Just as a beggar guessed that the emperor had to eat five corn buns for every meal, Formosa, the local pirate, also took it for granted that the broken ships of the Blood Eagle Pirates needed thousands of people to fully exert their combat effectiveness, so they were smaller than their tonnage. Higher federal battleships definitely need more crew members.

But in fact, in the Federal Navy, as long as there are no battleships equipped with marines, there are actually not too many crew members. There are only a few dozen people in a general frigate, and there are only more than a hundred crew members in a destroyer. It's marines, or pilots of fighter jets, but there are not many people who actually work on battleship posts.

Only the broken ships of the pirates, because they are all refitted from various civilian ships, and whether they understand it or not, they are handmade by themselves. Because those simple assembly equipment do not have the ability to automate, they all have to be solved by manpower, which leads to There must be enough manpower to work on the spaceships of the pirates in order to exert their full combat effectiveness.

But the two warships that Qin Hao just bought are different. The Manghan-class light frigate is an active federal battleship with a high degree of automation. Because of its small size and light tonnage, it does not have a hangar platform and does not assemble marines. Only seven or eight people are needed to drive this Manghan-class light frigate, and more than 30 people can exert its full combat effectiveness.

However, this highly automated battleship also has flaws, that is, there are requirements for the crew, and it cannot be operated by just picking up the goods. It requires professional training. For the pirates under Formosa, out of a thousand people It may not be possible to pick out three or two qualified crew members.

Apart from cleaning, the rest of the pirates could at most work as cooks in the kitchen, and they couldn't do the rest of the technical jobs.

Even the Manghan class currently in service is already so high-tech. That ship has not yet entered the Federal Navy's order, let alone the Scimitar-class destroyer that is being tested at this time. Its standard crew is only more than 70 people. There were only fifty or so, and all of them were dispatched to Qin Hao by the Blood Moon Night Mercenary Group.

"That's it..." After listening to Batulu's report, Qin Hao nodded, and he didn't blame Formosa. After all, the level that this old guy can touch is only those few pirate ships. I can't touch it at all, so it's normal to not understand.

"Formosa, you select some young and smart pirates, and let those dead men on the night of the blood moon train them!" After Qin Hao thought for a while, he found a solution to the shortage of skilled crew.

Although the pirates have been controlled by the back armor, the back armor only suppresses their self-awareness, and has no effect on their learning ability. Even without the interference of self-awareness, these people's learning ability has been improved instead. It's like an artificial intelligence without awakening self-awareness.

"Yes! Master!" Formosa nodded and went to make arrangements.


Time flies,

A month has passed. During this time, Lorenzo has completed the compilation of the core code of the Reckless-class light frigate. After the recompilation, Qin Hao named it the Kestrel. Now as long as those who are receiving training The crew completed the course, and the Brutal-class corvette was ready for combat.

In addition to the official enlistment of the Kestrel, Qin Hao received the Scimitar-class medium-sized destroyer sent by the blood moon night, and Lorenzo also started his work again, After the compilation of this spaceship is completed, Qin Hao intends to transfer Batulu and the third-level insect nest to this new ship. After all, it is far superior to the original flagship of the Blood Eagle Pirates in terms of various statistics. ——Overlord.

Time passed day by day, Qin Hao developed his power in this asteroid belt with peace of mind, but there was already an undercurrent surging in the Oles galaxy.

"What did you say?! Disappeared!?" In the shop of the Kavia Star Blood Moon Night Mercenary Corps, a middle-aged man was sternly questioning the boss.

"Yes... yes... Mr. Croja..." the owner of the shop replied tremblingly.

"Tell me! Tell me in detail!" Croja's face sank. He could hardly believe his ears just now. The original good experiment plan suddenly couldn't be carried out because the experiment target suddenly disappeared!

"My lord...it's like this..." The shop owner took a deep breath, and then said: "Today, we were going to routinely check the real-time data of the target, but suddenly found that we couldn't get in touch, and the nails on the target were also missing. No news from all of them."

"When was the last time you communicated with the target?" Karoya asked.

"Last week! As usual, we exchanged data with the target once a week," Karoya said.

"Damn it! It took you a week to find out?!" Karoya slapped the table angrily. This is the latest spaceship developed by the Federal Laboratory. If it is just lost like this, he can't explain it to it!

"Yes... I'm sorry..." At this time, the shop owner didn't dare to say anything else, he could only apologize tremblingly.

"Immediately mobilize manpower to find it for me! Even if the Oris galaxy is turned upside down, I still have to find this spaceship!" Karoya shouted loudly.

"Yes!" The shop owner nodded hastily.

"I remember you mentioned that it was the Blood Eagle Pirates who bought this spaceship, right?" Karoya asked.

"Yes, Carlos, their leader, came to buy it in person." The shop owner nodded.

"Hmm! Release a mission to the outside world, offering a reward for the coordinates of the Blood Eagle Pirates!" Karoya said.

"Yes! My lord!" The shop owner nodded hastily.

"This matter is very troublesome. I have to go back and make a report. You'd better grasp the situation of the target again within a week, otherwise..." Karoya didn't continue, because the shop owner had already fully understood what he meant. .


After the reward of the Blood Moon Night Mercenary Corps was distributed, all the big and small pirate gangs in the Orlis Galaxy were alarmed. Once upon a time, few people knew the name of the Blood Eagle Pirates in the Orlis Galaxy. This kind of garbage pirate group is simply not ranked in this chaotic galaxy.

But today is different. There is no one in the entire Orlis galaxy who does not know the Blood Eagle Pirates. Now everyone hopes to be the first to find this little pirate group, because finding it means a huge fortune!

So all the big and small pirate groups in the Orlis galaxy took action one after another. They wandered around the galaxy like looking for a needle in a haystack, hoping to find traces of the Blood Eagle pirate group. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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