"Guide to capture!" The captain of the guard immediately ordered.

"Yes!" The soldier who first discovered the mechanical dragonfly immediately fired a guiding beam, and then the mechanical dragonfly landed obediently in the designated area.

The soldier stepped forward, carefully took the mechanical dragonfly in his hand, and then returned to the captain.

"Send it to the headquarters immediately!" the captain ordered.

"Yes!" The soldier went straight to the headquarters with the mechanical dragonfly.


"Our ground troops have been sent out for a few days, and there is no news at all..." The commander of this base is called De Luca, and he is anxious about the disappearance of the ground troops.

Today, De Luca has received a reminder letter from the fleet for the fourth time. After all, the disappearance of such a large-scale troop is not a trivial matter. This is almost half of the ground forces in the Borg fleet.

Although the troops dispatched this time are mainly robot troops, there are not a few Borg marines among them. If this army is buried in such a vague way, it will be very important for the Borg to continue to fight against the Star Federation in the future. Planet occupation is extremely disadvantageous.

"There is no news yet. Our reconnaissance planes have been dispatched several times, but these reconnaissance planes will lose contact soon after entering the sandstorm area..." The adjutant is also very helpless. It's not that they haven't tried to find those ground troops, but However, the sandstorm didn't know when it would end, and the scouting planes sent out were like sinking into the sea, and they didn't have more ground forces to search.

"Can't the fleet in space search for traces of ground troops?" De Luca asked. Generally speaking, it is easier to use the fleet's high-power radar to search for such a large-scale force in space.

"No, the sandstorm on this planet is very evil. It has extremely strong electromagnetic interference capabilities. Our drones will lose control even after entering the sandstorm. It is even more impossible for the radar in space to get any signal from the ground..." the adjutant explained.

"Hey!" De Luca sighed, and at this moment, a soldier outside the door shouted loudly: "Report!"

"Come in!" the adjutant called after DeLuca's permission.

"Sir, we captured a miniature reconnaissance plane outside the base." The soldier handed the mechanical dragonfly to De Luca's adjutant with both hands.

"Well! Go down!" The adjutant sent the mechanical dragonfly to De Luca after dismissing the soldier with a wave of his hand.

"Open it!" DeLuca nodded.

"Yes!" The adjutant immediately linked the mechanical dragonfly to a projection device, and soon the image appeared.


"Me? Hehe, it's okay to tell you!" Holger sneered, and then slowly said: "I am the prince of the Zerg race——Holger!"


The scene of the conversation between Holger and Domingo before appeared in front of De Luca.

"What!? The Zerg!" De Luca was shocked. This planet was proven to have no signs of Zerg activity before, but now not only the Zerg appeared here, but even the prince of the Zerg showed up in person. This is obviously a conspiracy!

"Contact the fleet immediately!" De Luca knew that the matter was serious. If so, then the ground troops sent out before may be in danger at this time...

The strength of the swarm in ground warfare is unquestionable, and the Borg will not deny it. At this time, their ground troops have been sent out for several days, and there has been no news of them. Surrounded and killed, I am afraid that I have fallen into a desperate situation...

"Commander! The communication with the fleet has been established!" The communicators are very powerful this time. There is no sandstorm in the location of this base, so the communication between them and the fleet is very smooth, and because the swarm He didn't want to expose his tracks, so there were no Zerg around here, so it was naturally impossible for there to be deliberate signal interference.

"Well, I see!" De Luca came to the communicator in a few steps, and then uploaded the matter of the swarm together with the video to the fleet.

"The swarm!? This is impossible! Haven't we already confirmed that there is no sign of Zerg activity on Cruze?" After a video, he had to admit that all of this was probably a Zerg trap!

"I will convey it to Mr. Victor immediately! You are always on standby!" The communications officer immediately cut off the communication, and then hurriedly went to the bridge to find Victor.


"The swarm..." Victor frowned after receiving the news...

"My lord, I think this may be an opportunity for us!" A combat staff officer said at this time.

"Opportunity?!" Victor raised his eyebrows.

"That's right!" The staff officer nodded, and then said to Victor: "Domingo sacrificed his life for this news. From his message, we can see that he not only wanted to tell The news that our Zergs are on Cruze Star, he is reminding us that there are high-level Zerg tribes on Cruze Planet! There is their prince!"

"What do you mean?" Victor somewhat understood the staff officer's thoughts.

"Well! If we can capture this prince, we can threaten the supreme ruler of the Zerg race. Even if we can't stop the war with them permanently, at least we can get them out of the war, so that we can concentrate on cleaning up the Star Federation , after you have unified the entire universe, it is not too late to go back and deal with the Zerg!" said the staff officer.

"Are you sure this prince can be of such great use?" Victor hesitated a bit. Now defeating the insect swarm on the ground battlefield and capturing a powerful individual alive, the price to pay is quite terrifying. Maybe Victor's fleet needs to be here Maybe stop for a year or so!

"My lord, that is the prince. Even if he is not the first in line to the throne, he must have a very high status, and even has complicated relationships within the Zerg clan. If we can capture him alive, or even send him to the throne, then It is not impossible to form an alliance with the Zerg, and even dominate the Zerg in some way!" The staff officer became more and more excited as he talked, and if his proposal was successful, he would become the biggest contributor to the Borg war in this war, and he will be sealed in the future. Hou Baixiang is just around the corner!

"Hmm..." Victor was silent for a long time. Although they don't know how high the prince named Holger is in the swarm, and which heir is heir to the throne, if they can catch him, At least it is worthwhile to be able to interrogate a lot of information about the swarm from him, so that the Borg can thoroughly understand the swarm!

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