Ella got the news more than ten years later.

After ruling Gillis 581, it did not rush the fleet to attack, but rested and stayed on Gillis 581 for decades to build and integrate the new civilization into the Civilization Federation.

This is a necessary link. Yan Xia wanted a tight civilization structure, not a loose colony.

At this time in Tiancang 5, Ella was working on another plan.

This plan is called the "Jianmu Plan", which can also be called the "World Tree Plan".

In the legends of the East and the West, both are sacred trees that connect heaven and earth. The most important word is big!

The "Jianmu Plan" was not implemented by Ella herself, but was proposed by Yan Xia.

Because Yan Xia has been thinking about one thing, how to make the interstellar creatures they created have a habitat in the interstellar, otherwise the vast universe will not be able to reach another galaxy even if the lifespan of these creatures is increased to 100,000 or 1 million years.

They will be like a fish in the sea, which can only exist in one galaxy, and thus cannot develop diversity.

After all, these creatures are not created to build zoos, but for genes.

So Yan Xia proposed a plan to cultivate plants in the universe.

This plant will take root on a dwarf planet and grow. They grow by absorbing radiation energy and elements of the dwarf planet. Because the universe is very cold, they will need heat in the early stages of growth. When they grow up, they will let the outer skin die to form a warm layer, and continue to grow inside to stretch the outer shell, and pile up layer by layer repeatedly.

Why a dwarf planet?

Because it is large enough, the interior of the dwarf planet may have heat due to high pressure, providing conditions for the growth of such plants.

When it enters the mature stage, the tree will completely absorb all the absorbable substances in the dwarf planet, and it will grow to a height of 500,000 to 1 million meters.

At this time, the tree itself will form high temperature and high pressure inside due to its huge mass, and grow stably.

Even if it dies in the end, these trees will be frozen by the cold space and become evergreen trees.

In fact, it is difficult to achieve.

The survival rate of these trees given by Ella at the beginning was 0.0014%, and the maturity rate was 0.00067% on this basis. When the two were multiplied, the probability was pitifully small.

But with just a slight change, the survival rate can be increased to about 5%.

That is to actively cultivate with the help of high technology in the early stage, rather than letting these plants grow passively in the universe.

After the first generation, the technology began to be gradually withdrawn, so that these plants can adapt to the environment of the universe. In this way, after about 200,000 to 300,000 years, Yan Xia's imagination can be realized.

Although life is tenacious, the universe is not gentle.

After the initial construction of the capital was completed, Ella began to focus on this direction and cultivated a giant tree that grew on an asteroid.

The cells of this giant tree can reach the best growth rate when there is sufficient nitrogen, hydrogen, helium and oxygen.

In the seedling stage, it can grow 1710 densities per day. After 40 years, it will enter the growth stage. During the growth stage, it can grow 33,800 densities per day. After 1300 years, it will enter the mature stage. During the mature stage, it can grow 2.1 million densities per day.

The lifespan is calculated according to the size of the asteroid or dwarf planet it is attached to. As long as there are resources on it, the tree can grow infinitely like cancer cells.

In fact, the cells of this giant tree are indeed made by Ella to study cancer cell genes. As long as the resources are not exhausted, it will continue to grow until it breaks through the limit of gravity and is destroyed by the strong internal pressure.

This size is about 40 trillion densities, which is less than 600 kilometers in height. Theoretically, a larger dwarf planet can allow Jianmu to grow to this limit.

The first Jianmu cultivated by Ella looks similar to a banyan tree. Its trunk diameter has reached 147 meters and its height exceeds 1890 meters. This giant tree has just gotten rid of the seedling stage and entered the growth stage.

There are many things like aerial roots hanging on the tree, each of which is one or two meters thick and has many small holes on it. The small holes will secrete solid gas. A small amount of these gases will escape into the universe, and the rest will always hang on the aerial roots, waiting for creatures to pick them.

After the Jianmu matures, it will also bear fruit. Each of these fruits has a diameter of 400~500 meters. There are no seeds in their fruits. The seeds of these trees grow in other seed buds. These seed buds will use air pressure to eject the seeds when the seeds mature, allowing the seeds to fly to the distant stars.

After hitting an asteroid, dwarf planet or even a planet, the seeds will begin to germinate under suitable temperature conditions.

Each of these seeds is only the size of a thumb. A tree will produce seeds once every 30 years, and the number of seeds each time is calculated in millions.

"Not bad!"

Almost a hundred years have passed when Yan Xia saw this tree.

This tree is in line with his imagination. If it were not for the fact that space is too cold, he even hopes to build an ecosystem on this tree, which would be even more mythical.

"We seem to be creating myths now."

There is a saying that the end of science is theology.

Yan Xia agrees with this, but the theology he is talking about is not the kind of mysterious theology, but the miracles created by science.

These miracles could have been called miracles in the past!

"In fact, it is difficult for this kind of tree to grow naturally, Yan Xia!"

Ella reminded the excited Yan Xia that they might have created only a toy that would be short-lived.

"Who knows, Ella, isn't the fun of the universe infinite possibilities?"

"It was created, so it already has the possibility of transforming the universe into a real forest."

This sense of anticipation is the source of Yan Xia's joy now.

Yan Xia confirmed that it would be boring if people lived too long. After all, the world could not always create new things. When all things have been experienced, they would fall into a state of sage.

Time will dilute everything, including what they originally loved and liked.

Yan Xia is now trying to find new fun.

"I want to live for a few decades when I wake up this time, just like when I was a student and a professor before."

"The developing civilization may give me enthusiasm."

Ella gave Yan Xia a suggestion.

"How about going to the Interstellar Explorers Association?"

"Something new happens there every day."

"Perhaps, there will also be a protagonist of an era in our civilization? Excellent young people will always push the entire civilization forward at some point."

"Their voice is as bright as a star."

Yan Xia thinks it's okay. He goes there not only to relax, but also to see the needs of the bottom of the Civilization Federation.

It is not enough for a qualified superior to keep developing. He also needs to keep the entire civilization healthy. This health is not only physical, but also mental.

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