Interstellar Energy Tycoon

Chapter 294 The Immortal’s Dissatisfaction


What the Azure Chamber of Commerce has done has obviously destroyed the well-functioning and effective order that had existed in this land for a long time.

According to the plans of many immortal sect forces, the time to fight for the dragon is coming soon. They have prepared for tens or hundreds of years and have stored up so many supplies and trump cards, just to get more success in the new game of fighting for the dragon. With good performance, strive to have the last laugh. It is best to be a winner-take-all and get the biggest and fattest piece of the cake.

For this goal, they sharpened their skills, simulated and deduced over and over again, inspected many objects, and looked for potential stocks among them to cultivate. The effort and cost they paid were unimaginable, and they saw that the opportunity was not far away. After that, perhaps a breakthrough attack by the northern barbarians will bring about the most chaotic situation, and the collapse of a dynasty may begin from there.

Just didn't expect it.

A merchant force that jumped out of nowhere ruined this good situation, seriously disrupted the celestial phenomena, and almost destroyed the chess pieces they had left. The barbarian forces in the north suffered a devastating blow, one after another. A tribe was easily wiped out, and countless cattle, sheep and horses were captured and entered into the Epoch Empire. This also inspired many young people in the north to join the army. They applied to join the 'Shenji Camp' one after another, and a large number of Landless people and refugees poured into the vast grasslands and could easily occupy hundreds of acres of good land. As long as they had the ability to cultivate it, it could be theirs.

way out.

Countless people at the bottom have seen a very good way out, which is to develop in the grasslands in the north. They can either become permanent herders and engage in captive animal husbandry, or they can go to the plains near rivers and cultivate food and fruits. Even if the yield of cultivated land is not very high due to certain factors, if you plant a few acres, the problem will be solved.

What's more, the imperial court has permanently exempted agricultural taxes and poll taxes. Every year, you only need to participate in some infrastructure construction activities such as road construction, and you can also receive subsidies and wages. The enthusiasm is different.

As a result, the vast majority of the people at the bottom had the opportunity to survive, and there were still many opportunities. The idea of ​​​​rebellion was naturally given up, because there was no need to take risks with their heads high.

This is the secret layout that has seriously weakened the major immortal sects. It is like pulling out the fuel from the bottom of the cauldron, leaving them without the vast number of low-level people as the fuel for them to start the game of fighting for the dragon. The fire cannot be ignited. After all, there is food, work and hope. Under such circumstances, no one would be able to think of the business of beheading.


Advanced industrial products have greatly improved production efficiency.

Rapid improvement of transportation network.

A sharp decline in unemployment.

There is also a massive supply of cheap energy.

After combining the above factors.

The Epoch Empire, which was originally showing a declining trend, is full of vitality. People's faces no longer accept the miserable and poverty-stricken look on their faces. Although the gap between the rich and the poor is still huge, there has not yet been the phenomenon of people freezing to death on the stinking roads of wine and meat. It's not unfair enough to make people angry and desperate.

The most important thing is that the royal family suddenly became rich, and the empress Wu Qingqiu suddenly became a wealthy emperor with too much money to spend.

The reason is that Li Lefan, the president of the Azure Chamber of Commerce, is too arrogant. In order to please the empress, he often gives away hard currencies such as gold, silver, and copper coins in the millions, and stays in the palace for one night at a time. Later that night, Li Lefan would bring out a gift worth millions of taels as 'compensation' to the empress, making Wu Qingqiu even more happy and satisfied.

And the purchasing power of more than one million taels of silver.

There is no problem in maintaining an elite army of 500,000 people. It can also be equipped with a lot of firearms and bombs. Its combat effectiveness is more than ten times that of the past. Even if it faces a large army of barbarians in Wuyangyang, it can still be maintained. It can easily achieve a battle damage ratio of one to dozens, and there is no challenge at all.

If some trouble breaks out within the Daji Empire, it will be even easier to handle. With the help of those wide and convenient high-speed roads, you can ride on your war horses and become a cavalry army that can travel three to five hundred miles in a day. It can be extinguished in a few days. Those flames of chaos will not develop out of control.

