Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 630: Close the door and let the dogs go!

"Did you see it? You have nothing to provoke him!" Lu Zhi said speechlessly at the upper level, if Zach would listen to his advice, there would be no need to waste his life in vain.

"..." The bearded man didn't speak, but his face was gloomy and terrifying.

"Boss, Qin Hao has already been sent to a low-level prison anyway, why are you competing with him?" Lu Zhi persuaded.

"Open the floodgates of the four passages." The bearded man said after a moment of silence.

"Ah? Boss, think twice. Opening the gates at the four-lane entrance will kill many prisoners!" Lu Zhi was taken aback. Intensified to put Qin Hao to death.

In fact, there were many things that Lu Zhi didn't know. The bearded man had already collected the money. If Qin Hao hadn't died in the Guantanamo star prison, he wouldn't have been able to explain to the big shots above.

Although the Federation has abolished the death penalty, how could Speaker Barn be satisfied with imprisoning Qin Hao for life? As an old fox who has been struggling in the political circle for decades, he certainly knows the truth of cutting grass and rooting it out.

Since he decided to cut off Claude's wings, he would be extremely big and beat him to death. If Qin Hao was still alive, many things would be difficult to say.

So although the Federation has abolished the death penalty, it does not prevent Speaker Bahn from instructing his men to bribe the bearded warden to kill Qin Hao in the prison. Anyway, in a prison like Guantana Mountain, it is not uncommon for a person to die. up.

Before Zach wanted to take the mechanical guard down, it was actually instructed by the bearded man. Although Zac is dead now, the bearded man knows that since he has received the money, he has to do things well, otherwise those big shots have a way Let his whole family evaporate!

Here Lu Zhi doesn't know about these secret activities, so of course he can't understand what the bearded man is thinking.

But it doesn't matter what Lu Zhi thinks, the bearded man has the final say on the entire Guantanamo star, so under his order, the gate at the entrance of the fourth passage began to be opened.

"Beep beep beep..." With the opening of the gate, the alarm sounded loudly in the underground prison, and the red alarm light kept flashing.

"Dinner is ready! Development!" The guards shouted excitedly from the radio.

"Fuck! Run!"



follow closely,

The prisoners who were still stupid below suddenly exploded. They were too familiar with this kind of alarm. Every time this kind of alarm passed, many of them would die.

This is a means for Guantanamo Prison to clean up redundant prisoners. Although the prison receives funds from the federal government based on the number of prisoners, the capacity here is always limited. Once there are too many serious criminals, the guards will pass. This means to clean up a group of prisoners.

And the so-called meal is not for the prisoners to eat, on the contrary, these prisoners are the so-called "meal"!

"Roar!" A roar came from the tunnel in the distance, and it was the sound of a beast.

This kind of beast is the only native creature on Guantanamos. They are called gold-eating beasts. They look like large dogs, but they are covered with hard scales. These monsters do not need air to survive. They usually like to eat various Of course, if conditions permit, they also prefer to eat people!

These gold-eating beasts that usually rely on eating metal minerals for a living are very terrifying. They are not only amazingly strong, but also cunning and ferocious. They are also good at hunting in groups. Once unarmed prisoners encounter the gold-eating beasts, they will almost certainly die.


"Ho Ho..."

The roar of the monster is getting closer and closer. These prisoners have shown amazing rock climbing skills. After so many years of life and death, they have found the weakness of the gold-eating beasts, which is the lack of climbing ability. As long as the prisoners can Climb high enough and there is no danger of death.

"Tatatatata..." Many people ran out of the tunnels or caves where they were hiding. The dark corners were their hiding places, which could avoid the risk of being disturbed by other prisoners, but now it is no longer possible. If you are blocked by gold-eating beasts in that kind of corner, you will definitely die.

The best way to escape from the pursuit of gold-eating beasts is to climb to a high place.

Qin Hao took a look at these guys rushing out from the corner. Although they came out in groups, they didn't cooperate at all when they got outside. climb up.

"Run! The gold-eating beast is coming soon, only the heights will be safe!" A small man who was about 1.6 meters tall passed by Qin Hao, and he kindly reminded Qin Hao that this little man The voice is very immature, it sounds like you are not very old.

"So young, is he also a heinous criminal?" Qin Hao frowned.

In fact, Qin Hao didn't know that there are two or three hundred people detained in Guantanamo Prison all year round. Although there are few women, they are not without them. Since there are men and women, no matter how difficult the conditions are, there will always be children born. Most of these children die young, but there will be one or two lucky ones who survive.

Looking at the back of the little man, he arrived near the cliff skillfully, and then quickly climbed up. The little man was very flexible and fast, and he climbed to a height of five or six meters in the blink of an eye.

"Come on, don't stand still, the gold-eating beast will leave immediately!" the little man shouted at Qin Hao.

"Roar!" At this moment, with a low growl, a gold-eating beast appeared on Qin Hao's left side.

This is an adult gold-eating beast. It is more than 1.5 meters long, and it is also 1 meter high when it is on the ground. Its head looks more like a dog, but it is all covered with scales, and its teeth are very sharp.

"Roar..." The gold-eating beast growled and approached Qin Hao with its bared face.

It's just that it was different from when it attacked and killed other prisoners, this time the gold-eater was very cautious.

The less intelligent beasts are, the more sensitive their intuition is. This gold-eating beast instinctively felt that Qin Hao was not an easy prey to deal with.

The gold-eating beast kept circling around Qin Hao. It was looking for a suitable attack angle, and it was also waiting for its companions.

Soon, the three gold-eating beasts surrounded Qin Hao.

"Quick! Accompany you to the cliff, and you will be safe only by climbing higher." At this time, the little man was still reminding Qin Hao.

"Roar!" One of the gold-eating beasts roared angrily, and then glared at the little man. It seemed that this guy had a lot of wisdom.

"Buzz!" Qin Hao activated the lightsaber, he was not particularly afraid of these gold-eating beasts. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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