Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 7 Money Making Ideas

Since Mochizuki had eaten at home, she wasn't too hungry and didn't gobble it up like other people.

"Little Manyue, if you keep putting on airs, this plate of meat will be gone..."

Sister Leng thought that the little girl would not be ashamed to compete with a group of big men for meat.

"I didn't eat much, and I'm almost full..." Mochizuki said embarrassedly that he had eaten at home.

"Scared?" Datou wiped his mouth and smiled.

Mochizuki was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "Not really."

It’s good to have something to eat, so what’s the point of being poor?

People who have never been hungry cannot understand the preciousness of every grain.

Thoughts drifted away, Mochizuki lowered his head. Fortunately, there are still nutrients in this world. As for the rice... it has disappeared when this world entered mutation.

"You don't have to be polite. Ah Qi invited you to dinner and wanted to recruit you into the team. You performed very well in the team last time. We want to do tasks with you for a long time."

"It's all right." Mochizuki blinked and agreed without hesitation.

It's not that she's defenseless against this group of people, but that it's risky to go alone in the wild.

Now her strength does not allow her to act alone.

It's better to find a fixed team. The last time we played against wild boars, a few people cooperated well.

Seeing that Mochizuki agreed, the atmosphere became more harmonious.

"Little Manyue, where did you learn the skill of making meat? Those who cut meat into slices like this one are only those in the upper class who are poor."

A few people talked nonsense, and the big plate of more than ten catties of meat had bottomed out, so the big head asked Mochizuki suspiciously.

"Don't you think sliced ​​meat tastes better than a whole piece?" Mochizuki tilted her head with an innocent face.

"Before I was not found to have a genetic mutation, I went to some high society, and I saw those guys who were so particular. Little Man Yue didn't come from high society, right?"

The big head continued.

Others at the dinner table also looked sideways. After all, Mochizuki came to Sin City only a few days ago, unlike them, he doesn't even have any memory of his own life experience.

"No..." Mochizuki shook her head with an affirmative expression on her face, "If I were a member of the upper class, how could I end up in the City of Sin?"

The fact is that Mochizuki has no news about the original owner's life experience.

The memory in her mind is also fuzzy, Mochizuki doesn't force it, she feels that she is herself, the original owner is the original owner, and the two are not the same.

"That's right." The sure and sincere expression on Mochizuki's face made everyone believe her words.

"We have gained a lot from today's mission, we can take a day off tomorrow, how about we go on another mission the day after tomorrow?" Ah Qi said.

Mochizuki said there was no problem, and the others present had no objections either.

"Little Manyue will be our chef in the future. This skill is really good. Looking back, we have spoiled a lot of delicious food!" Sister Leng sighed.

"As long as you don't dislike it, I can do it." Mochizuki replied with a smile.


... Everyone made an appointment to leave the mission three days later, and they dispersed separately.

Before Mochizuki went out, Ah Qi handed her a small space, "This is a toxin separator."

"...Thank you!" Mochizuki took it without hesitation. If Ah Qi didn't give it, she would also like to ask for it.

After all, Mochizuki intends to keep the fact that he has supernatural powers and can purify the toxins in food, if there is no accident, for the rest of his life.

Back in the small order room, Mochizuki had time to look at her optical brain personal terminal. The meat had already been ordered, and the buyer was urging her to deliver it.

Thinking of the postage... Mochizuki was embarrassed.

She never thought that one day she would be so poor that she couldn't even afford the postage of ten credits.

In the end, Mochizuki chose the option of deducting postage from the buyer's payment when the buyer checks out...


After finishing all this, Mochizuki bound Wormhole Express with his personal terminal.

Wormhole express company, the name alone sounds very tall.

Mochizuki didn't care what reason he made the wormhole, and directly contacted the courier company to pick up the package.

In about a few seconds, a small glowing hole appeared in front of her, and there was nothing in it, only a string of odd numbers was projected.

It is a courier order.

Mochizuki understood, and scanned the projected courier slip with his optical brain. After connecting with the wormhole courier on the star network, he put the meat into the hole.

Soon, the wormhole closes.

"Oh my God, this technology is comparable to the teleportation array in Xiuxian's novel." Watching the wild boar disappear in front of her, Mochizuki sighed very foolishly.

There is no way, the natives of the earth have never seen such high technology, and it is understandable to sigh.

Sighing, Mochizuki looked at the 3,990 credit points she had just earned on the terminal (deducting 10 points for the courier fee), and she still felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

But for my 30 catties of meat, except for this big customer who bought 10 catties at once, the other customers are all small businesses of one or two catties.

Yes, small business, Mochizuki swells.

Despite the swelling, she happily packed the meat and sent it away!

Thirty catties of meat were packaged and sent away one after another, earning nearly 12,000 credits!

After calming down his mood of getting rich all day, Mochizuki began to think about the obviously bipolar meat when he ate just now.

Mochizuki knew very well that those guys at the dinner table didn't eat.

In the whole plate of meat, some meat tasted bad, while some tasted very delicious, soft and glutinous in the mouth, full of meat flavor.

But the other taste is hard, like boiled old meat!

Mochizuki's eyes flashed in thought, and he looked at his hand.

The good-tasting meat was the one she mentioned about Ah Qi's house...

In other words, the meat purified by her ability will be particularly delicious...

No! It's not so delicious, it's better to say that her ability can restore wild pork to its original taste, which is the taste of Blue Star before the end of the world!

bug! Big bug! Mochizuki's heart is pounding, excited!

However, the excitement is the excitement, Mochizuki is not stupid enough to want to use a lot of abilities to clean up the toxins.

But to ensure that your meat is sold at a high price, you have to make your products more advantageous.

So, before going to sleep, Mochizuki thought and thought, and felt that he could try to control the ability and only purify half of the toxins in a piece of meat.

See how it tastes.

tomorrow morning.

Mochizuki got up early in the morning, did a set of yoga in the house, and after punching and sweating, he started to implement the plan he thought of last night.

There is no way, the plant seeds are in short supply now, and she has not found seasoning processing to make her wild pork taste better, only relying on supernatural powers.

Control the ability well, put the meat on the energy measuring device, and watch the toxin value in the meat slowly decrease.

Until the toxin value slowly dropped to almost half, Mochizuki stopped and put the meat on the toxin separator again.

In about a minute, the toxins from a piece of wild boar weighing about two catties were separated.

Mochizuki cleaned the meat quickly, sliced ​​it, and fried it in a pan.

After it was cooked, Mochizuki couldn't wait to put a piece of meat in his mouth to taste it.

Chew a few times...

"The taste is average. It's not bad, and it's not too delicious. It's still sold online."

She thinks her meat can be sold more expensive...

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