No wonder sc-19 has a huge debris disk.

The destruction of a civilization still shocked life. Within a day of receiving the news, the entire fleet was silent, and every creature in the Civilization Federation felt a little heavy.

The concept that the Civilization Federation has always promoted is the theory of imagination resources. For this reason, any life in the Civilization Federation must maintain enough goodwill when discovering a weak civilization, and then guide them to integrate into the Civilization Federation.

Therefore, the destruction of civilization is too far away from the reality and imagination of the Civilization Federation, which has caused this psychological gap.

It's like in the 21st century, the whole world heard that a country was wiped out forever on the map.

And will the next one to be wiped out be the Civilization Federation?

This heaviness is a good thing, it will inspire some lives.

"Ella, even if the battleship is destroyed, some lives should be pushed into space when the battleship explodes. The temperature of space will freeze it, and let all fighters go to find the bodies of the intelligent creatures of the civilization."

Ella acted quickly. This is not an easy task. If you want to find a small body in a star system, it is easier than finding a needle in a haystack.

The search lasted for another two years.

Standing in the huge paper library in Tiangong, which is 30 meters high and covers an area of ​​more than 20,000 square meters, Yan Xia is studying with a book "Basic Algebra".

There is a huge floor-to-ceiling window in the library, which is also 30 meters high and 50 meters wide.

Outside is a small rainforest ecosystem. A 30-meter-long oriental dragon (limbless version) is resting, spewing a lot of white smoke from its nasal cavity, which is a bit like flying in the clouds. Yan Xia calls it a fog dragon, one of his little pets.

At this time, the ground in the library suddenly sank, and the surrounding walls began to reverse. Yan Xia stood in a research room like a shadow.

In the research room, a 2-meter-diameter water ball floating in the air bound by electromagnetic force is holding a huge pink tumor, like a bacterium that has been magnified countless times.

Yan Xia put down the book and was stunned when he saw this creature.

"Is this the creature from this galaxy?"

"It doesn't seem to have flexible limbs, so how can it make sophisticated machinery?"

A week ago, Yan Xia learned that life had been found, but it still needed to be transported back, so he waited in the library.

"Most of their genes have been destroyed by cosmic radiation, and the true situation is unknown."

"But what is certain is that their bodies are not the result of natural evolution, but creation."

This is very easy to analyze.

Naturally evolved creatures will naturally have the ability to adapt to the natural environment. Their position in the ecological chain determines what kind of structure their bodies should have, whether it is defense, mimicry, attack, parasitism...

However, this creature does not have any such performance.

Its body structure is too fragile, and it does not have organs that have evolved specifically to adapt to the ecology.

"It is speculated that the creatures of this civilization did not originally look like this, but with the development of technology, their civilization abandoned their original bodies and converted them all into the current creation bodies."

"Although the genes cannot be replicated, it can be speculated that it was about 230 years old when it died. Lifespan may be one of the reasons why they abandoned their original bodies."

"And after studying the wreckage of other spacecraft, it was found that their spacecraft had almost no so-called living area, only a driving area with a diameter of about 1 meter. The things on their body that look like flagella are their nerves, which can connect to equipment to convey information."

This is an alternative civilization that ascends to the flesh.

"And it is very interesting that I found that one of its wounds was healing, so I observed the process of cell division. From the morphological analysis of its cells, its division speed is very fast, 500 times that of cancer cells."

Yan Xia knew that this meant that its regenerative ability was very strong, which could make their bodies not as fragile as they looked.

"Then let's call it the cancer race for now."

"The civilization of this race has reached level 1, but it was destroyed. There must be a reason."

"Ella, can you infer the language type through clues? There should be some data in the wreckage. Let's analyze it and see what we can find."

The communication information of advanced civilizations may be encrypted and contain a lot of complex information. In addition, the signals are directly transmitted by neurons, which also increases the difficulty of language deciphering.

Ella can use biotechnology to simulate the clone of the creature. Although it is different at the genetic level, the general structure is the same, so its communication method can be determined. Then, the information feedback received by the electrical signal in the wreckage device after passing through the cloned biological neurons.

This kind of research is much faster than simply relying on computing power to guess or exhaustive.

"Well, no problem."

"Just give me a little time."

This time is 7 months.

Although it is Ella's accessory, Tiangong is equipped with the most advanced host system of the Civilization Federation at this stage. It still takes so long. You can imagine how complicated it is.

After countless confirmations, Ella generated a sample of the language of the race, which was as thick as three Xinhua dictionaries.

Spiritual language is simpler than spoken language and text in practice, but it is much more complicated to break it down into text. Every tiny difference in emotion may result in two completely different messages.

Especially, this spiritual language also carries the transmission of images.

Yan Xia looked at the opening directory and threw it aside, asking.

"So, have you extracted the information you have?"

Ella shook her head.

"There is information about another civilization, but the cancer tribe has no idea who their enemy is."

"The opposite civilization attacked them almost without any communication when they discovered them. In just 10 years, the civilization was destroyed, and they didn't even know what their enemy looked like."

"The only useful thing is not about war, but a technology that the civilization is still developing."

Ella waved her hand and a screen appeared, on which a 3D dynamic rotating thing was played.

This shape...

Yan Xia thought about it in his head for a while before he remembered what this thing was called.

"Rupert's Tear?"

The molten glass naturally dripped into the cold water, forming a teardrop shape. Its head was extremely hard and could not be broken by bullets, but it would shatter immediately with a slight pinch of the tail.

"Yes, it is Rupert's Tears."

"But it is not Rupert's Tears made of glass, but Rupert's Tears made of electromagnetic fields."

"This civilization can use this technology to increase the strength of one end of the electromagnetic field by 1 million times, but this technology is still in its early stages in this civilization, otherwise it is estimated that it can defend against enemy attacks for a few more years."

This is a good thing.

Yan Xia has already thought of the application prospects of this technology.

And, if the electromagnetic field can make Rupert's Tears, can other things also be made?

For example, in a more microscopic field.

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