Interstellar Energy Tycoon

Chapter 268 The tortuous process

Wang Changlin and the others received a very warm reception.

It has become the focus of hundreds of millions of new and old immigrants.

Faced with countless curious questions.

Such as how the mother planet is developing now.

Have we developed many black technologies and achieved new major breakthroughs?

In terms of biomedical technology, have we found some new methods and technologies to allow humans to live longer and have a healthier body?

I even asked them directly if they had brought a lot of core technical information to help improve the technological level and level of the immigrant planet, so that it could become as advanced as the home planet.

Face these problems.

Wang Changlin was a little unable to resist, so he had to wave his hands and explain: "We didn't bring much technical information. It was mainly related to stellar energy and the construction of the 'Star Gate Channel'. We didn't bring much other technical information, and there are some on the home planet. It is impossible to obtain a large amount of top-notch technology for free due to the licensing threshold of patented technology. However, there is a way, that is, to build a 'star gate channel'. After the connection with the solar system is restored, it will become easy to introduce technology, which is time-consuming. The price won’t be high, maybe just some ordinary resources.”

"What is the Star Gate Passage?" asked a boss.

"It is a device that builds a super-light wormhole. As long as it consumes a huge amount of energy, and consumes it in an instant, it can produce a distortion effect on space and time. It can accelerate the spacecraft to tens of thousands of times the speed of light, so that it would originally take two or three times. Ten years of interstellar journey now only takes a few hours, which is very convenient and fast..." After taking some time, Wang Changlin explained it himself.

"Tens of thousands of times the speed of light, achieved in a few hours, so powerful? When we came to this star system before, it took a full twenty years and a generation."

"The technology of the home planet is indeed developing too fast, and it is impossible for us to catch up."

"So, as long as the 'Star Gate Channel' is built, the tentacles of the home planet can be extended immediately, and influence can be exerted. It is possible to send some managers over to take over the order of the immigrant planet. We can only hand over Part or most of the rights?”

Several bosses rolled their eyes, their faces changed slightly, and they began to feel worried and uneasy, and had a sense of crisis. They were especially afraid that their current identity and status would not be guaranteed, and they would be reduced to personnel with little authority, and they would feel a sense of superiority and satisfaction. Feelings will also be lost. As for the most important interests, they will definitely be affected. This is what they least want to see.


Absolutely not!

A very strong resistance suddenly arose in their hearts, because in New Home, it is their dozen bosses and shareholders who have the final say. Although occasionally they will respect the mainstream public opinion and cater to their demands, but In most matters, it is their small circle that has the final say, especially the distribution of rights, resources and interests. A dozen or so of them can just discuss it and there is no need for more discussions.

In the process of dividing the cake in this way, they can maximize their interests and often make decisions that favor themselves. Therefore, ordinary immigrants live a very rich and happy life, while the lives of boss shareholders can be described as "luxury" '' is one word to describe it. Not only is there no limit to the quantity, but the quality is always the best. It's so satisfying.

Privately, they will also play with some slightly taboo things, using advanced genetic technology to create some women with extremely perfect appearances, and then introduce some memories of respecting superiority and inferiority into them, so that they can experience the absurd life of ancient faint kings. Even worse.

As for other things that are not very legal and would be a huge scandal if exposed, these bosses have done a lot of things, but they just try them secretly to enrich their brains with joy, and they will feel wrong afterwards. But I will definitely continue next time. After all, once desire is satisfied, it can only continue to decline and degenerate. It will no longer be able to get enough happiness and satisfaction from low-level enjoyment, and can only play some slightly Things that go out of line and push the boundaries.

If the management tentacles of the home planet extend here again and take away most of their authority, it will be a bit fatal. Some of the benefits already in hand may have to be thrown away, and some black crimes committed may be It will be exposed, and it will immediately become the focus of public opinion, and it will basically be over. Even if you hold many shares and interests, you may be deprived of it, and you will completely lose your right to speak.


This is absolutely unacceptable.

Therefore, most of the bosses and shareholders of the 'Stargate Connectivity Plan' are resisting and rejecting it in their hearts. They do not welcome people from the home planet to come here to point fingers and take away rights and interests. This must not be allowed.

Therefore, most of them have not expressed any interest or concern for the "Stargate Project". Even if it can greatly promote communication with the home planet, they still have a general interest. It is a relatively straightforward expression. I hope Wang Changlin and the others took out all the most advanced industrial technology on the home planet to improve the living standards on the immigrant planet. There is also a lot of military technology. They took it all and handed it over to them. Share, after a few years, if they develop any powerful technology, they will be sent to the home star for free.

"We really didn't bring that much technical information with us."

Seeing these bosses being so straightforward and eager for quick success, Wang Changlin had to explain: "The most advanced energy technology of Xingyuan Group in our hands can allow space equipment to get closer to stars, use high-temperature plasma currents to generate electricity, and shrink themselves." At the same time, the efficiency of power generation is higher. In addition, the technology of 'Star Gate Channel Teleportation' is quite simple. As long as this party is willing to cooperate and help mine a large number of 'Star Core Crystals', a 'Teleportation Star Gate' can also be built. ', realizing super-light shuttle navigation can save decades of precious time, and the benefits of establishing closer cooperation with the home star will definitely be extremely huge. As for star core crystals, your reserves are quite abundant. The reserves inside the core of the planet exceed one hundred thousand tons, which is several times that of the home planet. Without further ado, let’s build the star gate quickly, there is no need to waste more time.”

