
"Yes! Your Excellency!" Hu Ke nodded. He didn't have a good impression of these bureaucrats. If he hadn't been squeezed out by those bureaucrats, he wouldn't have retired from the Federal Navy early and eventually joined the blood moon night, so Hu Ke No sympathy for these greedy bureaucrats.

After taking all the officials of the Zavira galaxy into custody, Qin Hao sent a large number of officials to take over the various administrative stars and resource stars of the Zavira galaxy.

Because Maxi and other high-level officials were all detained by Qin Hao, the reception of the Zavira Galaxy was naturally relatively smooth. Those officials sent out by Qin Hao did not encounter too many obstacles, and occasionally encountered sporadic resistance. , were all brutally suppressed by the swarm.

Carrots and sticks are always the most efficient means of conquest, and the Zevira galaxy is no exception!

However, because the Zevira galaxy is much larger than the Tyrann galaxy, the receiving process is also longer. Qin Hao and his fleet temporarily stationed in the Zevira galaxy, and he has to wait for the entire Zevira galaxy to pass smoothly. , to leave, otherwise these planets are extremely prone to rebound if there is no fleet to deter them in space.

Time flies, Qin Hao lived in Zavira galaxy for two months, during this time, the officials he sent have completely taken over the administrative system of Zavira galaxy, and under the control of these new officials Under the administration, the various planets in the Zevira galaxy have returned to normal life, and the economy has returned to its previous level.

Even after being occupied, those officials implemented the tax reduction policy of President Claude, so whether it is the people of the Zevira galaxy or the Tyran galaxy, they have received actual benefits. These people were frightened from the beginning, and even Kind of like this new government.

"Has there been any reaction from the Federation recently?" Qin Hao called Hu Ke in front of him that day.

"My lord, there has been some turmoil in the Federation recently. The galaxies that had declared independence before seem to be moving again..." Hu Ke said to Qin Hao.

"Oh?" Qin Hao frowned. When the Roentgen Republic was first established, several galaxies also jumped out to become independent, and contacted General Cohen, hoping to form an alliance, but the Roentgen galaxy just appeared to be in decline. , These guys immediately turned their backs. They ruthlessly betrayed General Cohen and the Roentgen Republic. After receiving the benefits and guarantees from the Federation, they all became the Governor-General of the Earth Federation again.

Now, after seeing Qin Hao's great momentum and occupying two galaxies of the Federation in the blink of an eye, these guys jumped out again.

"My lord, the governors of several galaxies headed by Gangcun Jianren have requested to have a call with you.

"Although he didn't like these fools, Hu Ke still conveyed the request of these people to Qin Hao.

"Hmph! Is it possible that these guys also want to sell me?" Qin Hao sneered, he is not General Cohen, and his strength is not comparable to that of the original Roentgen Republic.

"My lord, do you want to meet them?" Hu Ke asked.

"See you! Of course we want to see you!" Qin Hao sneered, and then said to Hu Ke, informing them that there will be a virtual meeting at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon!

"Yes! My lord!" Hu Ke nodded, and then went to prepare.

At four o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Qin Hao came to a conference room on Hu Ke's flagship. There was a long conference table here, and Qin Hao sat directly on the main seat.

"Hum..." As Hu Ke pressed the start button, holographic projections appeared on all the empty chairs on the conference table. These people were chatting, but when they found Qin Hao's projection appeared in their meeting After the table, these people stood up angrily and bowed to Qin Hao.

"Nice to meet you, Lord Qin Hao!" A group of galaxy governors headed by Gangcun Jianren greeted Qin Hao.

Although according to everyone's identities in the Federation, Qin Hao is just a colonel, and everyone present is the governor in charge of a galaxy, but at this time Qin Hao has a large army and has the strength to overthrow the Earth Federation government. In this period when fists speak, respect is inevitable.

"Everyone sit down!" Qin Hao didn't even stand up to return the salute, but just nodded at everyone with his chin.

"Yes!" None of the governors of these galaxies challenged Qin Hao's reasoning. Although Qin Hao was very arrogant, his strength was at stake, and this was the privilege of the strong.

"My lord, our galaxies are all oppressed by the Federation. We tried to resist before, but the Federation was too strong, so we all failed in the end. But now, my lord, you have stood up, so we are willing to help you. Let's overthrow this corrupt federal government together!" Jianren Gangmura said loudly, and someone who didn't know him would even think he was a radical revolutionary party.

But Qin Hao knew very well that this guy was the first to sell General Cohen at a good price, and it was precisely because of his betrayal that General Cohen's intelligence suffered a great blow.

"Join? How to join?" Qin Hao asked with a smile.

"It's like this. Although our galaxies have been squeezed out by the Federation to varying degrees, they still have some family background. If you agree, we can issue a self-government declaration now and refuse to provide taxes and soldiers to the Federation! "Gangcun Jianren said.

"And then?" Qin Hao asked.

"If your fleet needs to transit, we will guarantee your passage and be responsible for all supplies!" said Okamura Kenhito.

"En!" Qin Hao nodded.

"My lord, what do you think?" Okamura Jianren asked with a smile. In his opinion, the price he offered was very attractive, because in this way, Qin Hao could save a dozen or so galaxies. Yes, this will greatly shorten the time for him to attack the earth.

"Then you don't have any demands?" Qin Hao asked with a half-smile.

"No, we sincerely support you to overthrow the federal government, so the help we provide is free, as long as you don't disturb the people when you cross the border!" Okamura Kenren replied.

"Hehe, it sounds good..." Qin Hao smiled, and then asked again: "Then if I succeed in overthrowing the federal government, how are you going to deal with yourself?"

"Of course we have joined your new federation!" Kenren Okamura said with a smile here, and then continued: "However, we hope to get a certain degree of autonomy, and you should be able to satisfy us as a little boy." request?"

Gangcun Jianren finally expressed the ultimate appeal of these people.

( = )

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