Interstellar for All: Modify everything to create an interstellar heaven

Chapter 17 Modified ferocious beast crystal core, enhanced Buff

With so many eggs from exotic beasts, do you want to eat them until the end of the year of the monkey?

I'm afraid that in the end they will turn into living beads and I won't be able to finish them all.

Su Mufeng was reluctant to destroy them all.

After all, Su Mufeng had just eaten roasted dragon eggs, and Su Mufeng still couldn't forget the delicious taste.

After much thought, he finally decided to freeze these strange beast eggs on the seabed and enjoy them later.

After a lot of trouble, Su Mufeng sealed more than 3,000 alien eggs.

When he calculated this number, even he was shocked.

After eating it every day, I'm afraid I'll get tired of it within a few days.

After all, his planet is full of silicon-based life, and no one eats these things except him and Jagged Six.

Thinking of this, Su Mufeng complained, sitting not far from the "Star Gate", and baked another egg.

Calculating the time, there is still half a day left until Jie Xue Lao Liu completes the reconnaissance mission.

In order to save time, Su Mufeng quickly cleaned up the food and continued to count the supplies.

Among them, there are many animal skins, claws and horns as hard as iron, and tendons as agile as snakes.

In addition, some strange plants, ores, insect nests, etc. were also among the plundered materials.

In order to identify the value, Su Mufeng used the Star Master's authority to identify them one by one, and he actually discovered a treasure.

[Vicious Beast Crystal Core]: The energy core of the vicious beast, which contains the brutal soul of the alien beast. Embedding it on weapons and equipment can increase its power by 50%, but it will bring various negative emotions to the user.

Looking at the palm-sized crystal in his hand, Su Mufeng was moved.

This thing is a perfect match for his silicon-based life army.

Embedding these crystal cores in the "Cyber ​​Warrior" will probably increase its combat effectiveness a lot.

Thinking of this, Su Mufeng raised his hand to summon a cyber warrior and directly embedded the "Vicious Beast Crystal Core" in his chest.

Immediately afterwards, the Cyber ​​Warrior, who had a calm expression and a calm demeanor, actually showed an angry expression.

"Father God is on high!"

"There is too much garbage here, I will come to clean it up for you right away!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the Cyber ​​Warrior's eyes were red, and he fired directly at the remains of the alien beasts on the ground.


While Su Mufeng was analyzing the Cyber ​​Warrior's emotions, he ordered Yuanshi Tianzun to record and observe.

Cannon power increased by 50%.

Mechanical power is increased by 50%.

Sure enough, the power has been significantly improved.

However, the cost is equally clear.

At this moment, the cyber warrior who had always obeyed Su Mufeng actually started to act on his own initiative and destroyed his master's property out of anger and displeasure.

This kind of behavior is very dangerous for subordinates.

Even though it was still loyal to its master, his behavior was completely out of control.

Thinking of this, Su Mufeng raised his hand again, summoned two cyber captains, and easily subdued the out-of-control cyber warriors in front of him.

"Child, this crystal core is not suitable for you."

After saying that, Su Mufeng directly ordered the left and right to remove the "Vicious Beast Crystal Core" from the Cyber ​​Warrior, and he soon returned to normal.

Picking up the ferocious beast crystal core in his hand again, Su Mufeng became very interested in it.

Such a small crystal can actually affect the personality and emotions of silicon-based beings.

If the negative emotions can be erased through modification, the Cyber ​​Legion will surely become even more powerful.

So, Su Mufeng looked at the crystal core, condensed his thoughts in the palm of his hand, and directly inspired his modification talent.

[The "Vicious Beast Crystal Core" has been detected and requires at least 1,000 points of planetary energy to be modified. Do you want to activate the talent modification (SSS)? 】

"Activate talent modification (SSS)! Consume 1,000 points of planet energy!"

Soon, the originally transparent ferocious beast crystal core turned directly green in Su Mufeng's palm.

[Vicious Beast Crystal Core·Gluttony]: The energy core of the vicious beast, which contains the brutal soul of the alien beast. Embedding it on weapons and equipment can increase its power by 50%, but it will bring infinite hunger to the user. , making it want to devour everything.

It was a random negative emotion before, but after the modification, is it a single negative emotion?

This kind of ferocious beast crystal core is useless.

The side effects of overeating are even more terrifying.

Su Mufeng even doubted that once Captain Cyber ​​was equipped with the "Gluttony Core", he would swallow all his companions.

So, Su Mufeng continued to search for "Vicious Beast Crystal Cores" among the plundered supplies, and this time he actually found two more.

"Activate talent modification (SSS)! Consume 2000 points of planet energy!"

This time, Su Mufeng consumed twice as much energy and finally changed the color of the "ferocious beast crystal core" again.

[Vicious Beast Crystal Core·Jealousy]: The energy core of the vicious beast, which contains the brutal soul of the alien beast. Embedding it on weapons and equipment can increase its power by 50%, but it will bring unlimited vanity to the user. , making him jealous of everything that exceeds him.

Another terrible side effect.

Su Mufeng looked at the two ferocious beast crystal cores in his hand, one green and one blue. He gritted his teeth and directly consumed 3,000 points of planetary energy to modify another "ferocious beast crystal core".

"Three times the energy, I don't believe that miracles can't happen with great force!"

[Vicious Beast Crystal Core·Diligence]: The energy core of the vicious beast contains the pure soul of the alien beast. Embedding it on weapons and equipment can increase its power by 50%, and at the same time, it will bring strong self-discipline to the user. Sex makes them tireless and work hard.

Seeing the "Vicious Beast Crystal Core" blooming with brilliance in his hand, Su Mufeng was particularly satisfied this time.

Diligence is really a good quality with no faults.

Although the diligence of the Cyber ​​Warriors deserves recognition, who doesn’t want employees to work overtime every day?

The harder you work, the more you can squeeze out.

So, Su Mufeng was satisfied and embedded the "Diligence Core" into an infrastructure madman.

[Name]: Infrastructure Maniac · Diligent Pile Driver (can be modified)

[Talent]: Flexible Piling (Lv2)

[Loyalty]: 100 (locked)

[Skills]: Multi-angle wall breaking (Lv2), ultra-high pressure telescopic (Lv2)

[Combat Power]: Bronze Level

[Equipment]: Beast Crystal Core·Diligence (power +50%)

Before Su Mufeng could study his attributes carefully, a stream of urgent thoughts came directly from Diligent Pile Driver.

"Father God, please assign work to me quickly!"

"If I don't work with high intensity, I feel uncomfortable all over."

Hearing these words of tiger and wolf, Su Mufeng was speechless.

He must be satisfied with such a perverted work enthusiasm!

"Actually, I have always wanted to build a modern city on the continental plateau of the Eastern Hemisphere."

"Father, don't worry! I'll take the brothers and dig the foundation together in the Eastern Hemisphere!"

Seeing the diligent pile driver and the unhappy excavator in a hurry, Su Mufeng smiled.

It must be said that these "ferocious beast crystal cores" that affect character have huge modification value.

Diligence, frugality, generosity, justice, etc. are all qualities that are very suitable for your legion and can greatly enhance the strength of your legion.

At the same time, negative traits such as gluttony, greed, anger, jealousy, etc. are not completely useless.

Thinking of this, Su Mufeng picked up the "Gluttony Crystal Core" and "Jealousy Crystal Core" in his hand and thought to himself.

These negative crystal cores that I can't use myself should be very useful if I use them to harm other people.

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