Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 14 Departing from the mining area

Early the next morning.

Mochizuki bit off a nutritional supplement reluctantly and went out.

Although she has meat, she doesn't have rice, and she gets tired of eating too much meat.

Mochizuki came early today, and was the first in the team to come to the square.

Next is Ah Qi, Sister Leng and Da Tou, far away, Mochizuki saw Da Tou coming this way with two small tails.

"Okay, little Manyue, didn't you spend a lot on this outfit?" Sister Leng teased after seeing that Mochizuki had been armed from head to toe.

"Isn't this rich? Of course you have to dress better." Mochizuki was not embarrassed at all.

"Hahaha! That's right... Improve your equipment, and your survival rate in the wild will increase." Ah Qi smiled, with the usual smile on the baby's face.

"This is Xiao Zi and Xiao Lan, both of them are third-level fighters." As soon as Da Tou joined the crowd, he introduced them to Mochizuki.

Mochizuki took a look at the two girls, both of whom were about eighteen or nineteen years old. It was true that they were level three warriors. This was nothing in her eyes, but even the level of mental power was very low.

According to the rating of mental power in the interstellar world, Xiao Zi's mental power is too low to be rated as a grade.

What makes Mochizuki most uncomfortable is that although these two faces are not obvious, there is a sense of hostility towards herself.

She has never seen these two girls before, so why did she offend them somehow?

"Brother Qi and Sister Leng, you all know each other, right? This is the new member of our team named Mochizuki." Datou said again.

"Hello." Mochizuki greeted the two with a smile.

"Brother Seven, we said we wanted to join your team last time, but you refused. Why did you let someone younger than us join the team out of nowhere this time?"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zi ignored Mochizuki's overtures at all, she pouted and complained to Ah Qi with a dissatisfied face.

"This..." Ah Qi was in a dilemma. As the captain, of course he couldn't just accept whoever was accepted into the team arbitrarily.

For the safety of the team members, it is impossible for him to recruit some people with low abilities into the team. He can't say this, but he can't say hurtful words.

"As far as you two's hot chicken strength is concerned, don't you have any points in your heart? You will feel better if people say it in front of you, right?" Sister Leng is not used to Xiao Zi, so she pokes her heart directly.

Originally, when the big head brought these two inexplicable women, she was already feeling uncomfortable.

Seeing that Mochizuki greeted them, but she shouldn't, Sister Leng was even more upset, what the hell!

"Xiao Zi, why are you talking to Seventh Brother like this? Maybe it's true, we're not strong enough..." Xiao Lan pulled Xiao Zi aside and blamed Xiao Zi softly.

"I'm sorry Miss Wangyue, Xiaozi is so upright." After Xiaolan blamed Xiaozi, regardless of her ugly face, she evoked a gentle smile and apologized to Mochizuki.

"It's okay, little sister Xiaolan." Mochizuki smiled indifferently, she didn't seem to notice that the other person's face froze after she called out "Sister Xiaolan".

"Pfft!" Sister Leng smiled unceremoniously, "Little Manyue, I find you are really cute! You have only been here for a few days, and I laugh more times than in the whole year before."

It's just that Xiaolan has a thick skin, and she calls everyone her elder sister. Anyone who is not blind can see that Mochizuki is younger than her, thanks to her.

And the girl Mochizuki is even more amazing, she directly recognizes her as a "sister" even more shamelessly than her, hahaha...

Mochizuki blinked for no reason.

"Let's go, ignore these irrelevant people!" Sister Leng pulled Mochizuki to leave first.

Mochizuki smiled apologetically at Xiaolan before leaving, and followed Sister Leng.

Datou also scratched his head in embarrassment. Xiaozi and Xiaolan had formed a team with them before, and the process of cooperation is hard to describe.

Ah Qi said before that if it is not necessary, don't bring the two sisters here, but the big head is an honest uncle, and he can't stand the toughness and softness of these two people, so he agreed to bring them with him...

Since the human base is some distance away from the mining area, they need to rent some flying tools from the mercenary union.

The mercenary union was not officially formed.

This force is intricate, with officials and capitalists controlling it behind the scenes.

When Sister Leng took Mochizuki to rent a car, she raised her mouth by the way. Mochizuki was not the kind of person who was very curious, so she just wanted to know briefly and didn't ask any more questions.

"It's just the two of us, a small suspension car will do. Those two men will be accompanied by beauties, so let's not bother them." Sister Leng said confidently.

"Sister Leng, do you have any trouble with those two just now?" Mochizuki heard for the second time that Sister Leng was displeased with those two "beauties".

"Holidays? think highly of them, sister is too lazy to care about this kind of hot chicken, and stay away from them two in the mining area. You are really unlucky."

Sister Leng didn't want to mention it, so after renting a hover car, she navigated to her destination and flew away.

full moon:……

In the area of ​​​​the sinful star field, this planet is larger than the earth.

Such a large planet is naturally rich in resources.

The current human base only occupies one-tenth of the area of ​​this planet.

Other areas are only under exploration, and there are some special areas that no one has dared to set foot on since humans landed on this planet.

The mining area is just a resource area divided by humans on this planet.

The military has only explored these areas once, and withdrew after confirming that there is no danger, and put this map into the exploreable range.

The green map points on the optical brain are exploreable, and the red marked points represent danger.

The black marked points represent the unknown, which proves that this area has not been explored, and whether there is any official information about this map.

According to the gossip news Mochizuki got from Xingwang, the seven regions of the Sin Starfield seem to contain some huge secrets.

There are also rumors that the ominous things in the universe all come from the evil star field...

The two parked in the safe area, Mochizuki recharged his energy while waiting for others, and checked the weapon again.

Sister Leng watched Wang Yue's series of actions and nodded secretly.

"Do you know how to use this sniper?" Sister Leng looked at Mochizuki wiping the sniper, and asked a little worried.

"Yes." Mochizuki smiled.

In order to get more familiar with this sniper, she bought a lot of energy stones and practiced at home with live ammunition.

"In the future, if you have time, you can go to Starnet to practice your reaction ability. Hologramnet will make it easier for you to get started and save time." Sister Leng said.

"Holographic Network?" Mochizuki has heard of it, but she has never had time to learn about it.

"I'll take you after this mission is over." Sister Leng said with a smile.

Mochizuki's temperament is very suitable for her, and Sister Leng doesn't mind taking this little sister who doesn't understand the dangers of society.

"Okay." Mochizuki also smiled.

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