Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 36 Who digs the pit for?

However, the captain had a good idea. One minute passed, two minutes passed...

After a full five minutes of silence, the teammate named Junlin didn't find Mochizuki's location either.

"It's strange, why can't I find her location with my mental power coverage? Is there anyone else who can pretend so well?"

Jun Lin crouched under a big tree with a puzzled face, unfolding his mental power over and over again, sweeping the entire forest.

"Impossible, your mental power level is one line lower than A-level, and there should be no one on the field with higher mental power than you..." Someone in the blue team couldn't believe it.

"It's not impossible, don't underestimate B-level spiritual power users!"

"Then what should we do now? Let that woman kill me? The advantage we finally gained will soon be overtaken!" Someone said dissatisfied.

All ten of them come from a military academy, and on weekdays, ten of them go online together to train their mental strength.

Since they are not wild teams, they have always cooperated very well. In this B-level rank, they have always been invincible, and they are on the list.

But today, in just one minute, four teammates were eliminated all at once. On weekdays, this is simply impossible.

"The problem is that we have no way to find out the opponent's position now." King's Landing said in a deep voice on the team channel.

"Who is going out to be the bait?" Several people were at a stalemate, and Jun Lin asked again.

There was a moment of silence in the team, and no one answered.

On Mochizuki's side, she killed four people in a row, and then took Sister Leng to change places.

When a master fights, the opponent can easily judge the position of the sniper based on the direction of the bullet's source.

Mochizuki will not give the other party such a chance.

This forest is in the game, no! It is simply the jungle environment of the earth thousands of years ago.

When she first entered this forest, she had already discovered that, as a wood-type supernatural being, she actually felt the existence of the wood element in a game.

But she won't use her wood ability.

Although Sister Leng said that Xingwang 100% protects personal privacy.

But she also didn't want to risk exposing herself.

In Xingwang, or in this kind of battle map, there are no mutated plants, only ancient virgin forests. She never believes that there are any coincidences in this world.

Moreover, this kind of primeval forest does not have the shackles of the real world on wood-type supernatural powers, and can freely use wood-type supernatural powers to fight in this jungle like it was thousands of years ago.

Mochizuki believes that this is just a trap, a trap!

As for who the interstellar people are digging this hole in this star network, Mochizuki doesn't know.

Be careful that you can travel for ten thousand years, she just doesn't plan to jump into this pit...

Mochizuki was lying under the root of a big tree covered with pine moss, and the auspicious suit on her body was perfectly combined with the moss, making it impossible to see any flaws.

With six people on the other side, Mochizuki once again deployed his mental power to search for the other party's location.

A few seconds later, the corner of her mouth hooked.

The hiding positions of these people are very professional, and in reality, they must also be engaged in military affairs, adventure and the like.

Anyone else would have been unable to find out where they were hiding, but they were unlucky enough to run into her.

In the case that both sides have masters of mental power, neither side wants to make a move first, lying on the ground motionless.

When the opponent can't bear to move first, then the opportunity will come.

But Mochizuki can disguise mental power, which is the biggest cheating weapon on the battlefield.

Although the opponent's spiritual power is very advanced, it is obvious that they cannot pretend to be spiritual power.

Mochizuki opened the team channel.

Xiao Manyue: "If you don't want to die and want to win, the opponent will take action in about a minute. At that time, you must kill with one blow. Otherwise, I will not save you if you are hunted down."

Several men in the team were still guessing in their hearts what kind of person the ruthless man who killed the blue team was.

I didn't expect that she was really a girl, and she was still a little girl when she heard the voice!

When the men thought of the words they despised women not long ago, they felt really uncomfortable.

Some people still make excuses in their hearts, who said that the women who usually form a team are all weak chickens? Let them develop the awareness that women are weak.

Who can blame this? Just like now, although they don't deny that there are strong women, they are just special exceptions...

"Say it." Teammate 1 lost the previous arrogance.

In this world, although it is recognized that women are weaker than men, more often than not, the strong are respected.

The girl in front of him is obviously stronger than them and is qualified to lead them.

Mochizuki recounted the plan she had thought up on the team channel, and said again: "After doing all this, if you don't wipe out all the people in an instant, you should disperse them in the woods immediately. You should have played hunting games, right?"

"Okay!" After hearing Mochizuki's plan, several big men gasped and became even more weak.

What they were thinking at this time was that fortunately this is just a game, and after this game is over, they will never interact with this girl again, if in reality...

They dare not think about it anymore...

Sure enough, as Mochizuki thought, the blue team had to determine the location of the sniper based on the source and direction of the bullet.

"It's calculated!" After the mental power search failed, the blue team leader used another method to find someone.

King's Landing shared the team channel with the map that Mochizuki just lay down on.

"Just hiding here, we didn't find out just now?" Someone looked at the place where Mochizuki was lying on his stomach and exclaimed.

"This place shouldn't be ignored by us! What's going on here?" Another person asked suspiciously.

"Did someone move this place just now?" Jun Lin looked at the small pit where Mochizuki and Sister Leng just lay down, and couldn't believe it.

"I'm sure no one has moved this place just now, they must be in this little pit!"

The sniper who had been searching for Mochizuki's position with his mental power also said affirmatively.

"Are you sure?" King's Landing asked again.

Now that small dirt slope really looks like a small dirt slope, and it doesn't look like someone is hiding at all.

"md It would be great if this game could use a life detector..." Someone was rude!

Jun Lin rolled his eyes. If all kinds of technology in Starland can be used in this small battlefield, how can we train our mental power?

Just cheat with technology!

The teammate who was swearing just now was also belatedly aware of it. He was embarrassing and stopped talking on the team channel.

"Would you like to take a gamble!" Jun Lin was the vice-captain of the blue team. Under uncertain circumstances, he decided to take a gamble, betting that the opponent's sniper was lying on his stomach in the small pit.

It's just that although the pit is not big, it's impossible for one person to instantly kill someone in one fell swoop.

It takes several people to shoot at the same time, and the rain of bullets covers the pit, in order to achieve the effect of killing people instantly.

It's just that if they shoot first this time, they will directly expose their position. It's okay that the opponent is in the small pit. If they are not there, then their round...

Even if you win, it will be very difficult to win.

"Just bet, just bet, anyway, the opponent is only that expert, as long as we kill him, the remaining little salted fish are nothing to worry about!"

A few people gritted their teeth and decided to take a gamble, at worst, restart the round.

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