At this time, Langya and the others also finished their analysis. After all, as people in the interstellar world, they are not surprised by the characteristics of plants.

It's no surprise that you can guess the plant you're looking for and hide it yourself.

"Boss, do you mean that we need to find that plant and hide it ourselves? But where can it hide?" Little brother A asked strangely.

They have seen many such plants in the interstellar adventures, and he has also seen some mutant plants that can grow two human-like legs to escape.

"Then how can we find that thing now?" Little brother C lost his composure.

The mutated plants in the interstellar world have a kind of urination, and some plants that are not aggressive but have a gentle temperament are often relatively precious mutated plants.

If the boss's news is correct, then they will really get rich this time!

"Lao Liu, have you found any information about this plant?" Langya asked an unremarkable younger brother in the team.

Since he got the picture of this plant, he has handed it over to the members of the team who are good at collecting data.

"Found it!" Lao Liu couldn't see any expression on his masked face, but his voice was very mellow.

"What is it?" Several people in the team gathered around.

"This is a plant from the Blue Star thousands of years ago. According to the legend of the Blue Star people, this plant has the effect of bringing the dead back to life!" The sixth child said in a low voice, and he collected the effects of ginseng and even folklore. Eloquently.

Everyone: ...with a dazed look.

half an hour.

"I finally found out why the Blue Stars perished so quickly after escaping from their home planet a thousand years ago." Langya's voice was full of contempt.

"My mind is full of these unrealistic fantasies, no wonder I died early!" Little brother C immediately answered knowingly.

If you don't pay attention to the development of science and think about unrealistic things, you deserve to perish.

"Then what should we do now? Do you believe the stories these Blue Stars made up?" Langya kicked the stones on the ground irritably.

"Although this is a cultural legend on the blue star, this plant is real. As for its efficacy, according to the conclusions drawn by the old guys at the Interstellar Research Institute, it is truly effective..."

Lao Liu paused, he was a hacker in this area, he called up the information he had just stolen, and showed them to Langya and the others.

Langya and teammates: speechless...

"Then do you think that guy from Interstellar is full? What kind of blue star culture is he starting? Even this kind of mythical plant has been produced..." After a long while, Langya said bitterly.

"There are rumors that the guys from the Memory Research Institute have found a new way out, and it may be to study Blue Star..." The sixth child said uncertainly.

"As for this plant... I heard that there is a special detector that can detect it." Lao Liu said again.

"Then you should buy this kind of thing!" Langya got a little impatient.

After searching for a long time, there was no result. The shielding device they bought had limited energy and was about to fail.

"This kind of detector is currently only in the hands of the Interstellar Science and Technology Institute, and it has not been officially released. It is a bit difficult for us to get it..." The sixth child said in a dilemma.

"Grass!" Langya cursed fiercely.

"Then you said, besides the Interstellar Science and Technology Institute, is there any other way to obtain that kind of equipment?" Langya asked unwillingly.

He didn't want to be in such a hurry, but now he was eager to get the things before the news leaked out.

Otherwise, with his strength, it would be impossible to snatch food from a group of big bosses.

"...May be a bit difficult." Lao Liu said in a deep voice.

Those detectors are the latest models, tailor-made for the latest plant characteristics.

Even if you have money, you can't get one.

"Then is there any other way to find that plant besides instruments?" Although Langya was desperate, he didn't want to give up.

"It can only depend on luck." Lao Liu said.

Spike turned around twice in a rage, "Then look for it! In two days, the news will spread throughout the entire interstellar world. At that time, many people will flood into Sin City to explore. At that time, we will have no advantage at all." .”

"Boss, is there really such a magical plant in this world? Will we be deceived by those guys from the Interstellar Research Institute? After all, this kind of thing has not been confirmed..."

Little brother D couldn't help but questioned aloud.

"I know what you suspect in your heart, but now whether it is the military department or the mercenary union, they have more or less top-secret information about Blue Star, and those people from the Interstellar Science and Technology Institute have already started Researched……"

The voice of the wolf's teeth carried a sense of urgency.

"Then what do we mean above?" Little brother D asked.

The reason why the members of the mercenary guild were so anxious was because they heard some news that was not good for them.

Since the universe was polluted by unknown substances, the mercenary union has rapidly developed into a powerful force that can compete with the military.

The mercenary union, people in this force come from all walks of life, there is a kind of people who don't like to restrain themselves from entering the army, and the mercenary union is their best choice.

Now the iron order of the universe is chaotic, and the main forces and resources of the major galaxies are used in the research of anti-gene viruses.

If this problem is solved, the main powers of the major galaxies will free up their hands to deal with them, a mercenary union from all over the world and three worlds.

The scientists of the Interstellar Academy of Sciences who studied genes gave up their original research direction a year ago.

Instead, study Blue Star and Blue Star's genes.

A lot has been achieved in just one year.

Among them, the pictures of plants obtained by Spike came from the ancient blue star.

I heard from the group of old guys in the Academy of Sciences that this plant has the effect of inhibiting gene variation.

The mercenary union also has a department that specializes in the study of genetic diseases, so their agents immediately stole the information about the plant from the people in the military department.

Only by getting this plant before the people in the military department can their mercenary guild have more chances of winning in the future.

"Boss, it's also possible that the picture you got is not fake, but the location where the plant grows has changed, why don't we expand the area to look for it?"

Little brother a whispered.

"What you said makes sense." Langya nodded, thinking that he should expand his search.

But Mochizuki, who was listening to the corner of the wall from the beginning to the end on the top of the tree, thought of more.

She remembered that Datou said not long ago that the people in the interstellar world have started to study the blue star people again...

Mochizuki's eyes were filled with many emotions, and she began to suspect that there might be other Blue Stars in this world.

She has never underestimated the wisdom of the people on Earth. Her ancestors knew that all eggs cannot be put in one basket.

And these questions are not important now, the important thing is, how do the interstellar people want to study the genes of the blue star people?

Will it follow the old path of thousands of years ago?

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, I wish all the cuties a happy new year and all wishes come true! ????????

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