Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 94 Monster (1)

Mochizuki glanced at him, as expected of a native-born interstellar commander, full of sense of technology.

In just this half a moment, "Yan Luan" had been shot down on the Guangping swamp, and the entire body of the robot had been dismantled into eight pieces.

Properly cut into eight pieces!

"Death" is very miserable.

Several members of the digital team had wonderful expressions, and at the same time they were also thankful in their hearts, fortunately, they didn't send real people in impulsively just now.

"Boss was attacked and injured like this before, right?" The sentence in the third day of junior high school was a question, but it was confirmed.

Yan Luan didn't make a sound, which was his tacit agreement.

No one expected that there were so many strange things hidden in this small swamp.

Mochizuki withdrew her gaze, lowered her head and thought for a while.

What Yan Luan said is right. In the eyes of these people, the mental power avatar is just a relatively powerful energy body.

As long as there are suitable instruments, this energy body can be decomposed completely.

"It's a pity that we don't have an energy disintegrator." The first day of junior high school was a little annoyed.

He began to wonder about the possibility of wormholes teleporting items here.

"Wormholes can only reach the safe zone." April reminded him ruthlessly.

"How about I go back to the safe zone and bring the tools?"

The third grader thought about it and said to Yan Luan.

"It's too late." Yan Luan denied it.

Not to mention the many difficulties on the way back, one does not know if there will be problems, and even the problem of time cannot be delayed.

"How do you solve it?" Yan Luan looked at Mochizuki.

This girl seems to know more about mental power than he does.

For example, this spiritual power can solidify another spiritual body that is exactly the same as his own. The method he has only seen in some classics.

And those classical sources...

Yan Luan forced himself to look at the people around him with probing eyes.

Mochizuki seemed to turn a blind eye to his complicated eyes, "Let's find out the hidden things first, as long as you find out that thing, this domain will be self-defeating."

"But that guy obviously used mental power to shield him, so he's not within our perception range at all." Qicai frowned.

Mental power, if used by oneself, is really simple and convenient, and it is a great weapon for cheating.

If it were someone else, just like now, I would have no clue and couldn't find the existence of the other party.

Mochizuki just smiled.

"Are you sure the things are there?" Yan Luan asked in a low voice.

"Yes, it must be there." Mochizuki said firmly.

"It is impossible for a controller of this skill to control a field thousands of miles away, most likely within a thousand meters of this field!" Mochizuki thought and said again and again.

"That's good." Yan Luan responded, and didn't move any more.

Mochizuki glanced at him and knew that this guy was using mental power to scan the scene to perceive it.

About five minutes passed.

"I've confirmed its location. I'll attack it in a minute. You enter the swamp at that time and search it as quickly as possible. Be sure to bring out the doctor!"

Yan Luan's words made Mochizuki raise her eyebrows, could she find out the hidden creature so quickly?

As far as she knew, the guy who condensed the spiritual power clone was undoubtedly extremely powerful.

In the apocalyptic world, there is also an eighth level. Yan Luan's 4s mental power level... um, there is also an eighth level?

The combat power of the two has never been compared, Mochizuki is a little worried that Yan Luan is not an opponent.

"I'm sure." Yan Luan saw through the hesitation in Mochizuki's eyes at a glance.

"Okay then, be careful." Mochizuki had no choice but to say.

Yan Luan's ability is praised in the interstellar world, but she has never witnessed it with her own eyes, so she doesn't know his depth.

Since he himself said so, she also believes that Yan Luan is not the kind of arrogant person, and should be very aware of his own weaknesses.


With a soft sound, following Yan Luan's robot stand-in, the swamp was once again broken by a sword light.

On the swamp, a sword radiated across the sky, and accompanied by the piercing sword intent, the sword slashed towards an open space.

This time Mochizuki was finally fortunate enough to see the strength of the first commander of the Federation, known as the ceiling of combat power in the interstellar world.

The sword light broke through an inconspicuous open space like a bamboo.

Only then did everyone see clearly that it was not an open space in the true sense, but a small pit of earth!

The plasma sword, like an ancient artifact, can break everything, breaking through the light from that space, allowing people to clearly see the things in the pit.

……That is……

Under the strong light of the plasma sword, Mochizuki saw an incredible picture.

That is... a human head, an unknown animal body, one hand glowing with a sharp cold light, and the other hand turned out to be a tree trunk of some kind of plant, and the feet are not what humans should have. , but a bird's foot!

Around is Mochizuki who has gone through a lot of tempering in the last days. Seeing this picture, he couldn't help being horrified.

"Let's go!" Yan Luan's low voice came from next to his ear, bringing back to the senses the people who had been shaken out of their bodies by seeing the monster.

Mochizuki tapped his light brain, and the helmet cover on his head instantly raised a transparent protective cover, and lightly tapped his feet, heading straight for the swamp.

Now the field of the swamp has been broken open, completely revealing its original appearance.

Some small puddles and small trees that were shielded before were also exposed.

Mochizuki's mental strength was the highest among the nine people except Yan Luan, and she was the first to discover something abnormal.

Straight to the swampy grass-...


The sound of powerful coercion and weapons colliding came from the swamp.

Yan Luan fought that monster.

The coercion and energy belonging to the high-level powerhouse quickly swept through the Sunset Valley.

Sunset Valley, two kilometers away from the swamp.

The Seventh Elder, Li Jin and his party of 20 people flew two to three kilometers all the way in the flight suits, and officially entered the central area of ​​Luoxia Valley.

As they got closer and closer to the depths of the Sunset Valley.

There are more and more mutated plants and beasts around, and they are getting more and more powerful.

Without Yan Luan's restraint, no matter whether it was high-level or low-level alien beasts, they would come out to harass them when they passed by.

"This place is suitable for camping. Why don't we rest here tonight and strive to reach the depths of Sunset Valley tomorrow?"

The Seventh Elder is a cautious person, seeing that it is almost evening, he feels that this excellent resting place cannot be missed.

Li Jin pondered for a while, "Then let's rest here tonight and start tomorrow morning."


As soon as the words fell, a dull roar came from the depths of the Sunset Cloud Valley.

It was also accompanied by a breathless mental coercion.

"This is..." The Seventh Elder and Li Jin all changed their colors. The people in the team who had slightly lower mental strength were already pale and needed the support of their teammates to stand upright.

"Quick! Retreat!" Li Jin yelled when he came back to his senses!

As he said that, he immediately jumped into the sky, and left his teammates behind to flee!

The Seventh Elder didn't give up much, and kept pace with him.

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