Since it's a stick, you naturally can't expect them to recognize the abnormality in the actions of the enemy fleet, so the three Borg fleets chased the Star Federation's fleet and passed. They attacked wantonly along the way and destroyed dozens of ships. Battleship of the Star Federation.

For this reason, these fleet commanders are very excited, because this will be their achievement, and it will be the capital for dividends after the war!

Regarding the abnormality of the Interstellar Federation fleet, can no one in the Borg fleet see it?

Of course not, at least 70% of the mid-level military officers have noticed that these people are all from a professional background, they graduated from a serious military academy, how could they not understand?

But the problem is that they can't speak! These people are too low-level to reach Qian Feng at all, and although some of them have reported to their chiefs, those people who are rich and hungry don't care at all. Even the three fleet commanders who are chasing ahead, they all Completely ignored the advice of his subordinates.

And although Qian Feng could see it, would he say it? If he didn't say it, those officers under him who only flattered him would naturally not show that they were smarter than Qian Feng.

So in the bridge of the flagship, everyone pretended not to see it, but in fact, it was only the cloaked man who was cheating.

Soon, the three Borg fleets chased the Star Federation's fleet and circled to the back of the satellite, and almost at the moment when the main Borg fleet lost sight of the three squadrons, the three fleets lost contact. !

That's right! Lost!

Although this may just be a communication failure caused by strong electromagnetic interference, but in the course of the war, a unit suddenly loses contact with the main force under the enemy's electromagnetic interference, so what will happen to them? It is also conceivable.

"Master Chief, we have lost contact with the front fleet!" The communication officer reported to Qian Feng immediately.

"Damn it! Send a reconnaissance ship over there to see what's going on?" Qian Feng immediately issued an order. There was nothing wrong with his order. The 30,000 warship lost contact in an instant. Make a decision.

If the main fleet is blindly sent to rescue, in case the enemy possesses a terrifying weapon capable of destroying 30,000 warships in an instant, the remaining less than 50,000 warships in Qian Feng's hands will be useless if they pass by, and they will still be lost at that time. More.

Therefore, it is absolutely correct to check the situation before making a judgment, even the cloaked man can't make a decision.

A dozen reconnaissance ships immediately left the fleet, and then went straight to the direction of the satellite,

But these reconnaissance ships did not follow the trajectory of the previous fleet. After all, if they also went around, they might also lose contact.

Therefore, the orbits chosen by these reconnaissance ships are relatively outward. In this way, even if they are unable to send information due to electromagnetic interference, at least the rear and the main fleet can see them. Are they destroyed in an instant, or are they just unable to communicate? , this can still be judged.

Half an hour later, more than a dozen scout ships finally circled around. At this time, they were not destroyed by any powerful weapons, but they did lose contact with the main fleet.

After a while, more than a dozen reconnaissance ships moved into action, and they formed a long snake formation. The last spaceship successfully escaped the range of electromagnetic interference, and then began to communicate with the capital ship.

"Report to the flagship, there is high-intensity electromagnetic interference ahead, and all communications above the middle distance are interrupted, and it cannot be ruled out!" The scout ship reported, this news made the Borg officials slightly relieved, after all, it is not some secret hidden by the Interstellar Federation The weapon destroyed 30,000 warships in an instant. If that was the case, it would be too terrifying.

"How is the situation of the fleet ahead?" Qian Feng asked.

"The front fleet has been ambushed, and a large number of swarms have joined the battle!" But the second news reported by the scout ship shocked all the Borg.

Insect swarm... that is an existence that even battle stars can destroy!

At this time, the deep fear of the swarm had already been imprinted in the hearts of the Borg, so when they heard that the swarm had joined the battle again, these high-ranking Borg officials immediately had the idea of ​​fleeing the battlefield.

"Shua!" Qian Feng turned his head sharply, and he looked at the cloaked man, because the cloaked man once said before that once the swarms join the battle, they will get rid of these worms!

"The swarm has joined the battle?!" The cloaked man frowned. The reason is very simple. The Borg lost a lot when they attacked the orbital defense facility. In the subsequent battle, the Star Federation Fleet also suffered heavy losses. If it comes down, the number of destroyed warships in Star Beta will exceed 10,000, and the number of dead intelligent creatures is conservatively estimated to be more than 10 million!

The death of so many intelligent creatures produced terrible power of fear. At this time, the ship where the cloaked man was located was on the edge of the gravity well, and they were far away from the battlefield, so there was not much power of fear floating over.

But if the cloaked man and his disciples join the battle to kill the swarm at this time, they will go deep into the center of the battlefield and will be surrounded by the power of fear! The price of absorbing a large amount of fear power is the reduction of lifespan. In order to help the Borgs, they have to sacrifice their few remaining lifespans. This deal is not worth it!

"Hmph! Go if you have the ability!" Qian Feng sneered in his heart. Through Qin Hao's relationship, he knew what the cloaked man and other destroyers were afraid of, and he also understood why the Interstellar Federation Fleet was sending them to death...

Qian Feng even had the urge to cry at this moment. He knew that the soldiers of the Interstellar Federation were using their lives to force the Destroyer not to participate in the war. They were sending their lives to create the power of fear before.

"According to Brother Hao, the number of Destroyers is not many, and their lifespan is running out. If they absorb a lot of fear power, they may not live for long..." Qian Feng thought secretly.

Suddenly, Qian Feng raised his head, looked directly at the man in the cloak and said, "My lord, didn't you promise before? The problem of the swarm will be solved by you!"

"This..." The cloaked man is a little guilty now. The fear force in the inner circle of the gravity well of Beta Star is too strong. If he joins the battle, even if he tries his best to destroy the insect swarm, it will take more than half an hour. Time, and the power of fear he absorbed during this period of time will consume at least a hundred years of his lifespan, and he only has more than a hundred years to live at this time, if he is a little careless, he may be killed because he has absorbed too much Die here with the power of much fear!

"My lord, if you can't fulfill your previous promise, then we have no choice but to withdraw our troops!" Qian Feng wanted to force the cloaked man to die. If he is killed by the power of fear, those dead federal soldiers will be relieved!

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