Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 47 The Meaning of Living

Although her mental power is damaged, her force value must be very high!

You ask him why he is so sure that the girl in front of him is a master? This is an intuition he has honed in life and death struggles for many years.

It's a bestial instinct.

He has been able to bounce around in the city of sin safely until now, not because of his strength and the backing of the mercenary union, but because he knows how to assess the situation and has unparalleled intuition.

Then, he put his eyes on Sister Leng...

"Yo! Beauty!" Langya's eyes couldn't be pulled out once they were placed on Sister Leng.

"Brother Lang..." The younger brother next to Langya obviously recognized Sister Leng, and cautiously put his head into Langya's ear and said something.


After hearing this, Langya glared at Sister Leng and Mochiyue unwillingly, turned around and left.

Mochizuki heard what they said, but Langya's fear of Sister Leng made her think deeply...

It wasn't until Langya found the missing figure that the people in the yard slowly got up from the ground.

People familiar with the grandparents began to pack up the corpses...

Mochizuki and Sister Leng stood there quietly.

Mochizuki felt very uncomfortable at this time, looking at the person in front of him with a numb expression and empty eyes.

She felt that her heart was even more desolate, as if a big hole had been broken.

Such is the world!

Even if she has the ability to reach the sky, she can't change the world in an instant.

It is said that after experiencing the cruelty of the last days, people's hearts will become colder and harder.

But Mochizuki wasn't, and her former comrade-in-arms... wasn't either.

At the beginning of the end of the world, she also watched everything that happened in the world with a cold eye, and she was also in despair.

But when she saw the zombies besieging the city, those groups of figures rushing to the battlefield without hesitation made her understand the meaning of being human.

To be human, one must be grateful, hopeful, and upright.

If you only plunder the world without giving anything, then the world will not give you precious things, even if you stand on the top of the world in the end, what's the point?

People are alive... they always have to bear some things!

For example, my own life...

And in this world, there are some people who just want to live...

She is such a contradictory person.

However, even such a simple wish must be taken away.

"Let's go." Sister Leng said in a low voice, she took Mochizuki's cold hand and pulled her away from the courtyard.

" have to get used to it..." Sister Leng said with difficulty.

"Heh..." Mochizuki chuckled suddenly, seeing Sister Leng's cautious appearance, the desolation in her heart was easily driven away.

"I'm not that fragile. Maybe it's because my mental strength is too depleted, which makes me feel deeply."

Sister Leng was stunned for a moment, then looked carefully at the smile on the girl's face by turning on the light, um... she was as warm as ever.

"...It's good if you can think about it."

What Sister Leng thought in her heart was that Mochizuki was young, so she couldn't bear to see the miserable scene just now, and she couldn't think about it, and she might have nightmares at night.

"There are more people in this world who are more miserable than the grandparents and grandchildren just now. We can't change anything by ourselves." Mochizuki looked up at the half moon in the sky, his expression was unreal.

Being shot in the head by someone and dying without pain is probably the happiest way to die.

Life is worse than death, which is the most painful.

"What we have to do is to live hard, we want to witness a different tomorrow, a different world!"

Sister Leng's expression was firmer than ever before.

Mochizuki looked sideways, this is faith.

The entire universe is shrouded in ominousness, and people live numbly, with no hope in sight.

But there is always hope.

Sister Leng sent Mochizuki to the door of the corridor, and she was still worried and told her: "Your mental power has been severely damaged, and you will rest at home these few days. Don't use your mental power forcibly, otherwise it will affect your future progress." stage..."

"Understood..." Mochizuki replied with a helpless smile.

Mochizuki never knew that Yujie, who had such a cold appearance, had such a nagging side.

This is really seeing her as a child!

Obviously... Yesterday I had already shown my tough side in front of this woman.

Why does she seem to have completely forgotten?

After sending off Sister Leng, Mochizuki went home slowly.

enter the door.

"Linglingjiu, go to Xingwang to buy a medical kit..."

What happened today gave Mochizuki a wake-up call. It is always good to have some medicine at home.

Otherwise, it is herself who suffers.

"Yes, master." Ling Lingjiu quietly went to work.

Mochizuki was lying on the bed, his mind was empty, and his eyes were blank looking at the ceiling above his head.

What happened not long ago had a big impact on her, she needs to think about what she should do in the future...

Mochizuki stopped going out for the next two days, but rested at home.

And Sister Leng and the others didn't have any gatherings other than the daily optical brain calls.

Two days later, the day of the big investigation came.

The first area of ​​the base where Mochizuki is located is divided into several areas, all of which are controlled by the army.

The genetic mutants in the base, although they were very angry in their hearts, under the absolute suppression of force, they couldn't break the storm at all.

Mochizuki was the first group to go out for inspection.

Since she knew that there was no genetic mutation in her body at all, she felt relieved to queue up for inspection...

Looking at the examination results in front of her, as expected by Mochizuki, there is nothing wrong with her body.

The inspector who was standing at the side asked the next one to continue to come up as if nothing had happened, as if it was normal for people without genetic mutations to appear in Sin City.

Mochizuki didn't react too much, thinking that the original owner came to Sin City so inexplicably.

There is also Sister Leng's "genetic mutation," and Ah Qi's evasive "refuge," Mochizuki thought. In this city of sin, there may be countless people like him.

But in general, most people don't want to lose their freedom and be forced to be locked up in this never-ending place.

"Let's go!" Sister Leng also checked with her, and once Wang Yue was done, she dragged her back to her residence.

Mochizuki smiled and nodded.

She is not a saint, and she doesn't think she has crossed over, like the protagonists in movies and novels, she has a protagonist aura.

Acting as the protagonist, she is very clear that she is also an insignificant woman struggling to survive in this understanding.

If something within her own power happened in front of her again, Mochizuki might stand up and help her.

After all, maybe it's just selfish and fearful like many people...

No! What may be different from them is that seeing the tragedy happening in front of her, she is not as numb as others, but her heart is still angry and pity...

And what use are these emotions? It's just adding trouble to yourself...

Because the base was well prepared, even if someone wanted to instigate a rebellion against those genetic mutants, they would be quickly suppressed.

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