Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 951 Seeing the Sea of ​​Insects Again

Time is passing by every minute and every second, and the phase radar from Shenglin Envoy technology in the rear transmits the current position information of Deng Yan's army to the front line at any time. Qin Hao and others can say that they know the location of Deng Yan's army like the back of their hands.

At this time, all the senior executives of the fleet headed by Hu Ke are nervously staring at the big screen, which shows the transition information of Deng Yan's army. According to the big screen, the first fleet will arrive at the Keha galaxy in ten minutes. , and out of phase space in front of them.

These senior executives of the fleet did not dare to show their atmosphere at this time. They stared at the screen tightly, and each of them was so nervous that they clenched their fists. After all, let alone them, even the most senior federal generals had never experienced it before. .

But compared to these captains, Qin Hao had a relaxed expression on his face. He sat on his flagship leisurely, sipped tea slowly, and at the same time chatted with the combat staff around him without saying a word.

Qin Hao has never worried about the outcome of this battle. For him, it is nothing more than the possibility of accidents due to injuries during the battle, but as long as it is not too out of line, he can accept it, although he said that he should do as much as possible. Preserve the power of human beings, but Qin Hao is not a saint, nor is he a perfectionist. He allows accidents to happen, and also allows additional casualties within a certain range.

Ten minutes is not a long time, it can almost be said to be fleeting. With the end of the countdown, space fluctuations suddenly appeared in the originally empty starry sky, followed by the opening of circular phase channels one by one. Deng Yan's The fleet arrived on time, without missing a second!

"Confirm the affiliation of this batch of fleets!" Qin Hao ordered immediately.

"Yes! Your Excellency!" The adjutant immediately began to look up the hull number data of these ships that had just completed the transition in the database. Because of the cooperation of families such as the rich family and the Twain family, Qin Hao has a very complete local fleet database, so he quickly The affiliation of these ships is determined.

"Report, sir! These ships belong to the Sixth Fleet!" The adjutant immediately reported the information to Qin Hao. At this time, seven of the Sixth Fleet's spaceships had just completed the jump, and the engines and shield systems had not yet been activated.

"Corruptors! Paralyze them!" Qin Hao ordered immediately.

"As you wish, Your Highness!" The Corruptors started spraying slime on these ships immediately after taking the order, and soon these ships were infected by the Corruptors without knowing it.

Just as the Corruptors began to infect the ships, other spaceships from the Sixth Fleet began to arrive one after another, and more and more of these ships arrived, and the Corruptors were soon overwhelmed.

At this moment, because Qin Hao is restricted by the energy crystal, the number of corruptors under him is not very large.

It will take a long time to infect these hundreds of spaceships, but these federal navy warships will certainly not sit still. Once their shields and engines are restored, they should obviously be ready to attack.

"The Skywalker troops started to attack and destroy the weapons and power systems of these spacecraft. If the resistance is too strong, they can be destroyed directly!" Qin Hao gave the order again.

"As you wish! Your Highness!" The swarm leader in charge of the Sixth Fleet's landing area immediately took the order, and then the skywalker army that covered the sky and the sun rushed forward, and the hundreds of millions of skywalker troops instantly wiped out these federations. The battleship was submerged.

"Alert! Alert! This ship is under an unknown attack!"

"Alert! Alert! The hull of the ship is seriously damaged!"

"Alert! The left power engine is seriously damaged, and the power of the spacecraft has been reduced to 30%!"

"Alarm! Alert!"


Almost immediately after Qin Hao gave the order, all the federal warships that had completed the transition were filled with similar sirens, and the bright lights in the ships were also unstable due to power damage or damage to the ships. Get up, red alarm lights and emergency light sources are flashing in the cabin of the battleship, and the hearts of all the Federation soldiers are in their throats in an instant!

As veteran battleship sailors, everyone knows what this situation means - they are ambushed!

You must know that when the ship has just completed the phase transition, it is its most vulnerable time. The main power engine has not yet started, which means that the spaceship has no ability to avoid damage, and the shield system has not been activated, which means that the spaceship cannot Avoid any damage, all attacks can only rely on the armor and the structure of the ship itself to resist!

In the era of great spaceflight, although human beings have developed extremely high-strength metal armor, the technological revolution of weapons is more prominent. In the face of powerful weapon systems, a spaceship without shield resistance is as fragile as a piece of tofu .

"Alert! Alert! Power engine destroyed!"

"Alert! Alert! Radar system out of order!"

"Alarm! Alert! Weapon system failure!"


But what makes these crew members very strange is that although the sirens sounded continuously and the ship's components and systems were destroyed one after another, the enemy didn't seem to intend to completely wipe them out, otherwise they would not be able to sustain themselves under this violent attack. so long……

As time went on, the First Fleet and the Ninth Fleet also began to arrive in Keha one after another. After they left the phase space, they also enjoyed the same treatment as the Sixth Fleet that arrived first.

Endless swarms of insects surrounded the nearly 1,700 spaceships, and then attacked them frantically. Although the close-in defense guns of most of the ships quickly recovered their combat effectiveness, they hadn't waited for these close-in defense guns to be shredded too much. If there are more Skywalkers, more Skywalkers swarm up and destroy all these close-in defense weapons.

There are less than 2,000 spaceships, yet they are besieged by more than 400 million skywalkers. On average, each spaceship has to face more than 200,000 skywalkers. No matter how large these warships are, they cannot withstand such a terrifying swarm siege.

Although the number of Skywalker casualties soared sharply during the battle, although Qin Hao only listened to the reports from some of the leaders of the swarm, he already knew that he lost nearly 20 million Skywalker troops in half an hour .

But the question is does Qin Hao care? He doesn't care! Even if he lost tens of millions more, he would not blink. As the master of the swarm, Qin Hao has long been used to the fact that the low-level zerg are cannon fodder.

Even the lowly swarms are not just cannon fodder, but cheap cannon fodder! Because even if you die in battle, the insect swarm can still recover the corpses of these insects when cleaning the battlefield. These high-quality organic matter can be the material source for hatching new insect swarms. It is not considered consumption at all!

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