"This is the Federation Glory, where are you?" The voice from the fleet lifted both Nicole and Qin Hao's spirits. Pinshu.com

"I'm Captain Nicole! I want to talk to my father!" Nicole said immediately.

"Okay! Lieutenant Nicole!" The communication officer heard that the other party was his eldest lady, and quickly connected the communication to General Cohen.

"Nicole, what's the matter?" Cohen will immediately ask. He is also paying close attention to the real-time battle situation near Isis Beach at this time. It is impossible for the huge swarm of insects not to attract his attention.

"Qin Hao has something to tell you!" Nicole finished speaking, and connected the communication to Qin Hao's armor.

"General, I need an air support!" Qin Hao said.

"Empty support?" Cohen was taken aback.

"Yes! And our fighters must enter the atmosphere from the direction of the base, and then release missiles on the south bank of the Kelun River!" Qin Hao said.

"Yes! I know!" General Cohen nodded. At this time, the north bank of the Kelun River has been occupied by the army of insects. Once the carrier-based aircraft enters there, it will definitely be counterattacked by the air force of the insects.


Soon, a brigade of carrier-based aircraft set sail for the Seventh Fleet and rushed straight to Alpha Star. These carrier-based aircraft were mainly bombers, and there were very few escorting fighter jets, because Qin Hao assured General Cohen that as long as the carrier-based aircraft Enter the Alpha star atmosphere from the Isis beach side, then they will not be attacked by the Zerg.

Dozens of bombers roared into the atmosphere of Star Alpha in a neat formation, and then rushed straight towards the Kelun River. Because Prince Naxin had been notified by Qin Hao, all the insect swarms on the entire Isis beach stood still , letting the human warplanes roar past their heads.

Twenty minutes later, the carrier-based aircraft formation approached the Kelun River, and they were able to establish communication with Nicole's reconnaissance armor.

"Release cruise bombs to attack that pontoon bridge! Don't get close to the Cologne River!" Nicole continued to provide guidance to these fighters.


"Attack request accepted!"

"The attack begins!"


The bombers began to dive one after another, and then released the cruise missiles they carried. These missiles were equipped with large-yield high-explosive warheads, and their power was terrifying!

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh..." The cruise missiles dragged their long wakes and headed straight for the floating bridge in the distance, while the attacking carrier-based aircraft formation made a roundabout, immediately moved away from the Cologne River, and then returned to space .

Although the bomber formation left, the cruise missiles they left behind were still approaching the pontoon at a high speed!

"Here we come! We are here!" Seeing the swarm of cruise missiles approaching the pontoon bridge, Qin Hao became excited.

But at this time, a large number of flying insects rose from behind the swarm. These flying insects directly attacked the cruise missiles. They sprayed acidic slime on the cruise missiles, trying to corrode and destroy the missiles, but the effect did not seem to be very obvious.

"Squeak!" With a sharp insect cry, the flying insects immediately changed their tactics. Instead of spraying mucus, they slammed into the missile with their bodies.

"Boom boom boom..." The cruise missiles were detonated ahead of time. Although a large number of flying insects were killed, they could no longer attack the pontoon bridge ahead.

Fortunately, the number of cruise missiles dropped by the bomber formation was sufficient. Although more than half of the nearly 100 cruise missiles were intercepted, dozens of missiles still successfully passed through the blockade of flying insects and arrived at the floating bridge!

"Boom boom boom..." These cruise missiles accurately hit the pontoon bridge. After the high-explosive warhead was detonated, it exploded with destructive force. The pontoon bridge composed of countless giant beetles was immediately blown into several sections.

When the pontoon bridge composed of giant beetles was blown up, the corpses of these insects disappeared with the surging river in an instant, and countless insects crossing the river also fell into the river and were washed away by the river.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao clenched his fists hard, and at the same time he let go of his hanging heart.

"Great! It was successfully destroyed!" Nicole also jumped up excitedly.

The air strike successfully destroyed the pontoon bridge of the swarm,

It slowed down their speed of crossing the river, which is exactly what Qin Hao wanted.

"Squeak..." Sure enough, after the pontoon bridge was destroyed, the insect swarm behind was in chaos. Many giant beetles that rushed to the bank had no time to stop, and were pushed by the insect swarm behind and fell into the rushing river. Was rushed to the distance.

The swarms on the north bank of the river were in a mess, but the swarms that had crossed the river before had lost their command and wandered around. In the end, they were all blown to pieces by spider mines.

Soon, all the bugs on the south bank of the river were wiped out, and the bug swarm was once again trapped on the north bank of the river.

"Squeak..." There were two rhythmic calls from the swarm, followed by the swarm moving again. Countless giant beetles rushed towards the river without fear of death. feet embedded in their bodies...

Soon, a pontoon bridge extended to the south bank again, and the organizational and execution capabilities of the swarm were simply beyond human imagination.

More than an hour later, the pontoon bridge was connected again, and the Zerg army resumed crossing the river.

"Qin Hao, should we call for air support again?" Nicole asked.

"The swarm must be prepared this time. If you call for air support, those pilots will be in danger..." Qin Hao shook his head, and then he said to Nicole: "Let the general bomb directly!"

"Use planet bombing to wipe out the entire swarm?" Nicole asked.

"No, no, no..." Qin Hao waved his hands again and again. If that's the case, Prince Lane must be impatient. Qin Hao can't afford the consequences, and even the entire Seventh Fleet may not be able to withstand the anger of this old pervert.

"So what?" Nicole asked.

"It only needs a frigate to blow up the pontoon bridge with secondary artillery," Qin Hao said.

"Why do you go to such trouble? It's endless to eliminate this swarm directly, and the local swarm must be more grateful to us!" Nicole said.

"Hehe, if we easily kill such a large wave of swarms, do you think the local swarms will be grateful to us? I'm afraid they will all be scared to death. In order to protect themselves, these guys may have to contact the swarms from other places The crowd came to besiege us!" Qin Hao said.

"Are you afraid that all the swarms will join forces to deal with us, so you hide your strength and just delay the opponent's attack?" Nicole asked.

"That's what it means." Qin Hao couldn't explain it too specifically. Fortunately, Nicole trusted him very much. After hearing this imperfect explanation, he didn't ask further.

Soon, Nicole got in touch with the fleet again, and under the command of General Cohen, the Viper frigate rushed forward again, and then locked the Zerg pontoon bridge on the Cologne River with its secondary guns!

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