As the staff were busy, work ships were dispatched again.

They shuttled busily around those blind spots, installing formations one after another.

These newly installed formations are like pearls, illuminating those originally dim blind spots.

When the last formation was installed, there were no dark areas on the map of the entire star field.

All places were covered by the light of the formation, forming a bright sea of ​​stars.

Seeing this scene, Su Mufeng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that he spent a lot of planetary energy as resources to make up for these blind spots, but it was all worth it.

Because now, the entire star field has been covered by his formation. No matter how the star masters of Sakura Country or Great Cold Country resist and provoke, he is confident enough to deal with all challenges.

"Very good." Su Mufeng nodded with satisfaction,

"Send the order and get all fleets ready. We are about to start the next step!"

The only disadvantage of doing this is that Su Mufeng spends more planet energy as resources.

But what Su Mufeng lacks most is planetary energy.

...In the deepest part of the interstellar heaven, in a majestic hall, Yuanshi Tianzun is standing in front of a huge holographic screen.

A map of the entire star field was displayed on the screen, and each of the dense dots on the map represented a Lingshan Teleportation Array installed by Su Mufeng himself.

Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes swept across the screen, looking at the small dots of light, his eyes flashing with excitement and excitement.

He knew that the completion of the installation of these formations meant that Su Mufeng's plan had taken the most critical step.

"Now, our Lingshan teleportation array is finally complete!"

Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but said loudly,

"No matter how far the transmission distance is, as long as the object enters the jump space, it can complete the jump within 10 seconds! This is simply a revolution!"

His voice echoed in the hall, full of excitement and pride.

The staff nearby also echoed, with smiles of excitement and joy on their faces.

"Yes! With these Lingshan teleportation arrays, the strength of our interstellar heaven will be even higher!"

"You no longer have to worry about the teleportation distance! No matter how far the distance is, you can reach it in an instant!"

"Master Su Mufeng is so amazing! He was able to come up with such a formation!"

Listening to the admiration of the staff around him, Yuanshi Tianzun's heart was filled with pride.

In the core area of ​​the Interstellar Heaven, on a huge platform made of special alloys and energy crystals, the Lingshan Teleportation Array exudes subtle yet powerful energy fluctuations.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Su Mufeng stood side by side, their eyes fixed on the holographic screen in front of them. The screen displayed the map of the entire human star field, as well as countless flashing teleportation nodes.

"Did you see it? This is the power of the Lingshan teleportation array!" Yuanshi Tianzun pointed at the nodes on the screen excitedly,

"As long as the space is stable and does not enter a combat state, any unit within the coverage of the Lingshan teleportation array can complete the space jump within ten seconds! This is simply more advanced than any known teleportation technology!"

His voice was full of pride and excitement, as if every word was vibrating.

Su Mufeng next to him was relatively calm, but his eyes were also shining, and he was obviously very satisfied with the results in front of him.

"Yes, this is the core part of the Honghuang Plan."

Su Mufeng said lightly,

"The completion of the Lingshan Teleportation Array means that we have taken the most critical step. The next step is to upgrade the Fuxiqin Interstellar Communication Network. Only in this way can we truly realize instant communication and rapid response in the entire human star field. "

Hear "Fuxiqin·Interstellar Communication Network"

With this name, a trace of awe and expectation flashed in Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes.

He knew that it was another masterpiece of Su Mufeng and an indispensable part of Honghuang's plan.

"Upgrade the Fuxiqin interstellar communication network?"

Yuanshi Tianzong repeated it again, and then nodded vigorously,

"That's right! We must complete this step as soon as possible! Only in this way can we truly unleash the full power of the Prehistoric Plan!"

In a spacious and bright control room in the interstellar heaven, a huge holographic screen displays complex interstellar networks and constantly beating data streams.

Su Mufeng stood in front of the screen, frowning, while Yuanshi Tianzun watched with concern.

"Although the current "Fuxiqin Interstellar Communication Network" is very advanced, it is still far from meeting our needs. "

Su Mufeng said in a deep voice, his fingers crossed in the air, and the data flow on the screen changed accordingly.

"We need to cover the entire human star field with network signals and provide seamless network services to every star owner. But this means that we must solve the problem of tight storage, bandwidth and CPU resources, and at the same time, we must accurately locate the entire human star field. domain, penetrating those signal blind spots.”

After hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun nodded: "Indeed, this is a problem!"

Su Mufeng turned around and looked at Yuanshi Tianzun:

"I have an idea. We can improve the data processing capabilities by upgrading the "Hetu Luoshu·Interstellar Quantum Computing Center" and at the same time optimize the "Haotian Mirror·Star Area Monitoring Sky Eye" and "Kunlun Mirror·Interstellar Navigation and Positioning System" Algorithm to achieve precise positioning and signal penetration of the entire human star field. "

"To achieve the first goal and improve network coverage, we do have a way."

Su Mufeng pointed to the formation distribution map on the screen.

"Using these formations throughout the human star field as fulcrums, we can easily cover network signals to every corner."

Yuanshi Tianzun stopped and looked at Su Mufeng:

"What about the second goal? Storing the entire human race's data is no joke. How big a storage device do we need? I'm afraid even the current technology of the Interstellar Heaven will be difficult to achieve, right?"

Su Mufeng nodded slightly: "Yes, the second goal is indeed very challenging. To store such a massive amount of information, we need a new storage technology."

"New storage technology?"

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Su Mufeng doubtfully,

"Do you have any ideas?"

Su Mufeng sat on a high-tech floating chair, while Yuanshi Tianzun stood in front of him, both of them staring closely at the holographic screen in the middle.

"The Zerg's thinking speed is countless times that of the human race."

Su Mufeng spoke slowly, each word clear and powerful.

"We need to capture a few Zerg broods above platinum level to serve as the main brains of the processor."

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