Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 53 Plant Consciousness?

Mochizuki wandered around the second area of ​​plants for a long time to see that the time was almost up, and then drove the suspension car back.

Because, the little thorny vine she let out has not been taken back.

When Mochizuki returned to the scene of the crime just now, the two men and one woman had already left.

Mochizuki raised his hand and retracted a section of vine.

In the past few days, her ability has risen to the fourth level.

She didn't know the reason for her ability to advance.

She initially suspected that it was because of the plants she planted that made her upgrade.

Now the purification points in the shopping mall have reached 70,000, which moved her so much.

And her ability was raised in just one week.

However, during this period, instead of activating a certain plant that Mochizuki expected, her ability was upgraded.

This illustrated book doesn't play cards according to routines, Mochizuki can't figure out the principle of its upgrade at all.

Even though it was an ability upgrade, she was pleasantly surprised, because according to her experience, it would take at least half a year to upgrade to the fourth level.

So today, apart from looking for suitable seeds in this forest, Mochizuki also has another purpose, which is to grow mushrooms and upgrade abilities!

The purification value is increasing all the time, so that she can rest assured that the Huo Huo seed.


Mochizuki retracted the vine and was about to turn around to leave, but the mutated plant next to her had a vague sense of consciousness.


Mochizuki sensed the will of plants for the first time in this world, which was a bit incredible.

Despite this, Mochizuki jumped on the hover car for the first time and left the attack range of the blood-sucking plant.

Although this fourth-level mutated blood-sucking plant has vague consciousness, it is not a good signal.

That was a signal of hunger, the plant's instinct to eat, and Mochizuki didn't want to be its meal.

Not far from the vampire tree, Mochizuki fell into deep thought.

According to her understanding these days, the plants in the interstellar world don't have any consciousness at all. Apart from attacking all objects that approach them, high-level plants also have the instinct to eat...

However, Mochizuki doesn't know whether the high-level plants are conscious or not. After all, she only learned about them in the encyclopedia of interstellar mutant plants, and has never really faced high-level mutant plants.

Mochizuki looked at her palm, and she suspected that it was her supernatural ability that made the plant conscious.

In order to verify his thoughts, Mochizuki carefully drove the hover car back a few meters away from the blood-sucking tree.

With a wave of his hand, the vines wrapped around the vampire tree like a whip, sending supernatural powers to the tree.

Just a little bit, Mochizuki felt the tree shaking happily, and a kind of joyful mood came into her mind.


The guess in my heart was confirmed, Mochizuki took back the vines, and flew away from the spot in a hover car.

Just now, when Langya was killed, those mutated plants were suppressed by the man with a gun. Mochizuki tried to control those mutated plants with the attitude of giving it a try.

As a result, those plants were out of her control, she was not surprised, when she wanted to remove the influence of the suppression bomb on these mutated plants.

But what she didn't expect was that her ability would have such an effect.

Her ability is about equal to the food of plants?


This joke is not funny at all.

But for her, the discovery has more advantages than disadvantages.

At least, when encountering invincible high-level plants in the wild, I can use my ability to make a deal with those mutated plants...

Of course, she didn't want to go this way if she didn't have any other way out. I don't know if it was her illusion. The third-level mutant plant was upgraded after receiving her ability...

Whether it's a coincidence or not, Mochizuki doesn't want the mutated plants to be upgraded.

Looking at the durability of her equipment on the spot, there are about two hours left, which is enough for her to plant many mushrooms in this forest.

... For the next two hours, Mochizuki spent her crazily planting mushrooms in the forest. She felt a sense of urgency. She always felt that her purification value was not enough, and she always wanted to save more.

Mochizuki never dared to underestimate that sense of crisis, because she survived the apocalypse with this sense of crisis.

Mochizuki drove the suspension car directly to the big tree, without even getting out of the car, just threw the seeds on the ground, activated the supernatural power, let it take root and sprout, and let it grow into a small mushroom.

And the blood-sucking tree was treated specially by Mochizuki. She planted three mushrooms around the tree.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Mochizuki thought, plant these three mushrooms by himself, this mutated plant that has advanced to level 4 may be downgraded in a few days.

At this moment, Mochizuki is still rejoicing in his heart. Fortunately, these plants have no thoughts, and the "natural enemies" that he planted beside them to prevent them from advancing did not respond.

After finishing all this, Mochizuki went back home.

On the way home, Mochizuki began to worry about credit points again.

Originally, she still had more than 100,000 credit points.

This time, she spent tens of thousands of credit points to enter Plant District 2, and now she has returned to the days when she was struggling on the poverty line.

In order to buy advanced equipment, he spent a lot of money.

A full set of high-end equipment cost her nearly 70,000 yuan. Looking at the remaining 30,000 credits in her account, Mochizuki was not in a very good mood.

The days passed comfortably and within a few days, I had to worry about money again.

When is this kind of day?


Although selling exotic beast meat is the best shortcut to make money, you still have to go to the wild to find suitable exotic beasts.

First level, second level...

Even the fourth level is fine, her ability has been promoted to the fourth level, and the power of the little thorn vine has also turned to a higher level in her hands.

Mochizuki is confident that if he encounters a level four alien beast in the wild, his life will not be in danger, and he may even turn the alien beast into flesh.


Here comes the question again, in a short while, where can she find a suitable beast to kill?

If she was not careful and ran into a beast that was four levels higher, she would have to shed her skin even if she didn't die.

After all, her fourth-level wood-type ability is still a bit reluctant to face the fifth-level strange beasts. If she encounters some more powerful strange beasts, she will not be able to beat them at all.

After all, among the fourth-level beasts, there are strong and weak ones...

That's right, she is such a weak chicken!

Thinking about ways to make money all the way, Mochizuki returned to the base.

Recently, Ah Qi and the others also said that they would go on a mission, but they didn't call her because of the damage to her mental power.

In the past few days, Mochizuki has been enjoying his life seeing the straight-up increase in the purification value, as well as the power level he has accidentally advanced.

I bought a few more power stones tonight to maintain my equipment, and Mochizuki plans to continue to plant mushrooms in the second area of ​​plants tomorrow.

Anyway, she has a lot of purification value, a variety of plants, and making contributions to this world is nothing worth embarrassing.

Mochizuki thought so.

For three days in a row, Mochizuki stayed in the second area, unknowingly, planting thousands of mushrooms in the second plant area.

Mochizuki was a little fearless, because she remembered that fungi plants have a particularly short growth cycle.

In a maximum of two months, those mushrooms will wither automatically. Even with the blessing of her abilities, as long as they are plants, they will go through the process of life and death.

It won't be long before the plants she planted will wither...

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