1000 years.

What Yan Xia wanted appeared faster than he expected.

In the 358th year of his hibernation, the first creature that recovered cell memory appeared.

It did not immediately publicize anything, but walked into an ordinary building on Proxima c. This is a store. It often comes here and behaves no differently than before.

The only thing is that it wants to defecate a little, so it went to the toilet of this store and came out half an hour later.

After a while, the service machine of the store walked in and took out a needle that was only two or three centimeters long and as thick as a hair from the gap on the side.

It put the needle into its body and then carefully studied and observed it inside its body.

It analyzed the underlying logic of cell awakening memory and studied its replicability.


After studying a large number of hundred-eyed people, Ella's biological science has grown greatly. Cells are like naked women in front of it, without any secrets.

It cannot reproduce the experience of the first creature whose cell memory has been revived in another creature.

However, the research still allowed it to gain valuable experience, increasing the probability of cell memory recovery from 0.000014% to 0.072%.

Originally, 14 out of 10 million organisms were needed to appear, but now, 72 out of 100,000 organisms can appear.

Year 2.

An infectious disease broke out on the entire planet Proxima c.

The disease infected more than 80% of the organisms on Proxima c in just 2 months, and then a vaccine appeared.

All organisms on Proxima c were vaccinated.

The 384th year of Yan Xia's sleep.

A political split occurred within Proxima c, forming a distinct left and right.

The left supports welcoming alien civilizations and forming an alliance with alien civilizations, so as to resist the risk of invasion by other alien civilizations in the future.

The right thinks it is nonsense. The alien civilizations that exist now are invading civilizations. The other side just wants to enslave them without bloodshed. As long as they surrender, they will inevitably become losers.

Although nearly 400 years ago, most creatures had hoped to welcome the alien civilization that created the tower, after all, such voices were not acceptable.

It was not until this time that the ruling class of civilization began to split.

The most important reason was that the descendants of those who awakened the cell memory became the ruling class of civilization.

Yan Xia never placed his hopes on the creatures that returned from the tower, but on the creatures affected by the cell memory resuscitator.

Yan Xia was in his 397th year of sleep, and it was also the year 5217 AD in the human calendar.

It has been 3180 years since the extinction of mankind.

A small-scale war broke out on Proxima C. The casualties in this war were only in the tens of thousands, but it determined the pattern of the left and the right.

In the same year, the right was forced to leave Proxima C, forming a planetary confrontation pattern.

Then a long hundred-year war began.

The number of casualties in the hundred-year war was not large, and it was more of an ideological confrontation.

At the beginning of the Hundred Years War, the Proxima civilization entered Proxima b and Proxima c at the same time. The arms race between the left and the right was vigorously developed, and top scientists in various related fields emerged like mushrooms after rain.

Proxima civilization achieved a leap from level 1.8 civilization to level 1.9 civilization in 100 years.

The civilization tower is still outside 30 AU.

The right wing sent a large fleet to destroy the tower with more advanced weapons.

However, the left wing sent a large fleet to stop it.

In the final stage of the Hundred Years War, the war reached its climax. The war killed and injured more than one million people, which completely stimulated the contradiction between the left and the right.

In 5326 AD.

After 9 years of silence, Proxima b launched a sneak attack on Proxima c, causing the largest dark matter energy factory on Proxima c to be destroyed and exploded, and a huge bowl-shaped pit with a diameter of 70 kilometers was blown out on the surface of the planet.

Proxima c suffered more than 100 million casualties.

The impact of this sneak attack was extremely far-reaching, laying the foundation for Proxima b's continued weakness for 300 years.

The left took the opportunity to rise up and vigorously promoted that the right was the destroyer of civilization, absorbing more talents, and at the same time supporting civilians in large quantities, making the quality of life on Proxima c better than that on Proxima b.

Almost in the same year, some novel things appeared on the shelves of Proxima c shopping malls.

These things initially only provided entertainment, and then began to quickly attack the category of life, quickly becoming a trend.

The most important of these is the architectural aesthetics of human beings.

The newest buildings on Proxima c are all high-rise buildings that conform to human architecture.

At the same time, the food eaten by the civilization began to change. Some foods were accompanied by some unprecedented seasonings, some of which were okay, and some were extremely ugly.

Others were retained, and those that were not good were eliminated.

The retained ones became more severe over time, which was a kind of taste taming.

Although in the war stage, Proxima b and Proxima c continued to communicate, and these things were also transmitted to Proxima b, and the entire Proxima civilization fell.

When the 300-year advantage period of the left wing passed.

A creature returning from the tower claimed that he had reached the top of the tower and received the gift of civilization.

The right wing detained the other side, using this technology to discover high-energy dark matter, and first used it in war.

Its energy is three times stronger than the low-energy dark matter originally used, and the Proxima civilization has entered a new stage again.

The right wing captured more than half of the territory of Proxima C with an overwhelming advantage.

This is a great victory for the right wing. The left wing was suppressed and could not raise its head. There were even creatures from the left wing who arrived at the tower and begged the civilization behind the tower for help.

But there was no response.

However, at this time, any creature that entered the civilization tower would obtain an unheard-of technology after coming out.

The left wing sent a large number of fleets to protect the civilization tower and enjoy these technologies exclusively.

Countless technologies poured into the areas controlled by the left wing, and then from these areas to the entire civilization, allowing the left wing to make a lot of money, and the average income was almost three times that of the right wing.

The right wing was furious, and launched a clearing war against the left wing 20 years later, intending to eradicate the left wing.

This time, the strength of the left wing has been depressed to the freezing point, almost becoming a small organization.

Since then, the 826-year-long civil war of Proxima civilization has ended.

The right wing that did not support the acceptance of the civilization tower won.

However, the right wing did not destroy the civilization tower, but continued to send people in to obtain knowledge and technology.

In more than 800 years, the Proxima civilization has also had 16 generations of new and old.

The high-level civilization leaders who were once extremely vigilant about the tower have long died, and the new high-level civilization leaders have grown up surrounded by the things they got from the civilization tower.

The tower is no longer something that needs to be destroyed.

From the beginning, there is no difference between the left and the right.

In a small store, a robot is stacking goods. In its camera, the goods in front of it are all like the earth civilization it is storing.

It looks outside.

Streets, buildings, street lights, clocks, robots, robot pets, clothes and accessories on creatures...

Everything seems to be the appearance of human civilization.

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