Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 16 Seeds, Cactus

- Cactus seeds.

The price is 500 purification points per seed.

Mochizuki "stared" at the cactus seeds in the store for a long while, then slowly looked away, and then looked at the desolate Gobi in front of him.

It wasn't that she was suspicious, but that it was too doubtful for the system store to release this seed at this time.

Mochizuki seriously suspects that the mall is a seed based on her current geographical location.

Now that this hint was so obvious, Mochizuki didn't show any hypocrisy, and directly spent 4,000 points of purification, exchanged for eight seeds, and planted one on the spot.

Spend a little ability to directly catalyze the seeds into seedlings, and take water from the space button to water it.

"Let's grow, let's grow, I hope this place can grow into an oasis in the future." A spark can start a prairie fire, and a plant can grow into a towering tree as long as there is a single seed.

Cacti are best suited for such arid regions.

It is actually a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. Mochizuki remembers that when she was a child, her mother with mumps (mumps) used cactus to stick her face, and the effect was very good.

This plant has a very high water content, has the function of clearing heat and detoxifying, and can also be used for cooking.

Although this time the mall did not sell the rice seeds she had been looking forward to, but the cactus was also a precious plant.

It can be said that every plant that is not violent is very precious in this world.

Mochizuki thought of the two shiitake mushrooms he had planted in the plant area.

Then, a flash of inspiration came to her mind.

Could it be that the extra purification value in the mall comes from those two pine mushrooms?

Those two plants exchanged from the system have been purifying the toxins around her, allowing her to gain evolutionary points?

This realization made Mochizuki's heart pounding.

If my guess is confirmed.

Then she doesn't have to use her abilities to evolve plants all the time, but just plant a plant, can she harvest countless evolution points?

Mochizuki suddenly wanted to go to the plant area to see the two shiitake mushrooms that she had planted.

"Whether it's true or not, let's plant it first!" Well, the mining area is sparsely populated, so even if you plant a few plants, it won't be too eye-catching.

In order to verify his idea, Mochizuki spent a lot of money and decided to plant all eight seeds on his body.

Thinking of this, Mochizuki planted another cactus and used supernatural powers to grow it until it matured.

Collect some and put them in the space button for cooking.

This can be used for cooking or medicine, if you don’t pick more, it will be wasted.

While searching for ore, Mochizuki planted cactus seeds in the crevices of some unobtrusive stones, and after using supernatural powers to catalyze seedlings, he left it alone.

After planting eight seeds, Mochizuki was about to redeem some more from the store...

"Di..." Ah Qi's distress signal came out from the terminal. Mochizuki stopped and looked at the map on the terminal, which was about 500 meters away from her.

There is no doubt about Ah Qi's skill at Mochizuki, but it is not certain that the little white flower beside him has not had a moth.

Ah Qi is good at everything, but his ability to judge whores is extremely poor. Of course, since I am not very familiar with Ah Qi at present, I have no position to say that he is just fine.

"Xiao Manyue, Ah Qi and the others are in trouble. Let's rush over now and meet up somewhere." Sister Leng's voice also came from Guangnao.

"Okay." Seeing Sister Leng's nervous appearance, Mochizuki didn't hesitate anymore, and rushed in the direction of Ah Qi without stopping...

Speeding all the way, Mochizuki paid attention to the surrounding terrain while driving.

Where Ah Qi was walking, there were actually trees, no need to think about it, this place is naturally a small oasis in the Gobi.

Mochizuki held a sniper rifle and stood on a small slope more than 100 meters away from the scene. Using the magnification lens on the sniper rifle, he could clearly see the scene.

Sister Leng arrived at Mochizuki first, standing with her sword in her hand, with her big head in front of her.

And Xiaozi was crying, Mochizuki took a closer look, it turned out that Xiaobaihua was injured.

Ah Qi was also in a mess, it didn't look like he was injured, his teammates were all bearded, Mochizuki didn't care what happened to Xiao Baihua, and looked directly at the thing opposite the big head.

That's a bunch of...rats? However, the size of these mice was a bit too large, and they were completely different from the mice she had known before. The smallest one was estimated to weigh twenty kilograms.

It's just that the huge size greatly reduces their flexibility.

I glanced at the energy meter on my wrist, and found that the rage values ​​of these mice were between one and two levels. I took a photo and uploaded it to Xinwang, and I searched for information about this kind of mouse and uploaded it immediately.

Energy Rat: A mutant beast that feeds on energy.

Mochizuki took a hasty glance, and after roughly understanding the habits of this creature, he turned off the optical brain.

Scanned the area with mental power, twenty mice.

Coupled with the unknown of life and death on the ground, it was obvious that they were laid down during the conflict just now.

A creature like Yuanshu has a high IQ and holds grudges.

If they didn't hurt a single mouse in the first place, they might get away unscathed.

Seeing the mouse's angry appearance now, Mochizuki thought, this time he must die forever.

Put the sniper rifle to the most suitable position and watch the moon to fight.

A distance of about two hundred meters is too easy for a sniper to hit the target, but it is also easy to expose his position.

Mochizuki's eyes cooled down, she hid her figure well, and then propped up a thin barrier of mental power, so that people could not perceive her position.

After doing all this, she slowly adjusted the sniper rifle, opened the scope, and aimed at the head of the largest mouse on the field, which was suspected to be the mouse king.

Capture the thief first and capture the king! Kill the king of this group of rats, without command, the battle can be quickly ended.

Sister Leng and the three had discovered Mochizuki's hiding place early on, but in the last second, they lost Mochizuki's perception traces.

If it weren't for the state of the team, they still saw Mochizuki on the map more than two hundred meters away, and they almost thought that the little girl had disappeared out of thin air.

Mental power camouflage, this is a necessary skill for high-level spiritual power users. After using this skill, even if someone is standing in front of you, you will not be able to perceive the existence of the other party.

Little Man Yue, how did she learn it?

This is the common question in the hearts of the trio in the team at this time.

Here Mochizuki has already spoken in the team channel group, "I shot in three seconds."

Mochizuki said something in a low voice to make them mentally prepared, and after counting silently for three seconds, they buckled down the board.


A clear and clear gunshot unique to the sniper rifle sounded, and the Shu King, who was in the restless group of Yuanshu, was shot flying.

The powerful impact of the bullet brought its body more than ten meters away.


The mouse king was killed, and the remaining mice did not rush away, but became even angrier, and began to rush towards Ah Qi and the others in a disorderly manner.

A scuffle officially began.

After Mochizuki fired the gun, he directly pulled the bolt to reload, and fired one shot after another mercilessly.

Each shot can take away a source mouse. Although the mice in front of him are not the ones he knows, Mochizuki is not merciless in killing them.

Snipers have always been recognized as the silent "Grim Reaper" on the battlefield. The sniper Mochizuki holds has very little recoil. When shooting, the gun body does not vibrate too much. Bought the best with all your money, and it was extremely lethal.

It's just that the sound is a bit loud. Mochizuki was still thinking about whether to add a silencer to the sniper rifle while shooting.

This gun is good for everything, just like the old bolt gun, you have to manually pull the bolt to eject the bullet.

Although, it only delays for about a second, if it is a master's move, it will be fatal.

Therefore, this bolt-type sniper rifle has long been eliminated in Interstellar.

To use this kind of sniper, it is also an extremely test of the sniper's reaction ability and agility in the master vs. sniper.

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