Interstellar Immortality: Live long enough to dominate the universe

Chapter 60 Go to Tiancang V to explore the superluminal particle

Just a few months passed quickly.

Yan Xia boarded the Tiangong.

The brand new spaceship was still a bit unfamiliar to him.

Due to the large number of trade-offs made inside Tiangong for kinetic energy, the space is a little more cramped than that of Hope, but even if the original production area is abandoned, it is still large overall.

The control room retains the design of the Hope, which is extremely bright and white enough to make people suffer from snow blindness.

After all, the starry sky is already dark enough, and Yan Xia doesn't want to stay in a cramped little dark room.

Amid farewells and cheers, the Tiangong sailed away from the Hundred-Eyed Star with 80% of the warships on the Hundred-Eyed Star.

In addition to the main ship Tiangong, the entire fleet also has 302 warships.

Due to technological innovation, Ella has made the warship larger, and the length of the smallest warship has exceeded 2,000 meters.

The reason why going bigger instead of shrinking increases speed.

Because small means insufficient storage space and insufficient energy loading, which means insufficient firepower.

If the warship is not big enough, wouldn't it be sending rice to others if it flies over like this?

Entering the starry sky again, the harsh summer feels fresh after a long absence.

"New civilization means new fun. After staying on the Hundred Eyes Star for a long time, although technology is changing rapidly every time it wakes up, there is always some aesthetic fatigue."

Yan Xia is now dormant and no longer even wants to enter the world of "Shenqi". After all, he has been in it for almost 2000 years.

A game can be played for 2000 years. This does not mean how fun the game is, but the perseverance of the people who play the game is too strong.

Perhaps Yan Xia still has human genes in her bones, and she is a little too fond of the new and dislikes the old.

Ella rarely agreed with Yan Xia's thoughts on this aspect.

“Isn’t the yearning for the universe derived from the fantasy of the vastness of the universe?”

“Every discovery of civilization is like the discovery of a good new book by a book-hungry man.”

This kind of problem is no longer difficult for Ella.

"By the way, how is the research on tachyon?" Yan Xia asked.

Ella has been exploring new science and new possibilities over the years.

After discovering "strings", they naturally wanted to delve deeper into "string theory".

In string theory, the universe has 10 dimensions, which can also be called 9+1 dimensions. The first 9 is the dimension of space, and the last 1 is the dimension of time.

Ella uses strings to find the other six spatial dimensions except time in addition to the three-dimensional space we are in, which are the so-called Calabi-Yau space.

Calabi-Yau space contains 6 higher spatial dimensions, but unlike common sense, higher-dimensional space does not mean that it is larger than the three-dimensional space we live in.

In fact, space is a vague concept.

In string theory, our universe is a membrane embedded in a higher dimension. It can be simply understood as if the four-dimensional space is a cube, then our universe is a surface on it.

Although our universe serves as an upper surface, in fact four-dimensional space or other high-dimensional space is curled up in a very small scale.

They are like pearls on a pearl necklace, connected by strings.

The theory may seem complicated, but in fact all Ella needs to do is explore the Calabi-Yau space.

Because in the three-dimensional, or 3+1-dimensional space-time of this universe, the speed of light is the physical limit.

If it is in a higher dimensional space, then this is not necessarily the case.

Just like the quantum coordinate anchor of the Purple Thorn civilization, quantum entanglement is used to obtain information faster than the speed of light.

What Ella was looking for was Yan Xiawen's tachyons, also called tachyons, which came from a hypothesis.

That is, there is another universe in the universe composed of particles with speeds exceeding the speed of light.

In this cosmic space, a particle with zero energy moves at infinite speed. The more energy it acquires, the slower it moves. It is not until it acquires infinite energy that its speed slows down to the speed of light.

If the energy it obtains approaches 0 infinitely, then its speed will also be infinitely fast.

Mathematically, tachyons exist.

So Ella believes that tachyons may exist in the Calabi-Yau space.

This is what it has been delving into recently.

But the Calabi-Yau space is not the basic substance that makes up all matter, such as strings, but a type of space whose detection does not require an extremely small microscope, but can only be detected through theoretical means.

Because as three-dimensional objects, they cannot perceive the existence of higher dimensions. Even if the energy of the entire universe is applied, they cannot escape from three-dimensional space to four-dimensional space or two-dimensional space.

Unless that civilization has reached level 4 or above, it can already control a universe, or even break away from this universe.

This is obviously not a height that Ella can reach.

But closed strings can penetrate the membrane and reach other time and space. Ella can use closed strings as a means of detection.

That is equivalent to if I throw a ball towards a transparent object and the ball passes through the object, it proves that the object does not exist. If the ball disappears, it proves that there is indeed an object there.

After that, Ella will also detect the 10th spatial dimension.

Since various theories of type 1, type 2, type 3, etc. appeared during the exploration of string theory, someone proposed M theory, which added another basic dimension to the original 9+1 dimensional space of string theory. In this dimension , all theories can be simplified and explained by the same theory.

After exploring this space, Ella can truly understand what the space in other dimensions is like.

This is an incredibly complex process.

Because M theory is still an unformed theory in the earth era, it can be said to be just a conjecture and not enough to become a theory.

So this needs to be explored by Ella herself.

After only listening to it for 10 minutes, Yan Xia wanted to go into hibernation for a thousand years to restore the number of brain cells.

Fortunately, Ella has already completed the exploration of the Calabi-Yau space.

"So, tachyons really exist?"

Yan Xia was surprised by the result.

Ella said seriously: "Yes, although high dimensions cannot be reached and observed."

"But I completed the exploration of the high-dimensional world through changes in entropy."

"I induced variables at one end by closing the string, and observed the variables at the other end. Its speed reached 173 times the speed of light in the record."

"Unfortunately, this kind of variable is only the most basic. It is like throwing a stone, but it cannot transmit clear information. Even basic change information such as strength and weakness, zero, and one cannot be transmitted. It can only use the quantum coordinates of the Purple Thorn Civilization. Anchors act similarly.”

Research on tachyon communication can achieve information disparity in the vast space of the universe.

This information gap is particularly important, whether it is applied in war or in the management of the vast star field after the establishment of the Universe Federation.

After hearing this, Yan Xia felt that tachyons had much greater development potential than quantum.

Because the movement of quantum particles is random, tachyons can be controlled.

This is a technology that Yan Xia attaches great importance to, and he decided to focus most of his resources on it.

I just hope that Ella can have a flash of inspiration, and then their technological level can be taken a step further.

Staring into the deep universe.

Yan Xia also hopes that everything can be within easy reach.

It’s just that they are too small compared to the universe, and the knowledge they possess is still too limited.

But the first step has already begun.

As long as you keep moving forward, you will reach the end.

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