Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 192 Strange Tree

"No." Luoshen's usually clear voice was a little hoarse.

"That's a pity!" Mochizuki didn't think that the master and servant were not caring enough, so he explained the efficacy of ginseng in detail in a low voice.

"Bringing back to life? Is this plant really that magical?" The little assistant, who has always paid attention to science, obviously didn't believe it.

"I just heard this from my seniors. I don't know if it really has this function. After all, I have never seen that legendary top plant..."

Mochizuki blinked innocently.

What she just said about the efficacy of ginseng is true, and the following legends about ginseng are false.

True or false is more mysterious?

It can also achieve the effect of fooling people, Mochizuki thought wickedly.

Luoshen looked at the slightly mischievous smile on the corner of the girl's mouth, even though she knew that her words might only contain half of the gold.

If he hadn't had this soup, what she said just now, he would just take it as a prank by the girl to fool him.

But after he drank that bowl of soup and saw its efficacy, Mochizuki said it again, and the effect was different.

Mochizuki did it on purpose, and even Pei Ji knew about it, but he couldn't even say a word of blame.

Also thank the other person and remind them that those precious plant roots that were previously ignored by themselves are some precious treasures.


Is this the fault of ignorance?

This meal, Luoshen's master and servant ate... very, sour, and... very aggrieved!

Before leaving the house, Mochizuki showed Luoshen a picture drawn by Mochizuki and a Ganoderma lucidum materialized by the optical brain, "If you see this kind of plants while looking for plants, you must bring them back."

"What's the use of this weird plant?" Pei Ji looked at the beautiful umbrella plant projected in front of him in puzzlement, he was really ignorant.

"It is similar to the soup you just drank, and it may be better. It may have the effect of curing mental breakdown." Mochizuki said with a faint smile.

Of course, Mochizuki didn't tell them that all these plants had to be purified by her supernatural powers, so that they could exert their normal effects.

Of course, the current Junwen Mountain is also possible.

Now that Jun Wenshan is the "only" wood-type supernatural being in the universe, Mochizuki doesn't want anything to happen to this guy.

Although that guy has no brains and is defiant.

But at least, as long as this guy doesn't die, with her standing in front and attracting the attention of most big shots, he will be safe for a long time.

Therefore, Mochizuki is creating employment opportunities for Junwenshan.

If she publishes the list of these medicinal materials.

With Jun Wenshan's current ability, it is also very easy to clean up a piece of violent plant root of level 5 or 6.

The potency of the plants cleaned by the purifiers will be greatly increased. If these guys study it properly, it will bring good news to many people.

As for whether Junwen Mountain will be robbed by those selfish people, this is not something Mochizuki should be thinking about now.

If someone in those group of guys accidentally killed Jun Wenshan, it's none of their business.

Although Mochizuki did this selfishly, it also gave them a chance.

If Junwen Mountain has been doing well, Mochizuki will also consider publishing the plant seeds earlier.

If Jun Wenshan is unfortunately sliced ​​to death, then, sorry, the destruction of the world has nothing to do with her...


The war is still in a stalemate, and two weeks have passed in a blink of an eye, Mochizuki is a little anxious this time.

Because the war is about to spread to the two planets she bought.

This time Mochizuki almost died in a hurry.

However, after half a month, her abilities were barely recovered by more than half.

On this day, Mochizuki set off for the second area of ​​plants early in the morning.

Although the war outside the sinful star field is still going on, the people in the city of sin may be numb and used to it. Although there are some people in the city who are restless and making troubles, there is no big disturbance.

People are still doing quests, and those dandies from the mercenary union have restrained themselves a little.

Mochizuki came to the second area of ​​plants where he hunted Wolf Fang last time and found ginseng again.

There is a strange tree that can suck blood.

Mochizuki put away the car and quietly came under the tree.

Look at the energy meter on your wrist.

"Level three peak..." Mochizuki was a little surprised.

After such a long time, this tree is holding on to not being downgraded.

Because of this blood-sucking tree, the two big mushrooms planted next to it are still alive, but there are some animal furs on the side.

"He even knows how to use mushrooms as bait to attract flesh and blood." Mochizuki felt cold after observing the surroundings.

She knew very well how much the animals liked those two mushrooms that she planted with her own hands.

The pine tree planted before has been downgraded. Unexpectedly, this blood-sucking monster tree is actually purged by two pine mushrooms, and it is faintly about to be upgraded.

This tree was originally upgraded by relying on the surrounding mutated energy, but because Mochizuki planted two mushrooms, the surrounding mutated energy was affected.

It even found another way, using pine mushrooms to attract animals to the door to upgrade!

"Over the past few days, this tree has swallowed a lot of flesh and blood..." Mochizuki felt his scalp go numb.

Then, just to be cautious, Mochizuki mobilized her mental power to scan the second area of ​​the plant carefully. She didn't feel relieved until she didn't find the second vampire tree.

After placing a mental shield to hide this small area, Mochizuki attacked the vampire tree directly.

Activate the ability to violently purify this level three peak vampire tree.

"Srustling..." The vampire tree swayed its branches frantically, but under the suppression of Mochizuki's ability, it couldn't make any waves at all.

A minute passed, and Mochizuki successfully turned it from the peak of the Three Realms back to an ordinary tree without even a first-order tree.

Of course, in the process of evolution, Mochizuki still inevitably felt the anger conveyed by this strange tree.

"It's quite an idea!" Mochizuki stopped and gave a low laugh.

If the tree continues to mutate, it may have more ideas.

"You just stay here, don't think about leveling up or anything, I'll level up as many levels as you have leveled up." Mochizuki said mischievously to Dashu who had regained his composure.

After being downgraded, it shouldn't affect the "IQ" of this big tree, and Mochizuki can still vaguely sense a strong sense of unwillingness from this big tree.

"You can suck the blood of animals today. As your level gets higher and higher, you will need more flesh and blood...I can't take this risk."

Mochizuki shook her head, rejecting Dashu's bargain.

Whether it is human beings or various mutated animals and plants in this world, there is an advanced rule.

The energy they need to advance each time is a huge consumption.

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