Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 66 Understanding

"Miss Sister, you don't even comfort me..." Mochizuki didn't want to comfort others, but Xiao Changge didn't like her.

Mochizuki shrugged, and glanced at the man who was sitting by the side from beginning to end, she began to blame, "You can find the captain, the captain is so strong, maybe he will help you teach that rude guy a lesson."

Little Tasting Goose blinked, feeling that the young lady was so ruthless that she couldn't even comfort herself when she was wronged.

Seeing Wang Yue ruthlessly ignoring him, Xiao Chang Goose really turned to Cang Ji, "Captain... then shall we wait for this guy?"

Little Tasting Goose has been taught very strictly since he was a child, but this time he was so angry that he didn't even carry the name of "I Can't Help It".

"Wait another ten minutes, or leave if you don't come out!" Cang Ji is not a patient person.

If a person like my life is up to me, if he was in the barracks, he would have been dragged out for corporal punishment by him, and he was as tired as an old dog.

Seeing that the captain didn't care about it, Xiao Chang'e went back to Mochizuki, turned on his optical brain, and went straight to Hanjin's celebrity homepage. She wanted to take off her fans!

Mochizuki turned her head and looked at the big V named Xiaochang Goose, who was announcing in the group that she had left Han Bao's fan club.

"You are really rich, you have spent a lot of money chasing this star!" Mochizuki sighed.

It would be great if I gave her the money that was thrown at the star!

"Money is not a problem, what I hate is the relationship that I have paid for many years..."

Mochizuki understood: it was a wrong payment after all.

Thinking of Han Jin mocking him time and time again, and now he still has to eat dirt outside the tent and wait for others, Mochizuki gritted his teeth, and also logged into Han Jin's fan circle to browse this guy's acting history, planning to go to his door to spray him Wave out.

Mochizuki soon discovered that this guy was dressed normally at the beginning, but in the past two months, Han Jin's dressing style began to change.

Mochizuki saw him posting various suits and Chinese dresses, and there were crazy fans commenting below - they all agreed that he was very handsome.

Mochizuki pulled the latest news from Hanjin, a group of photos were taken in the green traitor outfit from yesterday.

The shiny green hair was like the one that Runtu wanted to prick, the twitching corners of the eyes, the evil smile at a forty-five-degree angle, and the blowing bubbles were also full of coquettishness.

This guy is poisonous!

Mochizuki covered her eyes, a little unable to bear to look directly.

Looking at the crazy fans swiping the screen in the comments below, Mochizuki glanced at the number of likes, good guy! As expected of a billionaire star in the entertainment industry!

There are hundreds of billions of likes and tens of billions of retweets for any post...

These crazy fans made Mochizuki's heart that wanted to complain instantly cooled down.

By herself, she really can't handle those fans who are comparable to cult brainwashing!

Forget it, it's better to find the real person Han Jin to pk now!

Mochizuki glanced at Little Tasting Goose sympathetically, "Fortunately, it's not too late for you to get lost now, and it's better to get off your fan sooner. What's so worthy of a fan like this star?"

Mochizuki doesn't understand the excitement of chasing stars, is he handsome? But he is someone he can't get, is he good? None of your business? It's better to make yourself better.

star! It's basically the perfect character design imagined by those fans. Look at Han Jin, what kind of collapse has he become in private? !

Little Tasting Goose was already tearing up, "He is handsome, he has good acting skills, and is strong..."

Mochizuki: But it has nothing to do with you, dear!

"It's time, let's go!" The two girls browsed the webpage vigorously, and they didn't realize that the time was up.

Cang Ji stood up, raised his legs and left.

Mochizuki followed without hesitation. Cang Ji took the route of some low-level plants, and the grass was not too thick, which could block the sight of strange beasts in the sky without attracting the attention of high-level plants.

Little Taste Goose didn't even have the desire to call Han Jin this time, and left without looking back.

Ever since he walked out of the cliff, Mochizuki has quietly stretched his mental strength.

Make sure that all the troubles and grasses within a 100-meter radius of you are under your nose.

Although the captain is a 2s spiritual power user, Mochizuki is not used to entrusting his life to people he doesn't know.

As for Little Tasting Goose, Xu Shi often hangs out on Xingwang, and has a good attitude. Knowing that he is inexperienced, he honestly follows behind the two.

"Our next target is the ground bear, seventy kilometers away from us." Cang Ji said as he walked.

"The ground bear's attack power is strong, but its defense is not very good, but its speed is very fast. We need to find the weakest part of its body to attack."

"Well, I can be long-range or close-combat. The captain can assign it as he likes." Mochizuki said very casually.

"...I...I can attack with a little mental power." Xu Shi was getting further and further away from Han Jin, and the broken glass heart of the little goose slowly healed.

He was back to being alive and kicking again.

"Well, you two are in charge of long-distance combat, and I am in charge of close combat." Cang Ji came up with a battle plan in an instant.

Unexpectedly, the little goose said weakly: "That's my task, you can help me? I will fight in close combat."

"Are you sure?" Cang Ji unconsciously gave the girl a high look, feeling that her A-level strength was not for display.

"I'm sure." Little Tasting Goose nodded firmly.

This is her task, and she should complete it by herself.



"If you walk out of this area, you can take a hover car." Cang Ji looked up at the sky, and the number of birds hovering in the air gradually decreased.

"Why are there fewer birds when we get out of here?" Little Tasting Goose was very puzzled.

"Animals are also territorial." Mochizuki whispered.

Especially high-level alien beasts, their territorial awareness will be stronger, and low-level alien beasts dare not invade the territory of those high-level alien beasts at will.

"'s amazing." Little Tasting Goose blinked, she has very little actual combat experience, usually she can only play online...

Mochizuki had locked on to a lone ferocious bird in the sky at this moment, and locked it with an energy meter, confirming that it was a level five beast.

He didn't know if his bullet could break through the defense and take it away with one shot, but Mochizuki hesitated for a moment and raised his gun.


With a crisp sound, a big bird plummeted from a height of 3,000 meters.

Another one!

Mochizuki retracted the gun in satisfaction and breathed a sigh of relief.

Due to uncertainty, she used a bullet that converted spiritual power into energy in that shot just now, and was blessed by her strong spiritual power, directly breaking the skull of the fifth-level beast, killing it with one blow.

Mochizuki's move made Little Tasting Goose look twice, "I know what your occupation is, you must be a student of a certain military academy."

In Little Tasting Goose's cognition, someone with ridiculously good marksmanship like Mochizuki must have received the most formal education in a military academy!

Even Cang Ji looked over. If he suspected that the girl was fooled by the shot in the morning, then the shot just now made him completely believe that she had that strength.

And Mochizuki didn't explain anything, just smiled.

Although this is a virtual world, she doesn't want to reveal her information.

"Your marksmanship is very accurate, how did you practice it? I always thought that the sniper is the most handsome, but I just can't practice it well. How long have you practiced for this skill?"

After walking out of the danger zone, the little goose chattered again.

"That's how you practice!" Mochizuki said with a serious expression.

"Do you practice on the range every day?"

Mochizuki smiled and said nothing.

She practiced sniping and had never hit a target. At that time... she hit the heads of zombies!

At the beginning it was level one zombie, level level five, level seven, level eight...

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