or busy shipping lane, even if it travels at sub-light speed, it will take at least 300 years!

Therefore, the purpose of the Yageta people is very clear, that is to destroy the ships of Qin Hao and other earth masters, and then blockade the entire star field, and then trap Qin Hao and others here to death.

"Buzz buzz..." Ten minutes later, the battleships of Yago Tower blasted through the phase space one after another, and then plunged into the phase channel.


"Hey! You run really fast!" Qin Hao frowned. These Yageta people ran so fast that no one could catch up except himself. The reason why he was able to catch up was because of the power of Hong. And this he can't explain to other earth masters, so at this time he can only let the situation worsen.

"They all ran away, what should we do..." Many people began to panic. After all, the Navian warship had been blown up, and they had completely lost their means of transportation. If there was no one to help, Qin Hao would still It's possible to be stuck here!

And when Qin Hao and the others were trapped in the vast void, the main Navian fleet far behind was also in trouble.

This is a larger combined fleet of Yagota. This fleet is not only larger than the mixed fleet of the Navians, but also has more advanced equipment.

"Fire!" With an order, the Yagota fleet responsible for the ambush opened fire first!

"Counterattack! Destroy them!" The supreme commander of Yagota also reacted, and immediately began to organize manpower to counterattack the Yagota battleship.


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