Interstellar Immortality: Live long enough to dominate the universe

Chapter 93 Arrival, the first-tier star city of the Olive Branch civilization

Time flies, and time flies.

This sentence seems to be more appropriate when used in the starry sky.

In ancient times, some people dreamed of immortality and longevity, and the emperor was called "Long Live", which were all beautiful wishes.

However, at this time on the Tiangong, the clock next to Yan Xia's hibernation cabin showed the time as 12197 AD.

Since the earth broke apart and fled to the universe, Yan Xia has spent the first ten thousand years, or more accurately, 10160 years.

Although most of the time was spent in hibernation, he has actually lived for hundreds and thousands of years.

Yan Xia did not enter the hibernation state during this hibernation, but his brain remained active to a certain extent, and he had a very long dream.

The earth was not destroyed.

The intensity of that gamma-ray burst was very low, it just made two suns appear in the sky and the ground was a little hotter.

He stayed in the room with his family for a week, and survived the unstable period of the earth's weather with difficulty. Then human society continued to operate as usual, and he went to work as usual.

He and his family get along well. The two elderly people in his family have retired and are enjoying their old age at home. Sometimes they go out to dance in the square or play cards.

His wife gave birth to a daughter for him. Daughters are good these days. The pressure is not so great, and the daughter is so cute.

Everything is like the life of an ordinary person.

He was immersed in this beauty, and then woke up.


Yan Xia rubbed his slightly painful temples. He thought about it during the day and dreamed about it at night. He really missed his family on Earth too much.

Especially his wife. They have been together since freshman year, and then got married. Before the destruction of the earth, his wife was more than three months pregnant, but... everything is gone.

He tried hard to get out, but this pain would not disappear with time. On the contrary, the longer it is, the more he misses it. Although he can't remember the appearance, the emotion of missing is still magnificent, like rivers slowly converging into the sea.

"I really hope the dream is longer."

But it seems that it is fundamentally impossible. When people dream, it means that they have passed the deep sleep state and are about to wake up. That's why people always feel that they were still dreaming the moment before when they wake up.

Yan Xia glanced at the time next to him, but he only stayed for a very short time. Time was no longer important to him.

Then his eyes stopped at a photo on the table. It was a family photo, a family photo of their family. In fact, he didn't have one, but asked Ella to generate an image according to his memory.


He shouted, and Ella was in front of him instantly.

Ella appeared as a card. In the card, it was lazily lying on a red soft couch, covered with jewels, and its plump body exuded mature charm. A belt was tied on the snow-white thighs exposed at the fork of the cheongsam, which showed the perfect leg flesh. Two maids on both sides held banana leaves to fan her. She was dressed like a rich woman.

"New character?"

Yan Xia was already used to Ella's occasional cosplay, but she used to be younger, so this time she looked very fresh.

Ella sat up, revealing two cat ears on her head.

"In the past 2000 years, an entertainment company in the Civilization Federation developed a card game similar to Yu-Gi-Oh that became popular in the capital galaxy. I'm dressed like one of the characters."


Yan Xia had long forgotten that there was such a card game, and the memory of death was hitting his head.

But he quickly put it behind him.

"Now we should enter the star field of the Olive Branch Civilization, right?"

Ella nodded in the card.

"Indeed, we have received the traction light of the Olive Branch Civilization 40 years ago."

"The Olive Branch Civilization is indeed developed. They have set up many satellites on the border of the star field. The number that can be detected alone exceeds 10 billion, and there is one every 0.91 astronomical units. These satellites have complete attack, defense, and signal transmission capabilities."

Yan Xia came out of the hibernation chamber and put on his clothes.

The scene around him began to change. Holographic projection technology had already developed to the point where his room could be turned into a control room without him having to move.

He saw a beam of light with a diameter of about 10 kilometers passing through the fleet on the screen.

"This traction light will guide us to the edge star city of the Olive Branch civilization."

"We are almost there. It is in the main sequence star system ahead."

Yan Xia looked at the distance information. It was about 3 light years away. It was indeed very close. It only took 33 years.

For this, he needed to make some preparations.

The first was to explore the combat power of the Olive Branch civilization in the edge star city. The second was to confirm the attitude of the Olive Branch civilization towards the Civilization Federation. The last was to prevent the Olive Branch civilization from suddenly attacking.

Everything needed to be done within 33 years. Time was still very tight.

Yan Xia fell into a busy state again.


30 years later.

The traction light disappeared, and the destination was already within reach.

With the backlight of the star, Yan Xia saw a long thin line.

This thin line almost divided the star in the background into two.

It is 238 astronomical units long, 1.1 astronomical units wide, and 58.58 trillion square kilometers.

The closer he got, the more surprised Yan Xia was, because that thin line was the edge star city of the Olive Branch Civilization, a huge space city with an area of ​​more than 1.1 billion Earth surfaces.


Only incomparable shock can describe everything Yan Xia saw at this moment.

The heritage of the Olive Branch Civilization was violently displayed in front of Yan Xia.

This is just the edge star field of the Olive Branch Civilization. How prosperous would it be if it was the capital star field of the Olive Branch Civilization?

Not to mention that Yan Xia couldn't think of it, even Ella would probably have to calculate for a while.

"To develop such a huge giant star city, the time required should be calculated in 100,000 years."

"The Olive Branch Civilization has existed for longer than we thought."

The age of the universe is 13.9 billion years, and the Milky Way has existed for 13 billion years. After the Big Bang, the universe became stable, and after tens of billions of years of precipitation, life began to form. It is hard to guarantee that some civilizations are so long that they are terrifying.

Longevity brings prosperity to civilization. Even if the Olive Branch Civilization has not reached a level that the Civilization Federation cannot reach in terms of technology and energy, its scale is definitely much larger than the Civilization Federation.

At this time, Yan Xia overturned the previous speculation that the Olive Branch Civilization was level 2.3 and confirmed that the Olive Branch Civilization was level 2.4.

"It seems that we have to be more careful in future plans."

The fleet approached this huge first-tier star city, and countless eyes in the star city also moved to the fleet of the Civilization Federation.

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