"Let's go, we'll see it soon." Qin Hao ignored Wilson's shock, but continued to walk deep into the nest with the two of them.

Along the way, Wilson and Lacus were very nervous, because there were running worker bees and vicious dogs everywhere in these passages. These bugs came and went in a hurry, some were transporting supplies, and some were patrolling and guarding.

Although the worker bees do not have much combat power, they are just coolies in the swarm, but to Wilson and Lacus, these worker bees are larger in size and more ferocious in appearance, so in the eyes of Wilson and Lacus, these worker bees are obviously more Scarier.

About ten minutes later, Qin Hao brought these two people to the core of the insect nest, where he met the leader of the insect swarm like a mountain of flesh—Noz!

Noz's height is about three or four meters, not to mention the length, which is enough to be ten meters away, and his body is bloated, like a dark brown, with a 0.1 bare brain, very scary and very disgusting.

The most terrible thing is that this thing has no hands, no feet, and even the eyes are too small to be ignored, only a bloody mouth that looks hideous and terrifying.

Under Noz's body were hundreds of worker bees. These lowest Zerg carried Noz on their backs. If Noz wanted to go anywhere, he had to rely on these worker bees to carry him.

"This is my subordinate. It's called Noz." Qin Hao introduced Wilson and Lacus with a smile.

"This..." Although Wilson's psychological quality is very good, he was also stunned. He didn't expect the leader of the swarm to look like this, and Lacus, who was a girl, hid directly behind Wilson. Because Noz's shape alone is enough to make Lux's disgusting scalp numb.

"Hello! Friends of the two masters!" Noz greeted these two people through his spiritual power. Because he had been told by Qin Hao before, Noz did not call Qin Hao the king, but called him the master. .

"It...it...it can talk?" Lux was really taken aback.

"Actually, it doesn't know how to use human language. It just communicates with you through spiritual power, so there is no language barrier at all." Qin Hao explained.

"Is that how you communicate with it too?" Wilson asked.

"Of course, I also use it to order the worms. Otherwise, those worms who have to wait will not understand my orders." Qin Hao's words are a bit ridiculous. With his coercion and spiritual power, he can completely Commands Zerg of any level except the Queen.

"Is that so..." Wilson pondered,

But it didn't show up.

"What do you mean you brought us to meet it?" Lux asked.

"I told Wilson about the power of the swarm that I possessed, so he asked Lakha to verify it with his own eyes. Now I bring you to see Noz, just to prove to you that the swarm is indeed under my control. Right? Noz?" Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Of course! The swarm listened to your orders, master!" Noz said very cooperatively.

"How is it? Do you believe it now?" Qin Hao smiled and looked at Wilson.

"Mr. Qin Hao, can I record the situation here? You also know that the cooperation between us is not up to me. I have to convince my grandfather." Wilson asked.

"Don't think about the video data, I can only allow you to watch it, and then describe everything here to your elders." Qin Hao shook his head and said, he could not let Wilson directly grasp the evidence between him and the Zerg.

"But..." Wilson wanted to fight again.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I'm not begging you for anything. I just don't want human beings to suffer, so I chose to give the Federation a chance to surrender, and you are just a lucky one I happened to meet after I arrived on Earth. !” Qin Hao said with a condescending expression, although he did not receive this kind of elite education from nobles since he was a child, he also learned a lot from people like Gangmen Pianzuo and General Cohen, so he understands very well that When negotiating, he must take the initiative. Only in this way can he get the greatest benefit.

"Then aren't you afraid that we will fight to the death?" Wilson is not a good person either.

"If I really need to go that far, I would rather start a new world again. To be honest, although the number and reproduction ability of human beings are not as good as Zerg, they are enough to support this civil war!" Qin Hao said indifferently.

"Do you know how many people will die because of your idea?" Wilson pressed.

"So what? If you continue to allow the federal government to maintain your decadent rule, and wait for the alien fleet to arrive, then the end of mankind may be extinction, right? If mankind wins through a civil war that can be called a catastrophe Enough opportunity to fight against aliens, then I am willing to be the sinner who destroyed half of humanity, at least this way I can keep the other half!" Qin Hao's face did not show the slightest fluctuation, but these words were indeed said through gritted teeth .

Qin Hao knew very well in his heart that although he said so, he couldn't do such a thing at all. After all, he was an ordinary person from the bottom, not those high-ranking people who took human lives as dung, at the cost of sacrificing half of mankind, In exchange for a chance to fight against aliens, Qin Hao can say this, but he can't do it at all.

In the final analysis, Qin Hao is not that kind of ruthless person after all, at least not yet, maybe as the Zerg gene gradually takes over, Qin Hao's character will become more selfish and tough, but if he has the chance, he will definitely stop this kind of person. Tendency, because Qin Hao has always insisted that he is a human being, and he wants to maintain the characteristics of a human being. Even if human beings have shortcomings such as cowardice and greed, he does not want to become a Zerg with a human appearance.

But at this moment, Qin Hao had to show his "cruel" and "ruthless" side, otherwise he would be caught by these greedy families and blackmail him again and again.

"Even if hundreds of billions of people died because of your decision?" Lux continued to criticize from the commanding heights of morality.

"Don't be in a hurry to label me. If you surrender, death can also be avoided. Even if there is responsibility, it is both of us!" Qin Hao said lightly.

"You!" Lux was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Okay, everyone is a sensible person, so you don't need to play these little tricks anymore. You have seen what you should see, but you are not the ones who make the decision, so don't talk nonsense with me here, let's go. I'll send you back, and when the time comes, let someone who can make decisions in your family come and talk to me." Qin Hao waved his hand and stopped Wilson and Lacus who wanted to say more.


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