"Is the boss here?"

"Can you repair the mecha?"

A Hundred-Eyes outside the door shouted with a device that converts light signals into sound.

A middle-aged man walked out of the store.

"What mecha do you want to repair?"

The Hundred-Eyes said: "We Hundred-Eyes cannot wear ordinary mechas, so we have to wear liquid metal mechas."

"Recently, there have been some malfunctions in its memory. When the metal is transformed into a mecha, there will be some small flaws, which reduces the integrity of the mecha."

The emergence of liquid metal is indeed a blessing for the slime-like Hundred-Eyes.

Yan Xia remembered that after the appearance of liquid metal mechas, a large number of Hundred-Eyes were driven to become explorers. Until now, the number of new explorers has not decreased, and it is still increasing with the increase in population.

After all, who doesn't yearn for the stars and the sea?

"Liquid metal?"

"Let me see first."

Because of the huge size of the Hundred Eyes, they can take all the liquid metal into their bodies. At this time, they use the quark robot in their bodies to control and force all the liquid metal out, forming a silver and black intersecting sphere.

Yan Xia picked it up, and then asked the Hundred Eyes to open the license so that he could use the liquid metal.

When it turned into a mecha, it was indeed incomplete, and there would be jams during the transformation.

In theory, liquid memory scriptures will not have such problems. They can change into a certain state in memory through memory, but with the popularization of liquid metal, more DIY appearances will appear, which will accelerate the aging of liquid metal.

After all, liquid metal is still metal. It has all the characteristics of metal such as strength and hardness, including metal fatigue, that is, a piece of metal will break after bending and changing.

Compared with ordinary metals, this kind of fracture of liquid metal is difficult to judge with the naked eye, and removing the fatigue-damaged parts is also a technical job.

"Your mech has aged a bit, and the estimated cost of repair is 14 energy coins."

This is not a lot of money for individuals who can afford liquid metal mechs.

"The repair time is 72 human hours."

The Hundred Eyes had no objection, took a ticket and left, and came back to get it in a few days.

Yan Xia also put the mech in a special device for removal. The repair fee does not include the cost of replenishment. After the liquid metal is removed, the owner needs to buy liquid metal of the same quality.

When Yan Xia was free again, some sounds came from the other side.

It sounded like a performance show. No matter what era, spiritual needs will never disappear, and unlike technology, spiritual things change very slowly. Even ancient things will glow and heat up again after being dug out.

The content of this performance show is a magic show.

Yan Xia is also very novel. He can use current technology to analyze the mystery of magic, but he has never done so.

Because it is like a difficult game, analyzing magic is equivalent to flying directly to the finish line with cheats.

For any entertainment, the most important thing is the fresh process. If you care too much about the result, you will lose the fun.

Yan Xia saw that there were not many people in the store now, so he went to that place.

There was a central hall of this interstellar port, and a stage was set up at this time. This was allowed, and only a sum of money was required.

This magic team had many members, including the Kate tribe, the Hundred Eyes tribe, humans, and even the Colored Stone tribe and the newly conquered Qi (qi) Shui tribe.

The Qi Shui tribe lived on a planet full of oceans. They looked more like fish, with a pink appearance, a flat head like a door panel, and a huge filter in their mouths. There were a lot of mesh structures inside, which they relied on to filter microorganisms for food.

Their bodies were very small, only the size of a basketball, and the head alone occupied two-thirds of the body size.

They could not leave the liquid or liquid carbon dioxide.

At this time, a Qi Shui tribe was put into a container and swam freely inside.

The Kate tribe performed a big cut, and the huge size reduced the possibility of hiding it to a very low level, so when it was cut apart, it made the people around it amazed.

Then it was a human, wearing a tall hat, and took out a cute furry animal from the hat. This was already a well-performed magic trick, and the audience below was not surprised.

But then everyone was surprised, because he actually used a metal rod to command a very thin piece of paper to fly in the air. This is actually not difficult to do, just use a magic line.

But the problem is that this piece of paper can fly very far under control and can change into any shape you want, and even turn itself into a paper airplane in the air and fly around the hall.

Many things can actually be done, but the problem is that this is a piece of paper, not a large remote control toy.

"Ella, how do you think this is done?" Yan Xia asked.

Ella was puzzled.

"Didn't you say you didn't want to reveal the mystery of the magic?"

Yan Xia naturally didn't want to be spoiled.

"So just answer my question without calculations. This kind of discussion is still acceptable."

Ella's voice was humming for a long time.

"To be honest, I can't think of it."

"After all, there are too many possibilities. Why not attribute it to supernatural powers? Maybe this is not magic at all, but magic."

There are always magicians who use magic as a cover to deceive Muggles' pockets.

But Ella doesn't have to guess anymore, because the other party made a mistake and seemed to be a little unskilled. It was a small metal device hidden in the hair.

"It was actually controlled by thoughts."

"That piece of paper doesn't look like ordinary paper."

"Ella, I thought of a supernatural power that can be realized..."

As long as you find its flaws, it's easy to figure out its principle.

It's just to let the machine read the signal in the brain, thereby controlling the electromagnetic force output of the device, thereby affecting the object.


Ella was a little curious about Yan Xia's ideas. In the past thousands of years, Yan Xia always came up with some novel ideas.

"How about telekinetic weapons?"

"Mental power is ultimately the bioelectricity generated by nerve movement, which can be enhanced through exercise, or rather, not enhanced, but more skilled use of the brain to control objects."

"We can promote a set of such "meditation techniques" to exercise mental power, and then allow creatures to manipulate external objects remotely through some simple techniques."

"Not this thin paper, but some heavier weapons, such as guns, or even a sword."

"With the application of higher technology, it is really possible to take a person's head from thousands of miles away."

Yan Xia became more and more excited as he spoke, because this is something that can be done.

This can also be regarded as part of the development of biological bodies.

If it can be done in detail, it may even be possible to control many delicate things and achieve unexpected results.

"It can indeed be promoted!"

Ella concluded after some calculations.

And it is relatively easy, after all, there is no technical difficulty, but the creatures of the Civilization Federation will have to waste more brain cells later.

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