Yan Xia is not in hibernation all the time.

In fact, he will wake up for a while at a specific time, not for chatting, but for learning and progress.

As the saying goes, one can learn until old age, and he needs to keep up with the pace of technological progress in order not to be left far behind.

"Yan Xia, are you pretending to be young?"

Ella's voice came into Yan Xia's ears.

It was a miniature headset, and Yan Xia did not answer, just watching a Kate professor in the classroom giving a lecture.

He is now a student.

In the student days of most humans, they yearn for a society that makes money.

But when entering society, everyone will recall their youthful and ignorant student days.

The pressure in society is much greater than that in student days, including economy, marriage, and work.

The same is true for Yan Xia, or because of a longer time, he misses the past more than ordinary people.

After listening to a class carefully, Yan Xia picked up the materials and left the classroom.

"I'm not pretending to be young, I just miss it."

"Besides, isn't school the best environment for learning? Listening to you talk about knowledge, it's often like a heavenly book."

Ella's angry voice came from the headset.

"I use a lot of computing power to perfectly analyze various technologies for you. Humph, it's obviously your own intelligence that is not good enough!"

I don't know when, Ella has learned to talk back.

And Yan Xia has also adapted to her talking back.

Just like a father looking at his children, talking back is also part of daily fun.

After putting the information away, Yan Xia started running on the playground. Over the years, he has developed a habit of exercising.

The playground can see the school gate, on which hangs a few crooked big characters.

[The First College of Yanhuang Civilization Special Zone]

When this name was chosen on Earth, it was a bit tacky and old-fashioned.

Now those two words carry more weight.

"Yan Xia, I don't understand, since you miss the culture and history of Earth so much, why do you oppose the addition of a history department to the school?"

Before Yanhuang College was built, Yan Xia planned the majors in Yanhuang College.

The first thing to be rejected is history.

"History is a manifestation of self-confidence for me, or for anyone on earth."

"In the 21st century, after the wars in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, mankind needs to explore history to find something from history to amplify national self-confidence and get rid of the shadow of war."

"China has a history of 5,000 years. The longer the history, the more profound the heritage."

"History is a subject given by the times, but for the new humans, they have never seen it, and have never heard of it from their parents since childhood. They only think that they are the advanced civilization of the Civilization Federation."

"A story of primitive civilization is dross, illusion, and unattainable fantasy to them."

"It's okay to serve as entertainment, but as a professional knowledge to study systematically, it's just a waste of their time and their talent."

"Now human beings need to move forward and focus all their attention on the front."

"We are far from the level of composure on Earth. If we don't move forward, we will eventually be destroyed by other civilizations."

Yan Xia stopped panting, and his body was covered with sweat.

Although he denied the Dark Forest Law in his heart, he would not think that other civilizations were as "hypocritical" as him. More civilizations would directly choose to destroy other civilizations.

The light civilization and the third civilization of Nanmen No. 2 Middle School, these two super civilizations are terrifying just by showing a corner.

Reminiscing about the past, that is something that can only be done in the comfortable era.

Yan Xia sat under the shade of the tree beside the playground.

"Yan Xia, do you want some water?"

A young man wearing a white T-shirt and with hair long to his jaw handed over a bottle of water.

Yan Xia took it and drank it down without being polite.

"You run so well, it's a pity not to join the track and field team."

The young man sat next to Yan Xia and sighed.

He is a member of the track and field team, named Bai Ning. Since seeing Yan Xia's excellent pace when running, he began to win over Yan Xia.

Bai Ning is the person Yan Xia talks to more often in school.

"But that's true. You're not unpopular like us, using running to attract girls."

"Although you look ordinary, you have a kind of temperament inexplicably. I heard that many girls like you secretly."

Yan Xia is not using her original face now, but the simulated skin made by Ella, which is only 1 micron thick. It can only be seen under a microscope when it is attached to the original skin.

The two talked about topics that boys like to talk about.

Fitness, games, wild imagination and girls.

Yan Xia and Bai Ning chatted for a while, and Bai Ning left first because he had something to do.

"Sometimes it's good to have a few friends."

Talking to people makes Yan Xia feel relaxed, especially talking to humans.

"Don't forget, they are all your descendants."

Ella's words are always inappropriate now, which makes Yan Xia have the urge to beat it.

"Including you..."

The preamble is over!


School time is a relaxing daily routine.

Yan Xia has other purposes when he wakes up this time.

"Has the robot production reached the quantity?"

Ella's voice answered seriously in the headset: "Almost!"

"I have been studying the technology of the third civilization for these years, so you can rest assured."

Ella studied the quark-level energy conversion device of the third civilization, and also began to imitate it and apply its technology to another field.

——Biological robots

Biological robots are not robots with biological characteristics, but robots that can enter biological bodies.

Finally, 20 years ago, this technology made a breakthrough and reached the level of usability.

The robot is at the picometer level, 1,000 times smaller than the nanorobots imagined by humans in the 21st century.

The only bad thing is that the smaller it is, the more difficult it is to manufacture, and the more it is needed.

"The number of pico robots has reached 1 trillion, which is barely enough."

"It should take about 10 trillion robots to achieve the best effect."

"These robots are also medical robots. They can actively repair minor injuries in your body, regulate hormone levels, and even design and modify genes at an extremely small level."

"After injecting these robots, your life span will be greatly increased, from the original 600 years to about 850 years."

In fact, Ella already has more advanced genetic technology, which can make Yan Xia's life span reach a higher level.

But Yan Xia was unwilling to lie on the operating table for another year without feeling, so he refused. After all, his life span is still enough now.

This year, his physical life span has just reached 107 years old.

As he said, a robot walked in from outside the school and came to Yan Xia's side.

It held a box in its hand, and Yan Xia took the box and opened it.

There was a syringe inside, and the tiny syringe was filled with transparent liquid, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

Yan Xia picked up the needle and inserted it into his vein, injecting all the liquid in the needle.

A cool feeling instantly spread from the injection site to his whole body.

In almost 10 seconds, he became energetic and the effect was immediate.

The empty needle was put into the box and handed to the robot, which turned and left.

Everything happened in just 1 minute, and no one even noticed this.

"Not bad."

"Let's speed up the popularization later. First complete the full injection among humans, and then Kate civilization and light-chasing civilization."

Humans are the priority.


"But it seems that the time has come. You still have two classes in the afternoon, Yan Xia!"

Ella reminded.


Yan Xia stood up and walked towards the classroom.

A gust of wind blew in, the dense leaves rustled, and the light spots flickered back and forth in the shadows of the trees.

Students walked towards the teaching building one by one, and Yan Xia also mixed in and became one of them, humming a song "Childhood" and enjoying this rare campus.

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