"No, the situation on the home star is a bit complicated. The construction here has just improved a little bit, but it is still a bit barren and the development is not very good. How can we have the nerve to contact the home star? How can we return home without wealth? As for energy Technology is relatively useless. A giant nuclear fusion machine is enough for us to have inexhaustible energy. We don’t need to go to so much trouble to block a small number of stars... Forget it, you crew members, just stay here with us and stay well. Give it ten or twenty years to help us in some aspects, and don’t be in a hurry to go back." One boss said.

The expressions of Wang Changlin and others suddenly changed, and they felt very bad.

After just one or two exchanges, Wang Changlin and the others felt very bad.

Most, if not all, of the immigrant bosses and shareholders had dissent. They did not have much affection for their home planet and began to only consider their own interests.

The reason is also very simple.

The place they immigrated to has richer resources and greater potential than the solar system, but has a population of just over 100 million. The level of science and technology is pretty good, so they all live an extremely prosperous life. Except for a little less in the field of entertainment and culture, most of them Not bad at all, even better. Everyone has their own big villa and private flying car. Even if they don’t have a job, they can receive generous welfare subsidies every month. Those who want to work can also get good arrangements. The happiness index is very high.

In addition, most of the immigrants were later cultivated through the cultivation cabin. They have no feelings for their mother planet, the Azure Star, and only regard the Emerald Star as their hometown. They will not think about the problem from the perspective of Wang Changlin and others, let alone them. Provide support and assistance.

Only a small number of those millions of immigrants will be inclined to strengthen contact and cooperation with their home planet. It’s just that decades have passed, and no matter how strong the attachment to the home star is, it has been diluted a lot by time. It’s definitely I have become accustomed to life in this new home.

not easy.

It is very difficult to find more supporters.

Moreover, Wang Changlin and the others also found that they were under strict surveillance, and their every move was monitored. If anything extraordinary was done, they would be immediately curbed and cracked down, or even thrown into prison, losing their precious freedom of movement.

Difficult to handle.

Wang Changlin and others suddenly felt extremely headache and helpless, and found that the situation was far more complicated than they imagined and was very pessimistic.

what to do?

What should I do?

Wang Changlin still plans to adopt a relatively stupid approach to do the ideological work of the bosses, improve their consciousness, and make them inclined to support the establishment of the 'Star Gate Channel' and smooth the development trend of history.

Therefore, he took the initiative to visit the bosses again and again, negotiated many times, and said many words with sincerity:

"It is impossible for us to develop only by relying on the resources within a star, and technological progress will not be fast. We must have a huge population base. We must also establish close contact with the mother star and frequently exchange culture and Technology, strive to reach the same level of science and technology, and then develop its own areas of advantage to form a more obvious long board. This long board can be material technology, information and communication technology, or more advanced basic theories... and then follow up with the parent The stars complement each other, so they can run faster and faster, and it is not easy to open up too obvious a gap."

"I think it is necessary to strengthen communication. It is also very necessary. The development on the home planet is rapid, and biomedical technology is moving faster. At the genetic level, defective genes have been removed and excellent genes have been added. Now you can do whatever you want. , the comprehensive transformation of genes is making humans become the most perfect creatures. Your biotechnology is slightly worse, and it is not yet possible to modify genes at will and ensure high safety. Over time, perhaps within a hundred years, the two sides will be reproductively isolated and gradually differentiate into different intelligent life forms. This will be very detrimental to this side. No one will have much favorable impressions of another species. You will feel the obvious difference.”

"We still need to take the development path of strengthening exchanges and achieving integration. The mother planet also hopes to build a giant human federation to unite the power of all immigrant stars. It can not only deal with all external challenges as a team, but also speed up its own development. The speed of development and sharing of scientific and technological achievements will make things faster and safer. This is definitely a matter where the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. We need to take a longer-term view."

"In addition, the independence of the immigrant star can definitely be guaranteed. After all, it is more than ten light years away, and the cost of super-light stargate transmission is too high. It is impossible to transmit without restrictions, and it is impossible to send too many The personnel coming here are at most hundreds or thousands of liaison personnel and technical exchange personnel. Your rights will not be greatly affected, and there is no need to pay taxes. They will only provide some services when facing some crises. Just help, and if one party is in trouble, all parties will support it. Even if the Immigration Star side has to pay more, as long as there is an irresistible crisis, after getting help, it will prove that all the previous efforts are worth it."

"Bosses, please think deeply. It is absolutely impossible to fight alone. No matter how rich and abundant the resources in a star system are, they will be exhausted one day. Even if that time will be hundreds of millions or billions of years, After that, we should not be too short-sighted. The crises we face are endless. Whether they are internal or external to civilization, on a time scale of tens of millions of years, there will always be crises that are difficult to deal with. Can we ensure that Are you very lucky every time? Don’t always resist communication and integration with your home planet, this can really bring huge benefits.”

Wang Changlin spoke earnestly and vigorously to persuade, and indeed achieved good results. All the bosses were lost in thinking. Some of them seemed to have been persuaded, and they just nodded, agreed with his point of view, and then did The decision to establish a close relationship with the home planet has been made.

However, these bosses still did not express their position on the spot. They just said that they would discuss it privately and then give them a more precise answer.


Wang Changlin and the others suddenly felt more stable.

Their goal is at least half achieved, and they are more than 60% sure that they have completely convinced these bosses and shareholders.

The star gate channel will definitely be established relatively quickly. It won't be long before they can return to the solar system and receive more generous rewards.

But after waiting for a day, I got no reply.

After waiting for another two days, there was still no definite answer.

On the fourth day, Wang Changlin discovered that many armed robots suddenly appeared where they lived, surrounding them. Someone seriously announced to them that they had lost the right to move freely. If anything happened, You must apply for notification, and only after it is approved can you go out for activities, and you are not allowed to move around at will, otherwise you will be severely punished.

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