Five hours later, the carrier-based aircraft withdrew to the battleship, and the ground troops could only rely on their own strength to defend the coming Zerg army.

"Engineer! How's the construction going?" James shouted loudly.

"Report to the division commander! The perimeter fortifications have been completed! The armored ground has been laid! The fort is under construction!" the engineer's head reported.

"Step up!" James ordered.



"Qin Hao, when do you think the swarm will come?" James turned his head and asked Qin Hao.

"I don't know either, but according to the intensity of this planetary bombardment, the tunnels of the swarm should have been destroyed, and it would take less than ten hours for them to reach the battlefield." Qin Hao said after a rough estimate.

"Yeah!" James nodded. Now the whole army is equipped with a new combat helmet. This helmet can effectively resist the intrusion of sound waves. It can not only defend against the hypnosis of the herdsmen, but also effectively resist the sound wave attack of the Nydus worms. Therefore, James is right This battle is more confident.

"Master, I have a hunch." Qin Hao hesitated for a while, but still expressed his inner thoughts.

"What kind of hunch?" James asked. If it was an ordinary person, he would never go back and pay attention to unreliable things such as hunch, but Qin Hao said this, he really had to listen, because Qin Hao is the whole 106 Among the divisions, the person with the most experience in fighting against the Zerg.

"I feel that the Zerg will not attack from us. Our pressure should be the lowest, but I am afraid that there will be a very tragic fight..." Qin Hao said, pointing to the south. According to the command of the headquarters, the 106th Mechanized Infantry Division guarded the east gate of the human army, with the 109th Division to the south, and the 121st and 136th Divisions to the west and north respectively.

"You don't have to worry about that. The 109th Division is a front-line ace division. They are not only well-equipped, but also have rich combat experience. They even have two special forces battalions. The combat effectiveness is far higher than ours!" Although James was jealous of the 109th Division, he said: But he also had to admit that the combat effectiveness of the 109th Division was far above his 106th Division.

"Okay..." Qin Hao didn't say anything more. Although he had a hunch that danger would come from the south, he was just a big boss, and his hunch would not be sent to the combat staff as a parameter.

A few hours later, the positions of the 106th Division were fully erected, the engineering troops returned to the center of the camp, and the combat troops were deployed to various defense nodes.

"Qin Hao!" James called back after discussing with several staff officers for a while.

"Here!" Qin Hao stepped forward immediately.

"The reconnaissance battalion is going to set up a power grid at the periphery, you can go with them." James said to Qin Hao, he knew that Qin Hao had rich experience in fighting against the Zerg, and he took the reconnaissance battalion to set up the power grid, on the one hand, it could protect the reconnaissance battalion, To prevent them from breaking into the ambush of the Zerg, on the one hand, they can also impart some experience in fighting the Zerg to the reconnaissance battalion.

"Yes!" Qin Hao nodded, then accepted the task.

"Brother, please!" The battalion commander of the reconnaissance battalion patted Qin Hao on the shoulder. Although he has the title of lieutenant, Qin Hao is a celebrity in the 106th Division. Everyone knows that this guy cuts insects like vegetables, so Even with a high rank, no one dared to show Qin Hao's face on the battlefield.

Human beings are such a reality. On a battleship, everyone is safe, so the first-level official crushes people to death, but on the ground battlefield, you may be killed by a sudden insect at any time. At this time, the official is not easy to use. , Only capable veterans can give you more hope of living, so even if you are an official, no one dares to offend these veterans who can give you hope for survival.

"Sir, let's go!" Qin Hao said to the battalion commander of the reconnaissance battalion.

"Okay!" The battalion commander waved his hand, and hundreds of soldiers rushed out of the fortifications.

Came to the bottom of the Azlan hills.

"Sir, how far away are we going to set up the power grid?" Qin Hao asked.

"Three hundred meters!" After the battalion commander answered, he said to Qin Hao, "Brother, don't be so rude, you can just call me Bert."

"Okay, Brother Bert." Qin Hao smiled.

"How's it going? Is there any danger nearby?" Bote led someone carefully to a position 300 meters away from the position.

"It shouldn't be. The bombing of the Air Force is very strong, and the Zerg has not returned to the battlefield for the time being." Qin Hao didn't feel that danger was coming at this time, so there should be no insects nearby.

"That's good! Hurry up and set up grid nodes!" Bot ordered.

"Yes!" The soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion immediately acted and began to erect nodes.

"Let's go to the next area." Soon, the nodes in this area were set up, and then Qin Hao took the lead to open the way and move towards the next node.

After more than an hour, more than half of the defense nodes of the power grid have been erected, and the circular defense grid has been laid for more than half a circle.

Once the power grid is activated, the Zerg will pay a great price before approaching the position of the 106th Division, and these power grids can also play an early warning role.

"Everyone speed up, the Zerg may be coming!" Qin Hao said suddenly.

"Huh? What did you find?" Bot asked.

"Premonition..." Qin Hao really couldn't explain it, because his right eye was constantly beating at this time, and his heart was also shrouded in a gloomy gloom. In short, he had an ominous premonition.

"Okay... Everyone hurry up!" Although Bote didn't understand Qin Hao's so-called hunch, he chose to believe it, because at this time Qin Hao had become a heroic figure in the 106th Division.

After one minute and one second, the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion set up three nodes again. Seeing that there are only two nodes left, the power grid can be powered on.

"There's not enough time!" Qin Hao's back felt numb again, and the base of his neck felt cold. It was obvious that the danger was very close.

"Quick, quick!" Bot is also urging his soldiers to complete the node erection as soon as possible.

"There is one more node, you can withdraw it first, and I will set up the last node!" Qin Hao said to Bot.

"No, this is our task. Leave one team in a row to set up nodes with me, and the others will retreat!" Seeing the anxiety on Qin Hao's face, Bote knew that time was running out. In order to reduce losses, he Let most of the soldiers return to their positions, leaving only a dozen people to continue the mission with him. After all, the erection of power grid nodes requires equipment, which Qin Hao cannot do by himself.

"Okay!" Qin Hao also knew that he could not complete the task alone, and it was necessary to leave a dozen or so people, so he finally nodded, and then rushed towards the position of the last node. The dozen or so scouts behind him also They all picked up their equipment and followed.

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