Interstellar Immortality: Live long enough to dominate the universe

Chapter 46: The first prototype mecha, the cosmic epidemic

Ella built a giant research institute for herself in the Special Zone.

The institute is located 300 kilometers northwest of Yanhuang College and is built in a mountain range.

This mountain range is called Walizi, which is a transliteration of the language of Kate civilization. The entire mountain range is only more than 2,300 kilometers long. It consists of three ridges and looks relatively "fat" as a whole, with a horizontal length of more than 410 kilometers.

In the mountains with an average altitude of 1,173 meters, stands a giant pot-lid-shaped building with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers. It is snow-white and the outermost part is a circular glass corridor.

Yan Xia followed the robot controlled by Ella in the corridor.

There were only him and the robot in the wide white corridor.

Ella stopped in front of a white wall, then bumped into the white wall, and unexpectedly merged into the wall like magic.

Yan Xia would certainly not be scared by such a thing.

Nowadays, Ella's technology can already produce lifelike holographic images. This white wall is just an alternative "door".

He then crashed into the wall, and the scenery in front of him changed instantly.

The originally empty corridor turned into a research institute with hundreds of machines, where a large number of mechanical, flesh, virus and other research were carried out. Everywhere you look, there is a lot of intensive work and noisy sounds, as if the silence just now was just an illusion.

Ella walked slowly.

"The area here is very large. I spent more than 200 years to build this place. All the equipment is the top I can reach."

"Yan Xia, you can tell me anything you want at any time, and I can produce it for you, including a woman."

This is indeed a mixed research institute.

Yan Xia even saw a legendary monster similar to Chimera in a steel laboratory.

This thing is much more difficult to make than his space creatures.

"What plan are you currently carrying out in biology?"

Yan Xia asked curiously, and did not answer Ella's previous question. It can also be said that he deliberately avoided it.

Moreover, is this really something to talk about?

"Mythology revival!"

"In fact, I can create any form of creature, no matter how strange its appearance is, excluding those extraordinary abilities in mythology."

"The fundamental purpose of myth revival is the same as your gene bank plan, which is to explore the mystery of genes."

"Can organisms also use a certain organ to generate electromagnetics, or simply, can organisms directly control the four basic forces."

Yan Xia, who knows biological knowledge, knows that this is a very long-term study.

Now they use a device as large as an asteroid to conduct in-depth exploration of the four basic forces. It takes thousands or even tens of thousands of years to concentrate these things.

Not to mention letting weak biological cells control them.

This plan is parallel to his plan.

As they chatted, they walked to the door of a laboratory. After entering, there was no other noisy sound here.

The room is not big, only 200 square meters.

There are various instruments, wrenches, screwdrivers, electric drills... hundreds of pieces of rich variety on the walls around, just like a studio, not a research room.

This is simply a romantic love room for men. If someone likes machinery, Yan Xia thinks that if he recruits one and doesn't pay him a salary, he will be happy to let him sleep in this studio every day.

However, Yan Xia only took a look at the wall and fixed his eyes on the center of the studio.

This is an armor with a black surface, a soft armor with countless small scales as the lining, and a thin metal sheet on the outside. At first glance, there is no sense of science fiction. Instead, it is more like an ancient battle armor, but the style is more modern and rational.

However, I realized that this is indeed a mecha when I got closer.

The height of the whole mecha alone reached 2.2 meters, which is obviously not the height of an ordinary human. Under its shell is a large number of sophisticated mechanical structures.

"The entire armor body is made of light civilization metal. Although I don't want to admit it, this is the best metal we can use now."

Ella introduced on the side.

"If we want to be stronger, we must control the four fundamental forces, see the world of strings, and control strings to create basic elements."

"The appearance of the mecha helmet is based on the helmet in ancient Chinese history. After slight modifications, it has a more sci-fi feel. It is a perfect combination of science and ancient equipment."

"The armor is light armor, streamlined and slim. In order to ensure the flexibility of the joints, some compromises have been made at the joints, reducing the defensiveness."

The armor on the abdomen does use a lot of active structures. The overall look is like thirty or forty rows of abdominal muscles, and the chest armor is not a piece of iron, so that it can be guaranteed to lean forward and backward as much as possible after wearing it.

"Appearance is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the functionality of the mecha."

"Its helmet has an oxygen production device inside."

"On any planet with gas, you don't need to carry a gas tank. If it is a planet without gas, you can also find water or other oxygen-containing substances to analyze and extract oxygen atoms. This function greatly increases the survivability of the mecha wearer."

"If there is nothing around, then there is nothing you can do. Only a piece of metal oxygen is prepared in the helmet, which can keep people going for 5 to 7 days."

"This mecha is a prototype and does not carry too many weapons. Its only weapon is an electromagnetic device, which can provide electromagnetic shield, electromagnetic attack, electromagnetic acceleration and other functions."

"Referring to the 20th century science fiction comic Iron Man, this mecha has an electromagnetic device in the palm of each hand, which can achieve the same flying ability as Iron Man. At the same time, there is a laser hole at the end of the index finger. The laser can be used as a cutting weapon and an unexpected hidden weapon."

"The energy method of the mecha itself is still very different from that of Iron Man."

"In order to be light, the mecha itself does not have any separate energy storage, but uses densely distributed energy storage devices throughout the mecha. 193 tiny devices can capture energy, that is, the mecha can be charged instantly, and the energy used is the abundant dark matter in the universe, and it is almost impossible for the mecha to run out of energy. "

"In terms of the overall performance of the mecha, it can provide 16.2m lifting force, 2.1m gripping force, 418m/s ground speed under 1g gravity, and 1227m/s flight speed under the concentration of the earth's atmosphere. The joints of the mecha can be locked, and it can withstand 182m pressure, 31km water depth pressure, 4000 degrees high temperature, and -211 degrees below zero. "

"The strongest attack power index of the mecha is 10,000 TNT equivalent, the maximum defense coefficient is 890,000 TNT equivalent. Strictly speaking, nuclear bombs do not have the ability to destroy the mecha. In terms of radiation protection, the mecha also performs very well, reaching level 3 indicators, and can withstand 96% of the high-energy radiation impact of the universe. "

"Under stress, hormone stimulation can be achieved inside the mecha, allowing the mecha wearer to have a short-term burst of thinking power, while unlocking the mecha performance 100%. "

"The mecha also provides functional suspended animation, ensuring that the mecha wearer enters low-function sleep in extreme cases, and sends distress signals to the surroundings to increase the survival rate. "

"There is a A small host can provide computing support for the mecha wearer when necessary, including but not limited to data analysis, technology manufacturing, and knowledge search. "

"Later, the mecha can be equipped with drones to achieve wider information coverage and map drawing..."

"This is just the first generation of mecha, codenamed 00. After it is put on the market, the prototype will be strengthened in all aspects after market feedback, and will become the main individual equipment of the Civilization Federation Army."

"Now it is actually practical, Yan Xia, do you want to try it?"

Yan Xia nodded. In fact, he wanted to wear it the first time he saw this mecha.

He walked forward, and the entire chest and abdomen of the mecha opened automatically to provide wearing space.

Just when he was about to enter the mecha, Ella suddenly received a message.

"The Interstellar Explorers Association has received news that a cosmic epidemic has infected a large number of explorers and spread to the interior of the civilization. The cause of the disease cannot be detected, and the sick will die in extreme pain within 2 days."

"It has been confirmed that the infectious disease is Class A and is highly contagious to humans, the Hundred Eyes, the Kates, and various animals and plants. The number of infections detected so far is 7 million, and it is still increasing exponentially."

Yan Xia's face changed.

This will be a catastrophe.

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