"This should be what the cancer tribe looked like before."

"It's a bit like the legendary transformation of angels into demons."

The cancer tribe's san value dropped wildly at a glance, while the light-winged tribe felt very sacred. If it had appeared on Earth 10,000 years earlier, it would have been worshipped as a god, and of course it might have become a luminous food.

Yan Xia took it out of the culture dish and tested it to find that its various physical data were very stable.

After waiting for 2 and a half hours, the light-winged tribe woke up. It first observed the surroundings with its tentacles, and then focused its perception on Yan Xia.

Yan Xia could feel that his body had some tingling sensations under its attention.

Ella appeared on the side.

"The light-winged tribe's electricity is also one of its sensory organs. It can generate a voltage of 3200V to sense the environment within half a meter around it. This talent will be better in water, and the perception range will be expanded to 50 meters."

3200V, if such a voltage is combined with a continuous current, a whale probably can't stand it.

"How similar is its language to that of the cancer tribe?" Yan Xia asked.


Not much, but not a small amount either, which means that a new language catalog can be made quickly, but Yan Xia can't read it. The languages ​​of advanced civilizations are more complicated than each other. Unless the knowledge is directly instilled into the brain, it will probably take a lot of time to rely on pure learning.

Fortunately, there is Ella, and the calculation is much faster.

After constantly trying to communicate with the Light Wings, they analyzed the signals of their emotional expression to make language templates.

A few hours later, Yan Xia, who obtained the Ella version of the translation system, stopped acting.

"Let's talk."

"You don't have to pretend to be ignorant. When I saw your gene model, I knew that your race had hidden something in the genes."

Genes can carry genetic information, which can make organisms know what to do when they are born, and they don't even need to go through the learning stage.

And a deeper step is to hide memories in these genes.

Unlike clones that must have the same memory as the original body, this method of hiding memories in genes does not require consistency. It is more like stuffing some knowledge into genes and letting new individuals inherit these memories. Compared with the former, it is simpler.


The simple message was transmitted and converted into Chinese by Ella.

"I don't want to say it for the third time. If you still do this, then I can only erase your knowledge and memory. You know, you will become my vassal forever."

"My civilization is stronger than the civilization that destroyed your civilization. I need honesty."

From the performance of the war, the Level 2 civilization 100,000 years ago was indeed not as good as the current civilization federation.

After a long silence.

The Light Wings spoke: "This is indeed the biggest threat."

"My name is Xin. From the beginning of my perception of this world, I know that my mission is to revitalize the Light Wings, no matter what means, even if I am humble enough to become a slave."

"The most ideal state should be that a Level 1 civilization discovers the gene model, but it seems that the probability of a Level 2 civilization discovering the gene model is actually greater than that of a Level 1 civilization."

"I can tell you anything you want to ask. I just hope you can give me a chance to continue my civilization."

It became wise. After all, it carried the information of a civilization.

Yan Xia shook his head.

"I don't need to ask anything. We already know what we need to know."

"Not only will I not enslave you or persecute you, I will also invite you to join our Civilization Federation."

All of a Level 1 civilization, this is the greatest value for Yan Xia.

Ella told Xin about the form and scale of the Civilization Federation. Xin was shocked after hearing it. Even after accepting the huge knowledge in his head, he could not imagine how powerful the Civilization Federation was.

The domain spans dozens of light years and has a powerful Level 2.1 civilization with ten civilizations.

"You will become the 11th race of our Civilization Federation. Are you willing?"

Xin did not hesitate.

"Of course."

"Our civilization does not have such formal things."

"You and I both know that rejection means that I have lost my value to you, so I have no right to refuse."

Xin has not experienced the tempering of society and is still a little straightforward.

Yan Xia showed a faint smile on his face.

"This is the best choice."

"I can take you to visit our main ship. I am a human who is very willing to share."


Xin complained in his heart, this is probably a way to show off his muscles.

But it was also very curious about what the civilization that allowed it and its race to recreate looked like.

When it walked out of the laboratory, it felt extremely curious. It looked around and touched things. After walking through a long corridor, it saw a small creature with thick hair and a tail, and it even made a "meow~" sound. It felt so scary.

"That's a cat."

Yan Xia was able to create dragons, snakes, and dragons, so naturally he could also reproduce simple creatures like cats and dogs.

In fact, cats and dogs are now rampant in the Civilization Federation, and have become one of the widely raised non-aggressive pets. However, many people actually like to raise some miniature mythical creatures.

For example, the 2-meter-long golden Yinglong can really fly because of its small size; the palm-sized Pixiu has specialized stomach acid that can corrode metal; the Phoenix, with a wingspan of only 1 meter, can withstand a high temperature of 200 degrees. In the flames, it will quickly generate an egg in its body and be reborn from the ashes...

After that, Xin saw the soldiers in the battleship. It was really a fusion of multiple races. Those soldiers were also very surprised to see it glowing.

Because they all integrated human aesthetics, they were quickly attracted by Xin. They surrounded him and looked around and touched him. Xin was so shocked that he continued to discharge electricity, which directly numbed a group of soldiers.

Fortunately, these soldiers were wearing mechas and had quark robots in their bodies, otherwise they would have died on the spot.

"I'm sorry, I really can't bear such enthusiasm." Xin said with guilt.

Yan Xia waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter. Everyone has a first time."

"The space inside the spacecraft is not big. There are mostly simple and repetitive areas. In fact, I really want to take you around our capital, but unfortunately, we are experiencing a space voyage at this time."

"You can choose to stay here. I will also leave some soldiers in your civilization's original galaxy to develop this place."

"You can also choose to sail with me to see another powerful level 2 civilization and experience the beauty of the universe."

Xin is not that useful to Yan Xia.

The information of the gene model has been transmitted to the Civilization Federation through optical signals. After that, countless Xin will appear in the Civilization Federation, and then let these Xin develop and become the 11th race of the Civilization Federation.

"I choose to sail."

Xin quickly replied, and it seemed to have a resistance to staying here.

Yan Xia did not ask the reason.

"Okay, but we probably have to stay here for a while."

This stay lasted for 34 years.

After all the warships' thrusters had been modified and upgraded, the fleet left here without any regrets.

There were only 2,200 years left to reach the Olive Branch Civilization.

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