Interstellar Immortality: Live long enough to dominate the universe

Chapter 55 Neutrino string weapons, 1000 battleships

In addition to a large amount of combat information, the information transmitted by Kag also includes information on detecting the opponent's energy type.

[Wall] is indeed mainly an application of electromagnetic force.

In this case, we only need to consider using a kind of uncharged high-energy particle to directly penetrate the [wall] to attack the enemy.

But there is another problem.

All particles in the world are affected by the four basic forces. The enemy has a stronger means of applying the four basic forces than they do. So how can we bypass the enemy's other defense lines?

The answer is after the enemy has used this kind of force, before a new wave of energy storage process.

This is the only opportunity that can be seized.

The combination of the front and back allowed Yan Xia and Ella to discuss this plan.

God's Rod!

The seemingly ordinary metal chisel actually has a very strong technological content.

Ella watched.

I saw those chisels approaching the enemy warships rapidly.

The enemy deployed the [wall] as expected, and they were afraid that the chisels were hidden with high-energy weapons.

But the [wall] was useless.

At this time, the purple creatures in the warship relaxed their vigilance, because the [wall] could not block it, which meant that it was not high-energy in itself, but just a drill. They only needed to guard against the kinetic energy it carried.

Weak civilization!

Weak resistance!

Just use laser weapons to melt it and defeat its remaining resistance.

This is not their arrogance, but the terrifying gap brought by technology, just like the soldiers of the 21st century against the natives of the Stone Age.

The lasers on the warship bombarded the metal drills, and the surface of the metal drills really began to break and melt.

But at this time, a smaller drill core broke out of the shell. It was more like an upside-down nail, less than 20 meters long, and continued to fly towards the warship at a faster speed of 41,000 km/s.

The purple thorn civilization already felt something was wrong.

They continued to attack with lasers, but countless lasers actually penetrated the drill without causing any impact on it.

What happened?

An unexpected situation occurred.

They immediately wanted to attack again with gravitational waves. After all, as long as it is matter, it is impossible not to be affected by gravity.

But they found that it was too late!

That thing was almost close, less than 7 million kilometers away. At such a close distance, it was not enough to activate the gravitational device.

They changed their tactics.

Since gravity is not affected, then use the other two forces.

Strong force and weak force!

However, the strong force was released and still penetrated directly.

They instantly thought of a possibility.

Could it be - elementary particles?

The brazing rod is composed of elementary particles that are not affected by strong forces, and the only particles of this kind that are easier to find, capture and use in the universe seem to be neutrinos.

Neutrinos are only affected by weak forces and are made into a macroscopic object. The speed must have used a technology close to "strings" to "glue" them together.

Due to the increase in mass after gluing, its speed also began to decrease, and it could not reach infinitely close to the speed of light.

Then use weak force!

In almost half a minute, the purple creatures responded and activated the weak force device they are best at.

Since the energy required is much smaller than the energy used to create gravitational waves, it only takes 23 seconds to open.


The weak force field opens from the surface of the warship like a sphere, and collides with the neutrino binding beams within 5 seconds.

However, a series of things like nail heads suddenly appear in front of the neutrino binding beams, and countless black holes are generated around the neutrino binding beams, blocking a large amount of weak force influence.

It's those quark creations!

The explosion lasted for 10 seconds.

The neutrino binding beam penetrated the weak force field!

Finally... reached the surface of the spacecraft.

Directly penetrated, the neutrino's restraining force instantly reached the extreme, super-compressing it instead of releasing it.

Because neutrinos are too small, they can penetrate almost any object, and they can't affect any object. Every living thing or matter is penetrated by hundreds of trillions of neutrinos every second.

But after controlling the "string", more strings can be added to the neutrinos, just like adding or stripping electrons from atoms, causing them to change.

This was also the first application of Ella after she mastered the string.

It was very crude and could only make neutrinos produce a certain degree of "string fusion", transforming neutrinos into other elementary particles, and then combining them to form more macroscopic matter.

These substances, due to their instability, will instantly produce fission, fusion, decay and other joint reactions, releasing a lot of energy.

And the result is...

The neutrinos that penetrated the battleship completed these transformations in an instant, and blew up the entire battleship of the Purple Thorn Civilization from the inside.

The tens of thousands of purple creatures on the battleship couldn't believe it.

With their technological level, it is of course easy to understand this.

But they never thought they would encounter this kind of weird weapon with layers of code.

Moreover, when did their enemies master the "string"?

This is a question that they can't figure out, but before they can figure out the answer, the terrifying energy has swallowed them up.

5 years, the time when the enemy's spacecraft arrived at the Nanmen II binary star system.

"Natives" defeated "civilization".


More than two months later, Yan Xia received a message from Ella.

"The plan went well!"

But he did not relax, because the war was not over yet, or it had just begun.

The [wall] in the Longshe Star Region still existed. The [wall] had a large range, and it was impossible for there to be only one 10,000-meter-class U-type battleship in it.

But after the plan went well, he could finally leave the center of the earth.

He walked to one side and opened a door in the room, and inside was a cockpit.

That's right, the place where he was dormant was not an isolated small space, but a spaceship hidden in the center of the earth.

The melting point of light civilization metal is 87,000 degrees Celsius, and the temperature inside the planet is mostly only a few thousand degrees Celsius. Even a massive rocky planet like Proxima c has an internal temperature of only 13,000 degrees Celsius, and the spaceship can exist here.

Yan Xia sat in the driver's seat and started the spaceship.

Next, he would spend 5 months to get out of the center of the earth along the elevator tunnel built before.

And then he would leave the Proxima star system.

Because the enemy is already on the way.

The Hundred Eyes Fleet is on its way to the Long Snake Star Region.

Their speed is much slower than that of the enemy warships. In the eighth year, they have only flown 0.19 light years. It will take a long time to reach the Long Snake Star Region.


As they sailed alone, a string of black dots appeared in front of them.

These black dots kept rising through the telescope.

All the Hundred Eyes in the fleet felt that their life signs no longer existed.

Those dense black dots were all warships.

And each warship was exactly the same as the warship they faced before.

One warship was enough to destroy them and the Kate civilization, but now there are hundreds, no... a full 1,000.

Can they, or the civilized federation they have not seen yet, resist such a huge fleet? Can they defeat it?

Before they could marvel and panic.

Countless lasers hit them.

The warship was broken.

Tens of thousands of Hundred Eyes were instantly frozen by the cold in the universe and died!

The huge fleet passed by them at a distance of about 9 million kilometers, without even slowing down.

The entire fleet of the Hundred Eyes had been shattered, and all the huge warships were destroyed, with only a few scattered spaceships and fighter planes.

Kuka sat in a fighter plane, watching the fleet's backs going away, and then looked around.


A strong sense of depression enveloped its heart.

It can't be defeated!

Should I escape?

It was wavering in its heart.

However, at this time, it received another message without any emotion.

"Go to the Long Snake Star Region!"

Perhaps there is really a glimmer of hope!

It began to summon the surviving compatriots and continued to move towards the Long Snake Star Region.

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