Soon, the results of the voting came out. You must know that these captains have served in the same fleet for a long time, and everyone knows each other well. More importantly, the choice of the commander this time is related to them. The next battle is a major matter related to his life, so no one dares not to take it seriously.

In this case, the results of the vote were sent to Vadota.

"Nowitzki... got more than 70% of the votes, it seems to be popular!" Vadota looked at the voting results and nodded.

"My lord, then shall we accept Nowitzki as the temporary fleet commander?" the adjutant asked.

"En!" Vadota nodded, and then said to the adjutant: "Pass my order, now accept Nowitzki as the temporary commander of the fleet, and give him full authority to command the next battle to attack the target planet! "

"Yes!" The adjutant immediately conveyed Vadota's order to the entire fleet.

Subsequently, the capital ship commanded by Nowitzki became the new flagship of the fleet, while the capital ship where Vadota was located was lifted from its flagship status.

"My lord, shall we go to the new flagship?" the adjutant asked.

"Hmm..." Vadota thought for a moment, and then said to the adjutant, "Get me through Nowitzki's communication first."

"Yes!" The adjutant agreed, and then immediately connected to the communication with Nowitzki's spaceship.

"Commander!" Nowitzki saluted Vadota.

"Congratulations, General Novus, now I officially authorize you to command this fleet!" Vadota said with a smile.

"Thank you for your trust!" Nowitzki saluted Vadota, but he couldn't see any surprise on his face.

To know how capable a person is, he can hide it from laymen, but it is very difficult to hide it from his peers. Nowitzki can be recognized by many peers and elected as the temporary fleet commander, which shows that he The ability is recognized by everyone.

So as far as Nowitzki himself is concerned, he is very clear that being elected as the interim commander of the fleet may not be a good thing to celebrate. You must know that although the forward scout ship has been destroyed in the gravity well of Honey Star , but before being destroyed, they also sent back crucial information.

According to intelligence, the defense of Honey Star is very complete, and the size of the garrisoned fleet has reached one-third of his own fleet. If he cooperates with two interstellar bases to defend, he will not be able to capture this planet. Not an easy task.

Even if this battle is won in the end, I'm afraid their fleet will lose more than two-thirds, and they may not even be able to fight it!

So it is a hot potato for Nowitzki to take over the command of the fleet at this time.

But in the face of this hot potato, Nowitzki dared not take it!

As a capable person, they distrust others very much. It is very difficult for this kind of person to accept the feeling that their fate is controlled by others, so although the next battle will be difficult, they may even take responsibility for it. , but Nowitzki never thought of refusing, he was worried about handing over the battle to other captains...

"How is it? Do you have any thoughts on the next battle?" Vadota asked Nowitzki with a smile.

"It's not easy to fight..." Nowitzki frowned.

"Are you so unconfident?" Vadota was taken aback. He didn't know much about military affairs, so in his opinion, his own fleet was three times larger than the enemy's. This battle shouldn't be difficult.

"Although our fleet is three times the size of the enemy, the enemy still has two interstellar bases. The combat effectiveness of these two interstellar bases cannot be underestimated." Vadota knew that the nominal fleet commander in front of him was a A great engineer in scientific research, he doesn't understand military affairs at all, so he explained patiently.

"That's it..." Vadota nodded. The biggest thing about him is that he has self-knowledge. As a military layman, he knows how to respect professionals, instead of thinking that because he has a high status, he knows everything. Then Go and command indiscriminately.

"According to common sense, as the offensive side, our strength must be far greater than that of the defensive side to easily win. If it is evenly matched, then the victory of the battle is likely to be biased towards the defensive side. After all, they are fighting locally. Waiting for work at leisure has more advantages than us." Nowitzki explained.

"Then what is the strength comparison between us and the enemy now?" Vadota asked.

"It's basically the same..." Nowitzki said with a serious face.

"Isn't that our winning rate is very low?" Vadota was taken aback.

"Basically, it can be said that if I come to command, then the winning percentage should not exceed 30%." Nowitzki said.

"Thirty percent... so low..." Vadota's heart turned cold.

"With our current strength, that's true, unless the higher-ups give us more troops!" Nowitzki said.

"Hehe... Increase the number of troops? That old dog wants me to die quickly!" Vadota sneered, and then continued: "Don't count on increasing the number of troops. Win the battle within 1 day! And take down Honey Star!"

"It's impossible!" Nowitzki said on the spot.

"Huh?" Vadota was taken aback.

"The 30% chance of winning I said is also based on gradual consumption. If the time is limited, we have no chance of winning. A strong attack is tantamount to death!" Nowitzki said with a serious face.

"Old dog!" Vadota couldn't help scolding, Nowitzki is a professional commander, his opinion must be of reference value, so Vadota believes in Nowitzki's statement, so From the looks of it, Victor was forcing him to die!

"Then do you have any solution?" Vadota asked.

"Judging from our current situation, it's very difficult..." Nowitzki shook his head.

"Hey!" Vadota sighed, and then said helplessly: "Anyway, I have already told you the general situation, you can follow the command in the next battle, and you can ask my adjutant for specific matters. "

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Nowitzki nodded, and then began to ask Vadota's adjutant for relevant information.

And Vadota went to another cabin. He began to contact his allies to see if they could come to support them. After all, according to Nowitzki, it is impossible to win with his fleet alone. But if you can get reinforcements, it will be different.


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