Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 33 About the original owner

"Actually, you don't have to think about it at all." Out of the building where Ah Qi lived, Sister Leng said to Mochizuki.

"Why? The interstellar cooking competition should have a lot of rewards." Mochizuki looked at Sister Leng, trying to see something else in her expression.

"Little girl, listen to me, just don't go, the water is deep there." Sister Leng flashed complex emotions in her eyes, Mochizuki didn't understand.

"I didn't say I was going, I'm worried about you." Mochizuki said with a smile.

"Really, my sister doesn't want you to have something to do. Also, if you cook at home, you need to use an air conditioner to clean up the smell in the kitchen, and don't let it float outside..."

Sister Leng instructed Mochizuki carefully.

The last time I ate at Mochizuki's house, she had already thought of reminding this girl when she attracted the neighbors over.

"I'll buy one right away." Mochizuki's heart warmed slightly, and he had already seen that thing at Ah Qi's house not long ago.

The two parted ways, and Mochizuki returned to his residence slowly and alone.

I just listened to the conversation of Ah Qi and the others at the dinner table.

They won't be doing missions anytime soon.

And Mochizuki... due to the shortage of plant seeds, she must go to the plant area to explore.

The fruit of the plant Ah Qi brought last night cannot be used as a seed, which broke Mochizuki's fantasy, so after a few days of rest, she planned to head to the second area of ​​the plant.

I also want to take advantage of these few days to see how the pine mushrooms I planted in the plant area are harvested.

Of course, there are cacti in the mining area.

Until today, Mochizuki still can't figure out the plant illustrated book and mall on her body, and what routine is used to unlock the seeds.

Early in the morning, Mochizuki was woken up again by Sister Leng.

"Didn't you say you're going to Xingwang for training? Why are you still sleeping? Get online soon!" Sister Leng said dissatisfied when she saw that Mochizuki was still sleeping.

Mochizuki glanced at her sadly, then glanced at the time, it was only six o'clock in the morning.

ah! You don't need to go out on missions, and you can't even sleep in, it's really crazy!

Although he kept complaining in his heart, but everyone had already been woken up, Mochizuki got up from the bed resignedly, and entered the interstellar holographic network with the special connector that could log in to the star network that was ordered last night.

In this interstellar world of information explosion, holographic digital technology has already been realized, and the holographic world has almost become the second largest world of human beings.

A scientist even proposed that if human beings cannot overcome the problem of genetic viruses within hundreds of years, then the holographic world will be the last retreat for human beings.

This is to abandon the physical body and enter the digital spiritual world forever...

Mochizuki disagrees, no matter how real this data world is, she is just a bunch of sad numbers.

After logging in to the Internet and registering a screen name, Mochizuki was too lazy to name it, so he simply took up the screen name of "Little Full Moon".

He didn't even make a facebook, and directly entered the Internet with a popular facebook.

If it weren't for the rule that the gender cannot be changed, Mochizuki would prefer to put on a male face. No matter which world he is in, it is much more convenient for men to walk around the world than girls...

As soon as they came in, Sister Leng's message notification kept ringing, and the two added each other as friends, and Sister Leng came to Mochizuki in an instant.

"Why are you holding this face?"

Sister Leng is wearing a noble and glamorous Yujie outfit, her figure is almost as hot as she is in reality, and the outline of her original face has been slightly adjusted.

Those who are familiar with her can still recognize her appearance in reality.

"Aren't you in a hurry to get me online?" Mochizuki blinked innocently.

Sister Leng choked immediately.

"Is there really everything in this world?" Mochizuki looked around curiously.

"There must be. Ninety-nine percent of this century is made according to the structure of the real world. In this world, you can visit every galaxy and go to every place you want, but it is only limited to a certain place. The main cities of some galaxies..."

Sister Leng took Mochizuki for a walk on the street while introducing her to Starnet.

"The main planets of every galaxy, those adventure zones..."

"It's definitely not possible! For example, Sin City, there is no such map on the star network!" Sister Leng laughed lightly.

Mochizuki nodded, so in the eyes of outsiders, the Sin Star Field is a mysterious and sinful place.

The people in the Sin Starfield are either heinous or deserving of death.

It's an entrenched geographic hit.

"I said, girl, you will not have a serious illness and forget everything, right?" Sister Leng looked at Mochizuki and asked worriedly.

"It's not forgotten, I still know some common sense of life." Mochizuki said with a smile, common sense of life is instinct.

As for the original owner, the place where she lived was also very backward. Even if she inherited most of her memories, Mochizuki is still very strange to this world.

Moreover, judging from the various memories of the original owner, she was intentionally bred to be so ignorant.

As for who...

Mochizuki doesn't want to delve into it now, it's all because of lack of strength.

So Mochizuki didn't want to expose his face to more people before everything was revealed.

This is also the reason why, Mingming was very confident in his own strength, and agreed to Ah Qi and the others' request to form a team.

If you are alone, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl will attract more attention in this sinful city.

Forming a team with others, she is an inconspicuous rookie in the team who needs someone to lead her.

Mochizuki thought for a while and could only say vaguely: "When I was sent to Sin City, I only lived in a small mountain village..."

Yes, it was really an ordinary small farm village. As soon as he turned sixteen, people kept appearing around the original owner.

Then one day, when she woke up, she was already on a spaceship bound for Sin City...

It can be said that the original owner's life in the past ten years has been muddled.

It should be said that someone deliberately made her live so humble.

Mochizuki had made various speculations based on the original owner's life experience. When she was in the city of sin, she also kept an eye on her surroundings for any suspicious characters.

But it was obvious that there was nothing to gain. Since the original owner came to Sin City, those people have completely disappeared.

Sister Leng's eyes flickered, but she didn't say anything.

Mochizuki's words can also explain why many of her common sense of life are very vague.

After all, this interstellar world is said to be developed, but some planets are also very backward.

Some planets are no different from undeveloped primitive stars.

"Let's go, let's take you to see it!" Sister Leng took the lead to walk to a teleportation place.

Mochizuki took a look, it was a very realistic wormhole made by Xingwang, as long as you input any place on the map, the system can reach it immediately.

Soon, Sister Leng took Mochizuki to a very lively place.

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