The journey of the universe is very long.

Since the first communication, Yan Xia and Xin have almost never stopped communicating.

Any process of accepting new knowledge is endless fun. Xin can absorb the knowledge of advanced civilization from Yan Xia, and Yan Xia can also learn from some achievements of the low-level civilization of the Light Wing Clan.

Because these achievements are of lower level and the threshold is not as high as the science of the current Civilization Federation, it makes it easier for Yan Xia to understand.

"Hiss~ Your human civilization in the Civilization Federation actually has such a powerful mathematical tool as the matrix?"

Yan Xia opened the study to Xin.

He was not afraid that Xin would steal this knowledge.

First of all, Xin was completely under his control, and secondly, it was really not something that ordinary life could do to control this knowledge. It would take decades to thoroughly understand any book here, not to mention that the entire library has 165,285 books.


You have to understand it.

Sometimes it takes several years to understand a small formula, or even a lifetime for a scholar in this field.

Matrix theory is one of them. It is a mathematical tool, a linear equation, and it can also be understood as a table for calculation.

Linear equations have been used in human civilization for a long time. Later, Arthur Cayley studied Gaussian elimination and simplified it by multiplication of blocks. Finally, in the paper "Notes on Matrix Theory" published in 1858, he named this block of numbers and called it matrix.

Matrix is ​​also widely used as a mathematical tool in circuits, mechanics, optics and quantum physics. It can be said to be a "universal tool".

Xin was fascinated by it and fell into it.

"The convenience of matrix in mathematics is simply perfect. Our civilization is accustomed to using complex methods for calculations."

"We think that complex calculations can guarantee the accuracy of calculations, and understand the process to find the wrong point when it is wrong. We have never used such simple tools."

"We are wrong. Simplified tools can greatly improve efficiency. If we have matrices, I think our civilization will not stay at level 1.3."

It began to use matrices to perform a series of calculations like a child who got a new toy.

What Yan Xia didn't expect was that it soon extended the calculation to subspaces.

Subspace is also called linear subspace or vector space in mathematics. It is mainly used to study things with linear space properties and simplify them by putting them in a matrix.

Linear subspace is not a physical space, but a mathematical equation.

To put it simply, it is to simplify things with linear space properties, such as a pen, a cat or a dog, to the same level for analysis. For example, pens, cats and dogs are all made of atoms.

Linear subspace, as one of the contents of the matrix, is also a simplification process.

If we explore human science, it seems that we have been exploring how to simplify a complex thing to the most basic structure, so that 11+11=22 can be simplified into 11 formulas of 1+1=2, similar to this.

As soon as Yan Xia saw the subspace, he thought of the subspace at the physical level.

This subspace can also be called subspace, which is the barrier between antimatter space and positive matter space.

Positive and antimatter space comes from relativity.

This theory holds that there is an antimatter space opposite to our universe, and antimatter will exist in the antimatter space. The physical rules of this antimatter space are different from those of our material space, and even opposite.

If the speed of light is the upper limit in the positive matter space, then the speed of light in the antimatter space is the lower limit.

The time in the antimatter space may be static or reversed, and it may be a four-dimensional space. (The four-dimensional space is not the four-dimensional space-time, and does not include time. The four dimensions here are not the space with four dimensions in space, but another three-dimensional space)

The positive space is infinite, while the anti-space is infinitely small.

These characteristics are very researchable, and they were also a research direction when Ella explored tachyons.

If you want to find tachyons, do you need to find antimatter space?

But the tachyons studied by Ella are not in the anti-space, but in the Calabi-Yau space, that is, in other dimensional space-time.

So now Ella is also studying whether the antimatter space is curled up in the Planck scale like the Calabi-Yau space.

Does it have commonalities with Calabi-Yau space, or does Calabi-Yau space contain antimatter space?

Ella has not found evidence of the existence of antimatter space. Although they have already used antimatter, all of this antimatter is produced by particle collisions, not collected from antimatter space.

All this is unknown.

If they can explore this, they will make further progress in the field of tachyon communication.

Not only that, if it is confirmed that positive and antimatter space exists, then another technology can be developed using positive and antimatter space.

When the positive and antimatter worlds collide to create the curvature of space-time, they can enter the subspace and navigate in the subspace.

This can also be called subspace navigation.

It can be imagined that the original space becomes a sphere in the collision, and the original spacecraft navigates on the surface of the sphere, while subspace navigation is to enter the inside of the sphere.

The distance of sailing inside the sphere is definitely shorter than that of sailing on the surface of the sphere, so superluminal speed can be achieved.

However, the development of this technology still needs more demonstration.

If this technology is available, then the Civilization Federation can explore towards Level 3 civilization in terms of technology.

However, Yan Xia himself is not optimistic.

Because the energy required to achieve subspace travel is too large.

Although the annihilation of matter and antimatter can also create a certain space-time curvature, the total energy released by the largest matter and antimatter annihilation cannon currently produced by the Civilization Federation can only make 1g of matter move forward 1 square meter in calculation.

The energy used to create this kind of space-time curvature is actually not much, and 100kg of antimatter may be successful.

But manufacturing and maintenance are two concepts, just like ultra-micro black holes can be created in particle collisions, but the energy required to maintain these black holes needs to be multiplied by trillions and trillions of times the original base.

To maintain the spacecraft's navigation in the subspace, spatial curvature must be created. The greater the curvature, the faster the navigation speed.

The energy required to maintain this curvature is the same as that of the curvature spacecraft. It can only be achieved by using all the energy of the entire universe as a reserve.

Yan Xia didn't dare to think any further.

At this moment, Ella suddenly appeared in front of Yan Xia.

"Yan Xia, after research and development, Tiangong has realized the Rupert's Tears energy protection technology, and its protection capability is 271 times that of our current energy shield. The only drawback is stability..."

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