And because the current Epoch Empire has captured too many high-quality war horses, at least more than 100,000. If they are built into invincible steel cavalry, other forces, no matter what they are, will only be defeated by such a cavalry legion. It is common sense that everyone can know that it is impossible to resist a wave of attack.


Today's imperial court is so powerful that no one dares to provoke a rebellion.

What's more, the Azure Chamber of Commerce, which has established cooperation with the royal family, is still frantically exporting high-quality and low-priced industrial products, grain seeds, etc., which can greatly improve the production efficiency of the working class of the Daji Empire. In the past, it required a lot of labor to achieve good results. The yield of crops is now extremely high, and the labor required has been reduced a lot, especially in plain areas, which has actually replaced manpower 100%. Farmers only need to rent the land to farming companies, and then they can go to the city to work. Get two incomes.

There is also an overall reduction in prices, which has significantly reduced the difficulty of survival. It is easier for beggars to pick up better food, and occasionally they can have a full meal.

Countless water pumps, four-wheeled carriages, small flying devices, machine tools, industrial assembly lines, etc. have brought about a kind of industrial products that are so numerous that they are worried that they may not be easy to sell.

All of the above are brought by the Azure Chamber of Commerce.

It also gave the current empress Wu Qingqiu unimaginable confidence, and she became more and more courageous in doing things. She also dared to deal with the voices that opposed her ruthlessly, and gradually showed the quality of a wise king. Minister It has become very difficult for us to fool her, and we have our own thoughts and judgments.

what to do?

For the Immortal Sect forces on the Nine Immortal Mountains, seeing the world gradually moving toward peace and prosperity, their mood was a bit bad and awkward. Although at the beginning of every Dragon Fighting chess game, they showed that they were for the common people in the world. , in order to open up the attitude of the peaceful age, but when the peaceful age really came, they felt very embarrassed again, feeling a little lost, as if they were no longer needed. Although they were immortals with great abilities, they lost the expectations of mortals. and offerings, they will also suffer a lot of losses.

If we are in a troubled world, these immortals will break down a city casually, and the resources and wealth they obtain from it will be very considerable and huge. There are many immortal cultivators who are very proficient in detecting treasures even if they are buried deep underground. , can also be easily mined and found by them.

In war-torn times, those dead corpses and innocent souls floating around are also resources in the eyes of immortals. For example, corpses can be refined into zombies, and innocent souls can be refined into powerful magic weapons. The power is quite good, but they only need to be consumed. There are simply too many mortal lives.

There are also some evil cultivators who can actually create some ritual formations and use the flesh and blood of a city's people to refine some powerful magic weapons. Once such evil cultivators appear, they will be the targets of countless decent people. , but it is inevitable that some so-called decent immortals will make the decision to sacrifice a large number of mortals after weighing and troubling. After all, in the eyes of some immortals, mortals are like ants, and it doesn't matter how many they die.

all in all.

Immortals have selfish motives and desires. Peace in the world is not necessarily what they want to see. On the contrary, every game of dragon chess makes them excited and looking forward to it. Obviously they see the benefits and room for operation, Wei Lan The actions of the Chamber of Commerce have seriously affected their interests and blocked their financial path to pursue their interests.

The so-called person who destroys a person's financial path is like killing his parents.

So some immortal sects began to get together privately and discuss how to deal with the 'Azure Chamber of Commerce', and their attitudes were quite fierce:

"The Azure Chamber of Commerce is looking for death. Some businessmen just want to destroy our layout. This is a daydream."

"The core of the methods adopted by the Blue Chamber of Commerce is to spend money and resources. It has spent hundreds of millions of taels of silver in various ways to please the people. However, no matter how generous the Blue Chamber of Commerce is, there must be limits. Even if they No matter the cost, it is probably just pushing back the era of fighting for dragons by thirty to fifty years. No matter how rich the Azure Chamber of Commerce is, they cannot support an empire for decades. When their money is burned out, the empire's various chronic diseases will return. It appears quickly and will collapse quickly. There is absolutely no solution to this problem."

