Qin Hao may be a hard worker. Good days can't accompany him for too long. On the 32nd day after he boarded the flagship, Pang Meng's research team made a technical breakthrough. They invented a new tactic. Helmet, this helmet can effectively isolate low-frequency sound waves and part of brain waves. If this helmet is equipped with troops, then there is no need to be afraid of hypnosis by Zerg.

In fact, the Coles Valley incident was just an accident. Although the Zerg had the ability to hypnotize animals, they never applied this ability to war. Those warriors in Coles Valley just happened to encounter the herdsmen feeding high-level animals. The giant beetle, so the death is very wrong. If the headquarters hadn't set the advance base so close to the Zerg lair, this kind of tragedy would never have happened.

Of course, in future wars, if the Zerg realize that hypnosis can effectively fight against humans, with their wisdom, this power will definitely be used in wars on a large scale, causing fatal damage to human soldiers! But because of the emergence of new helmets, the soldiers of the Union Army have eliminated this possibility in advance.

During the period when the new helmets were mass-produced and the troops were equipped, the Federal Seventh Fleet was also reintegrating its motorized infantry. , Although the rear has begun to recruit troops on a large scale, the recruits who are conscripted need training and cannot be replenished to the front line in time, so Major General Rice is facing an extreme shortage of ground troops at this time.

"General, I think we should abandon the multi-point combat plan and focus on landing instead."

"I don't think so. Until now, we haven't found the core of the insect nest. Only by blooming more can we find it as soon as possible, and then eliminate it in one fell swoop, otherwise these insects will never be killed!"

"But we simply don't have that many troops to fight more!"

"But it's not the way to go on like this... Is it still delaying? Now the progress of the war is stagnant, and the pressure on the command is increasing. If there is no result, General Rice will probably be dismissed!"

"But there's nothing we can do if we don't have enough troops!"


Several combat staff were quarreling. Due to the heavy casualties on the front line, Rice was under great pressure. If he could not prove himself with a brilliant victory, then he might become a scapegoat for the unfavorable war.

Because of the large number of casualties of soldiers, the pressure of the federal government is also very high, and many anti-war waves have broken out among the civilians. If there is no victory to make everyone forget the pain of death, then under the pressure of the people, Alpha star The war had to stop.

But the federal government is very clear that now the development of the federal government has reached a bottleneck period, a large number of rare resources are increasingly scarce, the federal economy is stagnant, the people want welfare, resources, and a better life, but with the current state of the federal government, it is no longer possible. These problems may be solved from the inside, so expansion is an inevitable path.

But expansion means war, but now because of casualties, the people are starting to oppose the war again. This kind of blocking behavior is also a headache for the federal government.

The people holding the votes are the existence that the federal government cannot afford to offend. If the people want welfare and resources, the federal government has to solve it. Otherwise, the government has to step down. It is to find a scapegoat to attract the anger of the people. At this time, the commander of the Seventh Fleet, Rice, has become the best candidate.

Therefore, Rice, who is on the front line at this time, is under even more pressure. If he becomes the scapegoat of the government, his future will be completely ruined, and he will always bear the charge of incompetence and be engraved on the pillar of shame in history.

"Order!" Rice took a deep breath while several combat staff were arguing, and then began to give orders.

"Yes!" The adjutant immediately took out a pen and started recording.

"Order: Starlight, Dawn, and Moonlight to conduct intensive bombardment of the Kola region of Alpha!" Rice said slowly.

"Yes!" The adjutant recorded quickly.

"Order: The carrier-based aircraft formation of the Seventh Fleet is ready for airdrops and competition for air supremacy."

"Order: The marine units of the Seventh Fleet are ready for battle, and the landing operation will begin after the bombing is over!"


Rice's orders were issued continuously, and then were copied by the adjutants and conveyed to the command departments at all levels. All the functional departments of the entire Seventh Fleet were running at high speed for a while, and Rice bet the entire Seventh Fleet for his future. Marine units of the fleet.

"Ding! Private Qin Hao, you were promoted to corporal of the Federal Navy because of your merits!"

"Ding! Corporal Qin Hao, please report to your unit immediately!"

Qin Hao, who was resting, suddenly received two messages on his battlefield recorder. The first one was not bad. It was a promotion order. .

But the second order made people more depressed. Qin Hao had to go back to the barracks full of foot odor after a few days of nourishment.

"Hey! Take a comfortable bath at the end..." Qin Hao sighed. After reaching the ground, taking a shower may become a luxury. He was really fed up with the days spent in the wet and muddy trenches.

After cleaning himself up, Qin Hao carried a small bag and came to the tarmac of the transport boat.

"I'm going to the Uranus destroyer." Qin Hao showed his order to the administrator.

"Okay, let's go first, the transport boat at the second parking lot is going to the Uranus, and the flight will take off in an hour." The administrator here said.

Qin Hao quickly came to the No. 2 apron, and then entered the transport boat. After a while, several soldiers boarded the transport boat one after another. Most of these people are logistics maintenance personnel. They should It was to go to the Uranus to join the post. After all, Qin Hao, a big-headed soldier, had almost no chance to travel between several warships.

After dozens of minutes, the transport boat took off from the Federal Glory and soon came to the Uranus behind. Qin Hao also got off the transport boat and took the hover car to his unit.

After more than half an hour, Qin Hao came to the camp of the 106th Division. There was a tragic atmosphere in the huge camp area. Obviously, after the Alpha campaign, the soldiers of these second-line troops had been completely defeated. Morale, now let them go to Alpha Star again, so that they all have a feeling that they are dying.

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