Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 51 Bloodsucking Tree

"it's here!"

A suspension car carrying three people galloped from far to near.

Mochizuki looked at the three of them sharply.

With just a quick sweep of her mental strength, she knew that the three of them were delivering food.

The strength is even weaker than that of Langya.

"Brother Langya!" Three people on the floating window jumped out of the car, and a woman yelled loudly when she saw the people hanging upside down from the tree in large characters.

"Help me!" Langya yelled in fear, seeing the arrival of the three, hope burst into his eyes.

At this time, the branches above his head had already reached his body and began to wrap around.

"This... How can I save this?"

The women in the three-person team panicked.

"Suppress bombs with plants!" A man in the team had already taken out a silver pistol from the space buckle, and fired a shot at the roots of three big trees.

Mochizuki's eyes flickered slightly, and the pistol in the man's hand looked like a good thing.

Sure enough, the bullet sank into the roots of the big tree, and the effect was immediate, and the big tree, which was twisting wildly just now, stopped.

Those people were still hanging on the tree because the vines were controlled by Mochizuki, otherwise, the vines would have softened under the influence of the suppressing bullets. Even so, the lives of Langya and the others were no longer in danger.

Mochizuki frowned slightly, but fortunately he left without turning around just now, otherwise these guys would have narrowly escaped death.

"Put me down quickly!" Langya felt relieved that the tree had stopped agitating, but he was still extremely uneasy, and what happened just now made him terrified.

He began to order the three men and women on the ground to put themselves down.

"Brother Langya, wait a minute." The woman immediately returned to the hover car and let the car fly into the air, trying to cut off the vines and put the man down.

However, since Mochizuki wanted Langya's life, how could he let this happen?

She moved her fingers, and the vines wrapped around Spike and the others moved slowly again.

She also branched out a vine, wrapped it around the big tree, passed through the vine, and injected her abilities into the big tree, allowing the big tree to continue to be activated.

Sure enough, the big tree started to be agitated again, and this time it was even crazier than the last time.



The younger brother a and the sixth brother were pierced through the body by the branches of the big tree in an instant, and the blood was scattered in the air and fell on the ground in large swaths.

"Ah! What's going on here?" The woman on the suspension car was splattered with blood as soon as she approached, and she screamed in fright.

There were two other men in the car, and the man holding the silver pistol just now sent bullets to the restless tree for free when he saw this.

"Something's wrong, the plant suppression bullets are useless to the mutated plants that are only level three. There's something weird about this place..."

The man who fired the gun was shocked. He made a lot of effort to enter this flora.

Plant suppression bombs are one of the life-saving artifacts.

Due to the recent abundance of money, he bought all high-end goods, more than enough to deal with the third-level mutant plants.


What happened in front of him made him unable to believe his eyes.

"Brother Langya!"

The woman's high-decibel terrified cry brought the man back to his senses.

"Moses, think of a way, Brother Wolf is about to die!" The woman was on the levitation car, watching the Wolf Fang only a few meters away from her, struggling in pain.

Plant branches had penetrated his body, making him bleed profusely.

But what is strange is that there is not a lot of blood flowing out of the wolf's body pierced by the plant branches.

"This plant can suck blood!" Moses also yelled in horror. He couldn't care less about saving people. He immediately pushed the woman aside and ordered the hover car to fly out of the attack range of the third-level mutated plants.

"What are you doing? My mother ordered you to save someone!" The woman was furious, yelling at the two men in the car, while trying to pull the man in front of her away.

"Shut up!" He slapped the woman with his backhand.

"Ma Lun, keep an eye on this woman, or we'll all die here!" Moses slapped the woman aside, and said to another teammate in the car.

"Yes." Marlon ignored the woman, and directly took out a bracelet for the woman to put on.

"What are you doing? You are desperate to save yourself now. Believe it or not, I will go back to the guild and sue the gentleman, so that you can't eat and walk around."

The woman saw that the two men around her not only did not try to save others, but even she was restrained, yelling indiscriminately.

She turned her head and saw that Langya and the rest of her companions had already exhaled more and breathed less.

His face was as white as paper, like a dead person.

"If you care about him so much, go down and accompany him." Unexpectedly, Moses said coldly.

Although he is a member of the mercenary guild, he was attached to Spike just to survive, but now he is told to save people desperately, this woman thinks too much of him.

"What?" The woman couldn't believe her ears, and suddenly turned her head to stare at Moses.

"Spike is hopeless, and we will die if we go." Mullen said coldly.

He looked up at Langya and the others who had been submerged by the branches, with expressionless faces.

In the city of sin, life and death happen almost every day. Except for oneself, death is death for everyone, and there is nothing to regret.

"That mutated plant has been promoted to the fourth level, and has the property of blood-sucking. Even if we send a few more people up, it may be just to deliver food." Mullen continued to ruthlessly not shatter the woman's fantasy.

"Help..." Lang Ya had already lost consciousness all over his body, but he still stubbornly asked the people outside for help.

He doesn't want to die. In the past few years in this city of sin, he has done everything smoothly and earned so many credits that he can't spend them all in his lifetime.

Originally, he didn't want to enter Plant District 2.

But I heard that the temptation of that plant to cure genetic mutations is too great, Langya thought, as long as he finished the ticket, got that plant, and repaired the genes that had begun to mutate in himself, he could spend the rest of the day in peace. half a lifetime.

Unexpectedly, he was going to die here...

He will not rest in peace!

Mochizuki watched calmly from the side as the high-level mutated plant drained the blood of those mercenaries without even moving his brows.


The place where Langya and the others were located made the sound of bubbles bursting, and several human corpses hanging in the air turned into mummies completely.

Following another wave of feeding from the big tree, even the bones turned into powder, which scattered in mid-air onto the grass.

"Brother Langya..." The woman who was 40 to 50 meters away from Langya, witnessed Langya's transformation from a person, to a corpse, and then to powder, and wailed as if her heart was broken.

After all, she didn't have the courage to go forward to save people desperately.

At this moment, she even thought about it in her mind, and went back to the mercenary guild to explain to others.

Langya is the distant nephew of an elder of the mercenary guild. Although he is not very close, Langya is good at management now.

It is very favored by this elder.

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