"That's right, the world must be divided if it is united for a long time, and it must be united if it is divided for a long time. The prosperous and chaotic times alternate up and down. No one can go against the general trend of the world. Since this Azure Chamber of Commerce wants to do something against heaven, we can only obey the will of God and slay the demons. Damn it, as long as we send some good hands to kill the dozens of businessmen in this chamber of commerce, their tricks will no longer be able to continue, and we can take over the Wanbao Tower and many industries. With this alone, we You can get at least hundreds of millions of taels of silver benefits, and the benefits will be even greater later.”

"Although it is not good to fight and kill, those are just some outside businessmen with evil intentions and ulterior motives. When we get rid of them, we are actually getting rid of harm for the people and the world. The people will definitely thank us. Only We are really doing it for them.”

"Hey, those of us who live in the Immortal Mountains have been hiding from the world for too long. We didn't expect that the changes in the mortal world have been so great. However, the rules and order established by us immortals cannot be challenged by anyone. , only we are qualified to play chess, and we should let this so-called Azure Chamber of Commerce see the power of our immortals, let them see the true power, and let them recognize their identity as ants."

A few days later.

A group of immortal cultivators, hiding their identities and disguised themselves, ran into the capital, made some preparations, and were surrounded by the faint Wanbao Tower.

This night, early in the morning.

Outside Wanbao Building.

A group of people were dressed in black and holding various magical weapons in their hands, faintly showing a murderous aura.

Among the men in black, a leader said in a deep voice:

"I will give the order later, and you all will follow me into the Wanbao Tower. No matter who is in the building, anyone who resists can be killed. After clearing the crowd in the building, they will be set on fire and set on fire. This building will never be allowed. Continue to exist, huh! If you dare to be enemies with us immortals, this is what you will end up with!"

"Yes!" The men in black responded.

"Okay, that's it. Everyone, follow me in and destroy this Wanbao Tower. If you can take the goods inside, take them. If you can't take them away, destroy them!"

The leader shouted.


"There are countless treasures in the Wanbao Tower, and they are all ours!"

"Haha, it's a pity that there are no beauties in it, otherwise I could take care of several beauties."


In a murderous voice.

Hundreds of monks rushed out together, rushing towards the building in front of them from all directions.

However, it was not close yet, still forty or fifty meters away.

On the top of Wanbao Tower, a large number of thin straight light beams suddenly lit up, illuminating the surrounding area like daylight. Then, there were multiple purple high-energy light beams, which shone on the heads of several attackers. A few tenths of a second later , these attackers fell to the ground like logs, with a small black hole in the middle of their heads, and traces of white smoke coming out, but they were completely dead, and their abilities were not used to 100%. One of them fell here forever.

Puff puff puff~

The laser beam attacks very quickly.

On average, a target is killed every tenth of a second.

In less than two seconds in total, hundreds of attackers fell to the ground, with small smoking holes in their heads.

Including the leader with the highest cultivation level, although he was the strongest, the gap was so bad that he took protective measures and even planned to turn around and run away, but in just two seconds, his body had no time to do such a thing. After many reactions, the high-energy laser irradiated his head, breaking through his Gang Qi mask, burning through his scalp and skull, and then causing fatal injuries inside his head, leading to death.

The group is destroyed.

These immortal cultivators who came to carry out the mission of attacking Wanbao Tower ended up being wiped out, and no one could escape. It can only be said that they were blinded by greed, thinking that they could enter Wanbao Tower if they wanted to. Little did they know that in the capital, Countless local gangsters and other people are very dissatisfied with Wanbao Tower and dare not make any mistakes. This is because the laser cannon on the roof of Wanbao Tower killed at least a thousand people who tried to rush into the building. Even during the day, anyone who wants to create chaos and fish in troubled waters will be quickly identified and accurately killed, and evidence will be produced to make you speechless. Therefore, anyone who cherishes his own life will not dare to do so. Challenge Wanbao Tower, this place has long become a taboo that cannot be touched.

Now, a group of immortals, a group of powerful monks, were trapped under Wanbao Tower. Li Lefan and others soon learned about it, and had to hold a meeting to discuss the next countermeasures. (End of chapter)

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