The entire fleet heading to the Olive Branch Civilization is headed by the Tiangong as the main ship, and 4 10,000-meter flagships as secondary ships.

The remaining 23 7,000-meter battleships, 15 5,000-meter frigates, 12 3,000-meter cruisers, 18 2,000-meter destroyers, and expanded 20 1,000-meter reconnaissance ships, 5 5,000-meter energy ships, and 36 500-meter vanguard ships.

This is basically the configuration of a fleet in the current Civilization Federation.

The entire Civilization Federation now has 17 such main battle fleets, with a total of 2,278 warships.

At the same time, the Civilization Federation is also equipped with 6 reserve fleets, with secondary flagships as the main ships, 10 battleships, 6 frigates, 20 cruisers, 30 destroyers, a total of 402 warships.

These are the main combat forces of the Civilization Federation now, and the remaining combat spacecraft and fighters below 500 meters are countless.

After sailing for 7 light years in the unknown star field, the fleet encountered the first star system.

This star system has not been named because it is too dim. It is a "failed star", also known as a brown dwarf. Compared with a star, it is more like a giant gas planet, so a brown dwarf is also called a sub-star, not a real star.

Because its mass is too low, it may be only 1% to 7% of the sun, so it cannot complete nuclear fusion, and its surface temperature is difficult to exceed 2727 degrees Celsius at most.

Some small brown dwarfs have a surface temperature close to "room temperature", that is, the temperature range where humans can survive.

Having said that, a star is a star after all, and the smallest mass is several times or even dozens of times that of Jupiter, and it can also emit light and heat, which is much more comfortable than a giant planet with a surface temperature of -100 degrees Celsius.

In Yan Xia's field of vision is a brown dwarf with a diameter of 670,000 kilometers (the sun is 1.39 million kilometers) and a mass of only 3.67% of the sun.

"This brown dwarf has 13 satellites, the largest of which is 72.54% of the Earth's mass, and the second largest planet is 30.11% of the Earth's mass."

"There are relatively abundant water and methane resources among the 13 stars. This sub-star system has certain development value. The largest planet is close to the habitable zone, and the surface temperature can reach more than -150 degrees Celsius, which is satisfactory."

Ella pointed out some advantages and disadvantages of this sub-star system, but for Yan Xia, this is still a reliable first stop.

"Then let people develop it as an outpost."

"This brown dwarf has rich hydrogen resources, and nuclear fusion energy can be developed. Dyson cloud is not needed. The light and heat of brown dwarfs are too low. Whether it is photoelectric or thermoelectric utilization efficiency, large-scale development can't even make back the cost."

"By the way, I heard that several star system development companies have appeared in the Civilization Federation, and they have reached a scale of one billion energy coins."

"In the future, dwarf planets can be sold directly to these companies, and they should be happy to accept it."

Any star system in the Civilization Federation belongs to the Civilization Federation, not to individuals.

Yan Xia is setting a new precedent.

Selling low-value brown dwarfs can enhance the confidence of those companies to explore the starry sky.

Exploring the starry sky is very profitable for explorers now, but for large companies, the profit margin is still a bit too low.

If you can own a star system, even if it is only a sub-star system, it is enough to attract many companies and chaebols.

"Name this brown dwarf SC-1, the first stop of the Silk Road."

"Keep going."

Yan Xia did not leave soldiers here to develop.

First, this place is too poor. Second, this place is close to the Civilization Federation. When Ella sends the information back and auctions this sub-star system to those corporate chaebols, they will naturally come here to develop within a hundred years, and may even transfer a large amount of resources here and make it their home.

Those companies or chaebols will think that this will allow them to escape the control of the Civilization Federation.

But for Yan Xia, this is nothing. As long as all these places are included in the star field of the Civilization Federation, then what they think is just a joke.

The second stop is relatively close.

SC-2 is a relatively large red dwarf with a surface temperature of 4600 degrees Celsius and a mass of only about 0.27 suns, which is a little more than twice that of Proxima Centauri.

The only pity is that this star system has only one planet, and its mass is only 1.2 times the size of the Earth.

Not being in the habitable zone can be solved, just correct the position.

The good news is that there is water on this planet.

In fact, it is not surprising. Hydrogen and oxygen are common elements in the universe, especially hydrogen. Most stars are mainly composed of hydrogen, and its abundance ranks first in the universe. The same is true for oxygen, which ranks only after hydrogen and helium.

It can also be said that the creatures on Earth rely on water and breathe oxygen, which is inevitable.

Just like the nine civilizations in the Civilization Federation now, in addition to human civilization, there are creatures in three other civilizations that breathe oxygen.

At this time, there are 11 civilized creatures confirmed by the Civilization Federation, and all of them are carbon-based creatures, because carbon ranks fourth in abundance in the universe, behind oxygen.

Yan Xia hopes to meet some different silicon-based life.

But this is really difficult. The possibility of silicon-based life is too low. Although its abundance ranks 8th, its structure is too simple, its chemical bond connectivity is poor, it cannot store energy, and its metabolism is so slow that it can be ignored. This also limits the intelligence ceiling of silicon-based life.

And the most difficult thing is that silicon is easily destroyed by other types of proton solvents. The water that is widely present in the universe is just like sulfuric acid to silicon-based life.

In short, under natural conditions, the possibility of silicon-based life existing is probably only one hundred billion or even one trillionth of carbon-based life, and its possibility of developing into advanced civilization is even lower, almost zero.

In comparison, elements such as boron and phosphorus are ten thousand times or one hundred thousand times more likely to form life than silicon.

Of course, there are natural states and unnatural states.

Level 2 civilization has actually mastered the ability to create life, which also includes the creation of silicon-based life. At the same time, if the conditions are relaxed a little bit, robots can be included in the category of silicon-based life.

"This star system still has some value, but it cannot be used for resource mining."

"Ella, drop some [seeds] down."

[Seeds], the official name should be Blue Algae No. 1, which has a strong oxygen production and evolutionary ability. It can be said that it is a virus.

It can reproduce in large quantities under suitable conditions, covering the liquid ocean of a planet within 100 years, creating a thick atmosphere for a planet that originally had no atmosphere or a thin atmosphere.

And in the next 200 years, it will begin to try to land, and then begin to evolve into trees, so that every inch of the planet is covered with vegetation.

This algae will have genetic defects after 1,000 generations, and its reproductive capacity will be greatly reduced and return to normal.

[Seeds] are the most important part of Yan Xia's transformation of the star system.

In addition to Blue Algae No. 1, there are Blue Algae No. 2~9, which can produce any gas according to the needs of various organisms.

"Technology really brings convenience."

"Ella, the Jianmu Project has also been launched, and we will add a little more greenery to the Silk Road of the Universe."

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