Interstellar Immortality: Live long enough to dominate the universe

Chapter 58 Strengthening the body, life span 100,000 years

340 years have passed since the exploration spacecraft was sent to Tiancang V.

The news of the exploration spacecraft has not been sent back yet.

Ella has carried out a new round of biological revolution and woke up Yan Xia.

It poured the tea it had recently cultivated for Yan Xia, which was sweet and not too bitter, more like drinking a tea beverage.

It finally abandoned the silicone robot and replaced it with a more refined bionic man.

This time, the appearance is different from the cute style of the virtual image. This bionic man is more like a capable female boss with a heroic short hair, very royal sister style.

However, it is wearing a maid outfit, which is a sense of contrast.

"Master, you should know that whether it is fish, birds, beasts, or amphibians, their skin is actually the same thing in essence."

Yan Xia nodded because he had just woken up and had not yet reacted.

"Human stratum corneum, hair, fish scales, bird feathers, lizard scales, these things are actually two types of keratin, α-keratin and β-keratin."

"To put it bluntly, it is actually the skeleton of the cell."

"These skeletons are closely combined and stacked together to form a protective layer for all living things on the earth."

"Strictly speaking, hair and scales are all cell secretions. For example, fish scales are attached to the fish skin, not grown on the fish skin."

"So, when you ask me this question, you mean that the new technology is related to the skin?"

Ella hummed.

"That's right, my master!"

"Skin is the largest organ in the human body and also the human defense layer."

"Ella couldn't do anything with this defense before, because if it is strengthened, the skin will become hard, like the exoskeleton of an insect, and then become slow."

"It's different now. Since the Kates were biologically mutated by the Purple Thorn Civilization, in order to restore them, Ella's first string application has made a breakthrough in the biological field."

"Master, Ella can now keep your skin as soft as it is now, while being able to resist virus invasion and even various radiation in the universe, so that you can adapt to the environment of any planet."

Yan Xia finally reacted when he heard the word "master" again, and he shuddered. It was too corny.

"Ella, return to normal!"

"I'm not used to you like this."

Ella's bionic face covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Okay, master!"

Yan Xia found that as Ella's computing power increased, it became more and more like a normal creature.

Although he was one of Ella's developers, he couldn't explain this phenomenon.

Has Ella changed from quantitative change to qualitative change and become a real mechanical life, or are these vivid expressions and clever words all its simulation calculations?

This is an extremely difficult philosophical question, and it is almost impossible to get a result.

Yan Xia decided not to think about it, because Ella, at least now, seems to have no intention of leaving him.

That's enough.

Back to the original question, Ella's technology is undoubtedly a major breakthrough.

Whether on the Hundred Eyes Star or on Proxima Centauri, Yan Xia always asked Ella to pay special attention to one thing, that is, viruses.

The diversity of biological viruses may cause a life to be invaded by viruses when entering an unfamiliar environment, and kill it.

The human body is always attacked by foreign viruses and various radiations, so humans cannot live to the limit of their lifespan.

"It should be more than that, right?"

Since the string is applied, it seems a bit childish to only prevent radiation and viruses.

Ella guided Yan Xia to the new biological research institute that was built in the past 100 years.

"Of course."

"At the microscopic level, your stratum corneum will become tighter, and the gaps in the keratin mesh structure will no longer be so large, becoming visible only at the quark level."

"They will become chain-like structures with extremely strong flexibility."

"At the same time, they can also absorb kinetic energy, allowing your skin to resist the attack of ordinary armor-piercing bullets."

"Combined with the quark robots I imitated from the Third Civilization and the Purple Thorn Civilization, these robots will strengthen your genetic level in your body and serve as the work of repairing and manufacturing cells."

"With the combination of internal and external, your life span will also be extended to 100,000 years."

The 100,000-year limit is actually just due to the loss of quark robots.

This solution can also extend the life of ordinary people without changing their genes.

But the human cell structure is too fragile to reach a stronger physical level at the same volume, so the genes still need to be modified.

Strengthen the body.

This is actually what Ella has been studying for a long time, in order to make Yan Xia no longer as fragile as ordinary humans.

There are too many dangers in the universe. For a human body, falling from a height of 10 meters may lead to death.

Now their goal is clear.

Conquer more civilizations.

So they need stronger bodies.

Why not just find a star and stay there?

Because after reaching level 2, the development of civilization requires more and more resources.

If a civilization that has just entered level 2 only needs to perfectly utilize the energy in one star system, then level 2.1 needs 10, level 2.2 needs 100, level 2.3 needs 1,000... level 2.9 needs a full 1 billion.

And now Yan Xia and his team have no galaxies to support their energy, so their civilization level has only reached level 1.8 in terms of energy.

String technology has just started. If you want to use this most basic material force in the universe, you must have terrifying energy as support.

Just like a game, without levels, even if your game skills are at the king level, can you still go against level 6 at level 1?

The span of civilization is often more terrifying than this.

What you have to face at level 1 may not be the purple thorn civilization with full level 6 skills, but the 16th level with full god equipment.


You must continue to develop and expand in order to be stronger than the enemy before the enemy arrives.

Yan Xia and Ella agreed that receiving the remnants of the purple thorn civilization would be faster than developing alone.

Moreover, as a Level 2 civilization, the Purple Thorn Civilization dared to expand on such a large scale and even deployed "quantum coordinate anchors", which meant that there were no other high-level civilizations around as threats, which also provided them with a guarantee.

Yan Xia accepted Ella's transformation for 2 months in the biological laboratory.

After that, Yan Xia, as a qualified leader of the Civilization Federation, changed his face and worked as a professor on the Hundred Eyes Star for more than ten years.

Year 353.

The information from the detection spacecraft was finally transmitted back.

After opening the long-awaited envelope, Yan Xia and Ella both laughed.

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